Skynet Architect

Chapter 197 Madman One

This patient is very unusual. He looks about 20 years old. He looks sunny and handsome. His eyes are deep at this time. Looking at the people outside like this, the room beside him has been destroyed. The door of the room Open.

I don't know how he did it. You must know that the room here is very safe. It's all to prevent them from escaping and preventing them from doing some violent things.

But now, the door was opened, and various graffiti were drawn on the walls of the room with unknown strokes, and a map was drawn on the ground.

He even got a burger he didn't know where, and put it on the side.

That's half eaten.

"It's strange that you guys came here today. You suddenly brought that idiot to this place with dirty air, and suddenly so many people came to see me. If I'm not wrong, that big guy should be a soldier, right?"

"What are your plans?"

He spoke very calmly.

That's a madman. A standard lunatic, calm, cold, without any mental fluctuations.

Han Mingqiu already knew who this person was.

"Crazy Billy, why are you out again?" Han Mingqiu looked at this guy uncomfortable, very nervous.

"Don't, don't, don't be nervous. I just came out today to see what you guys think and what you want to do. After all, I'm also afraid of death, and I don't want to kill people recently." He looked very serious boring.

"It's so boring that you have to watch over this murder. Recently, I want to find out if there are any more exciting things to do. The boring guy of the main character has been so depressed recently that he doesn't want to come out. He always needs to find something to do." .” He looked very strange.

Then ask Yan Meng.

"Hey, since you are a soldier, I wonder if you want soldiers? The ones who are not afraid of death. I haven't been to a battlefield yet."

It's weird for a mentally ill person to take the initiative to invite Ying to go to the battlefield, but he can't be a soldier, and the mentally ill army doesn't allow it.

On the contrary, Yan Meng said very naturally: "You can't go to the army, but we have a bit of dangerous work here, I don't know if you will go or not."

This is said very calmly.

The lunatic ratio on the opposite side finally became a little interested.

"I didn't join the army. Could it be that I was a mercenary? I've never been a mercenary." He rubbed between his brows, and his sitting posture changed a little.

The very calm just now has become funny like a clown, Erlang's legs are all up.

Lie down on the chair behind you.

"Don't worry about that lunatic, no matter what, I agree, even if he doesn't go, let's go while I'm here, and he won't be able to run away when we get there." stared up.

Han Mingqiu, who was beside him, introduced to Yan Meng: "Now this personality has changed. The previous one was a lunatic who loved to kill, and his favorite was to kill silently. After that, no one would know. Only he can appreciate his personality. record."

"As for the current guy, called the Clown, he is another crazy guy. He also likes to kill people, but he is different from a lunatic. He likes to show his artwork to everyone." Han Mingqiu knew them very well.

"Papa papa!" The clown on the opposite side applauded excitedly, looking at Han Mingqiu with piercing eyes.

"That's right, that lunatic is an idiot, a complete idiot, who hides his art in a place where no one else can see it, and then enjoys it with intoxication, isn't it What is an idiot? No one knows where there is a sense of accomplishment, it's just a wretched guy with an inferiority complex. An autistic idiot."

"The art of killing should be appreciated by everyone. Let them all scream at your artwork, that is your recognition." Clown Bill said the most terrifying words with an exaggerated expression.

Yan Meng's goosebumps came up, and his heart felt a little chilled looking at the clown.

He's been in battle, and he's killed people,

But facing Billy the Clown, he felt that it was nothing to kill himself. This guy enjoyed killing people.

"Is this guy really suitable?" Yan Meng asked Professor Zhang Yangping beside him, this is what he wanted to ask.

When Professor Zhang Yangping looked at Billy, it was more like looking at a work of art, and he also had some thoughts of wanting to hurry over to contact him.

But since he has a special personality, he will definitely be very careful.

"Such patients are suitable for our experiments. Even if they die, no one will care about them, and they should have been sentenced to death long ago." Professor Zhang Yangping said.

It's true, this kind of mental illness can't be controlled at all, he is even a master of escape, the only way to solve the problem is to destroy humanity.

Killing him and making more people safe is obviously cost-effective.

The face of the clown on the opposite side was a bit ugly.

At this time, another person was changed, and he was obviously very compassionate.

"I agree with you. I should have been destroyed a long time ago. Their souls are evil, and it is difficult to wash away their sins in the deepest part of hell." Now he became like a priest.

"This is Father Billy. Don't think that he is really benevolent. This is the real lunatic. He has serious destructive circumstances." Han Mingqiu said.

Yan Meng waved his hand.

"No need to introduce, no matter how dangerous he is, we still have to continue the verification, why not talk to him and see if he can participate in the battle on the lunar battlefield." He didn't want to look any more, this guy is an extremely dangerous person .

"Billy has 24 personalities, 23 of which have serious violent tendencies, only the main personality is very peaceful, even a little cowardly, but it is the main personality that counts most of the time, because he only has The main personality is stable and controllable, and the other subsidiary personalities only appear when the main personality wants to escape." Han Mingqiu continued.

Yan Meng cut straight to the point.

"Can you let your main personality come out and talk? We have a plan and hope you can participate."

Quiet, absolutely quiet, Father Billy finally fell silent after watching Yan Meng for a while, as if there was a system of compromise between them, and it was also their way of communicating.

After a moment of silence, Billy curled up on the chair, looking at Yan Meng and the others cowardly with some fear.

"You guys, what do you want from us? I just want to live here, and I don't want to harm anyone." He looked very scared.

Now, Yan Meng knew that it should be the Lord who appeared.

After all, this is more in line with the mental illness in his mind.

"In this way, let me introduce our experimental project to you."

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