Skynet Architect

Chapter 172 The Moon Moon Six

The power of concentration is very powerful. A person’s idle work in a day may not be as high-quality as one hour of concentration, but people in Uranus can concentrate on work for four or five hours a day. The company has a lot of supporting facilities and leisure and entertainment facilities.

There are all high-level talents here, and they have high requirements for their work. The first thing they consider when they enter the company is how about the company's supporting leisure facilities!

People who have just entered Uranus must not be used to it, shouldn't they fight for their own rewards and treatment? At least some big cakes should be drawn, right?

But the people here are not. What they first ask for is a superior working environment, and secondly they ask for the company's daily care, and everything else is gone. Really gone.

The employees at Uranos’s company don’t talk about the price. The company decides the price and accepts it. If you give less, someone will come to trouble you. The salary price is different from everyone’s. Your ability to work is directly proportional to the effort you put in at work. This city has its own evaluation system. You should earn as much money as you have ability and make the best use of what job you have. This is the most important thing about Uranus. Development propeller.

So, people here enjoy life, they will enjoy it very attentively, no one can disturb them, because private time is sacrosanct, even after the evaluation you should rest, then their evaluation time is also not allowed Offensive.

In such an environment, ordinary companies may have to consider whether their business capabilities will decline.

But it is not actually true. When a person works in the best working condition, the effect is absolutely beyond imagination. The result of their work is beyond the usual state, and the value generated is much higher than usual.

Sometimes there is always a trade-off in quality.

Uranus is like this. Si Fan slowly and truly saw the values ​​created by the people here, and the people here began to enjoy their own lives and enjoy a high-quality life.

Not only high-quality life, but also high-quality work, ensuring that everything is in the best condition.

Going down the river, the figures gradually became sparser, and there were no drifters. They had already landed halfway, and then began to soak in a hot spring, and then enjoyed a wonderful lunch.

It is estimated that only Si Fan continued to go down the river, after all, the bottom is his destination.

Downstream, the quality of the air plummeted, and the volcanic ash blown by the wind began to fall.

It is estimated that only areas that have not been reoccupied have places to continue construction.

This time I really found a new direction. There is a road in a very far place here. This road was a very important road in the past. Now it is selected by Si Fan to build a tunnel completely. That is nonsense. Yes, it's too expensive and really not worth it, it's fine now, just use the road.

"It's really a cost-saving way, but the construction time is a bit long, and the construction is a bit difficult." Si Fan was talking to himself, and suddenly, a woman's image appeared in front of his eyes. A woman is not Zhao Jianjia, she can only be a red queen.

Still red clothes, beautiful face, delicate figure and red lips.

The look in Si Fan's eyes was indescribably charming, so she just stood opposite Si Fan and looked at Si Fan.

"How can it be possible to waste as much cost as you have calculated, and it doesn't take so much time to build a tunnel. It just needs to be modularized. The outer tunnel is completed in the factory and then assembled. We now have 100 tunnels. Thousands of workers can easily solve these troubles." The words of the Red Queen were seductive.

Si Fan couldn't hold back, he looked at Hou Hong, and then gritted his teeth hard.

"I have long thought that modularization would be difficult to work. The requirements of this tunnel are relatively high, and it is necessary to ensure the use of new materials.

The splicing process is more troublesome. " Si Fan said.

In the eyes of the red queen, this is the remark of a fool.

"Si Fan, do you think this glass will resonate when it is a whole?" She asked Si Fan.

Si Fan nodded: "Of course, it was effective when it first came out of the factory, but after cutting and assembling, it has no effect.

The red queen looked at Si Fan with the eyes of a fool.

"Then are you sure it's because it won't work after cutting, and it's not your technical problem?" The Red Queen said directly.

Now Si Fan was very worried.

He actually did this experiment.

"To be honest, after experiments, the same two adjacent glasses lost their performance after being cut, but when the original two pieces of glass are spliced ​​together, there is still a very weak resonance." Si Fan said.

Now the queen is finally about to tell the truth.

"Actually, the method you chose is correct. It's just that you can't really see through the essence of the material. It needs a more subtle splicing method to fully restore the performance. Fortunately, this lady can do it." The red queen is very proud So cute.

Si Fan looked at her, and then at the huge team in front of him, he really had to believe it.

"Okay, I trust you once, let's see your ability!" Si Fan said.

At this time, the Red Queen started to move. She moved very quickly and easily commanded a group of terminators to start working. The glass of this tunnel is in the shape of arches. Now this batch is used on the road at the beginning. , Their resonance effect is not very strong, but it is enough, and the road ahead needs to have a new way, otherwise it can only be produced in the open air at any time.

Originally, Si Fan was worried about the way of construction, but now he is not.

He looked at the red queen.

"Hurry up and let me see." Si Fan said.

He didn't know what the red queen was going to do, but he knew that it must be worth watching.

The Red Queen's actions are very fast, but most people probably can't understand it, because she has no entity herself.

Two terminators appeared, both tall and handsome, carrying a super huge tunnel, and then approached each other.

When two people come together, their colleagues' arms are facing forward, and then they use their strength together very smoothly.

Their pairing time is relatively long after a long time, and the closer they are, the slower they are.

After a long time, Si Fan finally saw the two terminators connecting the tunnels in their hands.

Then, a miraculous scene happened. In Si Fan's eyes, it was obvious that the volcanic ash flew away as soon as it fell on the tunnel, being bounced away.

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