Skynet Architect

Chapter 175 Moon Moon Nine

What appeared in front of them were Zerg races, but they didn't look like bugs, but rather like the brains of mammals, they looked so disgusting.

Looking at them in disgust, Si Fan waved his hand.

"No matter what you are, if you want to attack, then go ahead. I don't want to talk nonsense with you. If you have the ability to kill me directly, you should have shot it long ago."

When the strengths of the two parties are not equal, Si Fan does not believe that the other party will be a philanthropist. It is nothing more than that Si Fan's own strength is already very strong, and the other party wants to let Si Fan leave, so that the whole earth will be theirs.

Just dream, one million cosmic coins just want to buy Si Fan and leave, Spring and Autumn Dream.

He didn't care about these two damned strange bugs at all, and turned off the display screen directly.

"Stupid, what's the use of contacting me now." Si Fan said, his face suddenly changed.

Right in front of his eyes, the outside environment has changed. In the sky where there was nothing just now, suddenly seven or eight jellyfish-like insects can be seen floating in the air.

As if they violated the laws of nature, they just floated in the air, and their targets were the fallen supply cabins in the air.

This is the old foundation of every country.

Seeing it in his eyes, Si Fan felt the pain in his heart, his eyes were on the verge of tearing apart, and he was extremely nervous.

This is the equipment they are going to use by important combat forces in various countries. It is temporarily unknown how many technologies that Si Fan does not have, but the value of it must be very important.

Now in the sky, those seven or eight jellyfish-like bugs will intercept and kill these air-dropped supply cabins, and the contents inside will inevitably be destroyed.

There is nothing more to endure.

Si Fan disconnected on the spot;

Then I contacted Zhao Jianjia directly with a phone call.

He wanted to ask himself if he could use the mana space strangler, which was the best way to deal with bugs in the universe.

But... the result is bound to be tragic. After Si Fan spent his precious time on the phone, the answer he got was that it was impossible.

That's right, it's just impossible. The mana space strangler has been overloaded, and it has long been considered a scrap product. After using it for the last time, the energy inside is no longer enough to use it again.

The unlucky shop owner was really screwed, and Si Fan realized that this thing has energy, and the other party only gave him the energy to use it once, or he only had one chance to use it.

After hanging up the phone, it didn't take even a second for Si Fan to realize that he had no chance to think of a way here or to buy equipment.


In the blink of an eye, it reappeared and returned to the moon base, and the seven or eight jellyfish worms were almost approaching the first supply cabin.

As can be seen from the painting of the flag above, it is the flag of the Soviet Union. The old superpower is still a superpower. Their equipment was accumulated with a lot of resources in the last century, and there must be some excellent places in it.

Technology has reached a bifurcation point at some point, and everyone follows the Western technology line. ,

This is true, all human beings start from one direction. But there is one important point that must not be forgotten.

That is on another line, it may not have been discovered.

The only solitary traveler on their path might be Big Brother Soviet.

This is a critical time, a very dangerous time.

Si Fan glanced around the room.

There is nothing else here, only the mech in the middle.

There is no hesitation, this is the only chance. Jumping into Si Fan, he rushed over directly.

The figure of the red queen appeared directly beside Si Fan.

"Warning, the Terminator you are using now cannot withstand the strength of the cosmic mecha soldiers. Forcibly using it will cause strong mental damage."

The red queen's warning appeared, and before his eyes, the presidents of the five countries in the joint command also appeared.

They looked at Si Fan,

Neither spoke.

No one spoke. They knew what the current situation meant, but none of them spoke, and no one persuaded them. They just looked at Si Fan.

Only Xiao Hei's face was a little ugly, he hesitated to speak, until Si Fan was close to the mecha, and finally gritted his teeth and said.

"We in the United States can lose this loss, but we can't lose you..." He finally said it, almost gritting his teeth.

But no one persuaded them anymore, they just looked at Si Fan like this.

Unfortunately, Si Fan was not prepared to give up from the very beginning.

Jump right in.

"Connect mecha."

Suddenly, a light flashed on Si Fan's body, and then Si Fan, who was controlling the Terminator, suddenly felt the pain as if his body was torn apart, as if he could feel his own body on the earth in a trance.

This is a very bad omen.

"The mech is successfully connected, but the connection rate is 78% and the control is poor. It is recommended to reconnect."

The mecha's notification sound is a language that Si Fan has never heard of, but the strange thing is that he can understand it.

If you don't think about it, give orders on the spot.

"Eject it out for me." A roar.

The red queen moved very fast, and the platform below directly "sprayed" Si Fan out with the fastest speed.

With a sound of "Bang!~", the mecha was ejected, it seemed to be a bright spot in the sky, and then it went straight to seven or eight jellyfish insects.

The weapons on his body are very simple. Picking up the longbow behind him, he shot at one of the supply cabins.

Obviously, Si Fan didn't directly attack the jellyfish, but rushed to the supply cabin. The arrow was very fast.

It's just that the moment has come.

It can be seen that the red light arrived in an instant, and then there was a strong tremor.

This bow and arrow has many functions, and the expensive price of the mecha is almost all concentrated on the mecha.

After the arrow hit the supply cabin, the guy who had already shifted by seven or eight hundred meters and flew towards the insect swarm was caught by a big net in an instant.

There seems to be a mysterious power after that.

With a click of "Hoo!", the entire supply cabin was returned.

Not caring about anything else, Si Fan turned around and flew towards the return point of the moon base.

With the dizzy brain in his mind, he gave the final order.

"Send the Terminator to bring me the mecha back, and let the people in the supply cabin get out of here, and control the mecha to fight." The order in my mind was issued in an instant, and then...

The control has been lost. The mecha in the air seems to have lost its soul. It was going to the base, but it lost its control and no movement. It just fell straight down like a corpse.

However, in the base, several terminators jumped into the sky, and a large net was already prepared.

. m.

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