Skynet Architect

Chapter 132 Seeing the Dragon in Tian Jiu

Si Qian, who was pinched with a slap, was about to burst into tears, and her eyes were round when she stared at Si Fan. \u003cщ

"You're getting married tomorrow, and it's really unreasonable for you to go out to play." Si Qian stared at her, she really has the temperament of a tigress. Obviously, she has been with his little husband for a long time recently and has been exercising. The aura of this tigress.

It's not even ten years since there were several changes in personnel affairs, but now it's completely different.

Si Fan was also very helpless, he randomly took a chicken wing from the table next to him, and ate it on the spot.

There is no scruples about the image problem, the delicious chicken is eaten, it feels really good, and Si Fan is also enjoying this delicacy.

It's a lot of fun, but it's really terrible when it's busy.

Only Si Qian didn't care about these things and was still enjoying the food.

This is not normal, Si Qian usually pays attention to her diet.

Looking at Si Qian with a frown, she felt that Si Qian was still weird.

At this time, Si Qian was completely different from her usual feeling, and even made Si Fan wonder if the relationship between their husband and wife was not very clear.

"Are you having a dispute with your brother-in-law?" Si Fan couldn't help but guess that the two of them have changed, which is why, and you don't have to worry about money. Ordinary family conflicts are there is none left.

Si Fan thought in his heart, is it because his sister has too many assets?

This is not necessarily impossible, the identities of the two people are too different.

After a while, Si Fan's brain circuits had drifted to nowhere, but at this moment, Si Qian looked at her brother speechlessly, and he had nothing to say to Si Fan.

"Brother, where are you going? We two are living a good life now. There are no conflicts, and nothing weird happened. It's just a very normal pregnancy." Si Qian was a little irritable and blamed.

Subconsciously, Si Fan turned his head and asked, "Which of you is pregnant."

After asking, Si Fan reacted at that time. Who the hell is pregnant? The bastard who married his sister can't be pregnant, it can only be his sister.

Si Fan turned his head in surprise, looked at Si Qian, and at her stomach.

"You've been here for a few months.

"Si Fan was really surprised.

Si Qian, on the other hand, looked at everything about her, and finally said helplessly, "It's been three months, and I called you a long time ago, but you didn't answer."

Now Si Fan remembered that he really seemed to have heard Donna talk about it recently, but at that time he was exploring the trading system, so he had no time to pay attention to other things.

After finishing these things, he has already devoted himself to the days of fear of marriage, so he doesn't have so much energy to take care of other things.

Everything seemed to be a joke, and everything went down the drain.

How could he not be surprised to see his sister with a big belly now.

Si Qian looked at her brother and put Si Fan's hand on her stomach.

Seeing all this, Si Fan was very surprised, he didn't know why his sister was like this.

"Do you feel that there is a newborn soul here?"

Si Fan nodded.

"Do you feel a new life here?"

Si Fan also nodded.

At this time, Si Qian's expression suddenly changed.

Slapping Si Fan's hand away, "Then why don't you hurry up and get married, and then have a baby with Sister Jian Jia, and you'll know that you're busy with your irrelevant things every day."

Si Fan was stunned, completely stunned, what's going on.

Si Qian didn't talk to Si Fan at all, and just ate desperately there, as if she couldn't get enough to eat. She was completely different from before. Si Fan even suspected that she would gain at least 50 catties after giving birth.

This is the lowest.

Turn around and leave this place of right and wrong, but after walking a few steps, Si Fan has already ordered the red queen to quickly arrange for someone to protect Si Qian, so that nothing goes wrong.

The time is ticking so I don't know how long it has passed, and slowly it will be the time when the lights are first lit, and the night may have come quietly without knowing when.

On the whole island of home, there are already a little bit of starlight.

The island's real home, outside Si Fan's castle, is the moment when the lights shine at night, and there should be a lot of lights at this time.

At this time, it seemed to have darkened, only a few lights were on.

At night, there is often a mysterious taste, the earth is safe, this is almost certain, so people no longer fear the darkness, but enjoy the darkness.

At this moment, some light gradually emerged from the island in the distance.

Behind him, Zhao Jianjia moved his slender feet, approached with a few steps, and sat beside Si Fan.

The location near the cliff here is usually the viewing platform at home.

"Life in the universe is all kinds of strange things, and this plant seems to be too." Zhao Jianjia sighed at the light in the distance, and gradually the flowers in the distance, like fireflies, bloomed with brilliant colors.

Really gradually, exudes a soft light.

The rays of light that I have seen countless times on computer screens, and the wonderful brilliance I have heard about in stories, I have only seen today.

"I'm getting married tomorrow, so it's a warm-up. It's really beautiful, but it's a pity that I can only rent it for one day." Si Fan admired the beauty of the color, and said something not romantic at all with his arms around Zhao Jianjia.

Zhao Jianjia glanced at him, then stepped on his left foot fiercely.

"A beautiful day is also good."

Well, maybe it's because I feel sorry for Si Fan, but I didn't put much effort anyway.

But Si Fan seemed to remember something, and suddenly said to Zhao Jianjia, "Then find this planet one day, and then go to their planet to see it."

This is very happy, Si Fan seems to be able to see this planet in his eyes.

In the distance, the light gradually rises, and the purple light gradually begins to shine, and this kind of light is not like that of the earth, but slowly diffuses, slowly soaking the entire island.

The air seems to have been changed by their rendering, the sunlight in the air shines on the moon, and then reflects on the earth.

When the light shone down, Si Fan looked up at the moon in the distance.

At this time, the bright moonlight hides the greatest danger on earth.

And the two aliens in the center of the island are also looking at the moon, looking at the moon in horror. That is a real danger, and for them, a fatal danger.

They can also communicate, and they can also know some problems.

"This, this should be the Zerg, right? The most dangerous race in the universe, I heard that there were bugs on our planet before, but there were only a few of them, and they were discovered very early, which also reduced our population by one-third One, half the planet has been corrupted."

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