Skynet Architect

Chapter 209: Madman Thirteen

Clown Billy was a bit crazy, with a bit of insanity, looking at the guy outside who was killing all directions, Allen is flying, but he is also a lunatic, this is the first time. Individuals took rockets directly from the earth to the moon to participate in the war, and even the tickets for thick cocoons were paid by themselves. This is simply a fearless spirit of internationalism.

Si Fan has a good impression of this person, after all, the most important thing about him is the word self-funded.

It's so satisfying. How exciting it is to have someone join the war without supporting money yourself.

Si Fan has long been waiting for more people to come, and they will buy more mechas and more equipment to participate in the war.

He also waited for those real local tyrants to hire people to go to the moon to fight and occupy the territory on the moon. Anyway, as long as they are earthlings.

He is already ready to give up profits, as long as it can be developed.

The current core area is being continuously mined for the time being, and terminators are also constantly being added. Also continue to buy equipment.

"Okay, you can join the battle now. I don't know what hobbies you have. You can choose your favorite mecha here. Now it seems that your personality is probably separated. The laboratory on the earth is giving you the calculation of the brain. Loss, see if you can accept the connection." Si Fan told him the details of the experiment.

The red queen beside her has already come over, she took the data and introduced to Si Fan: "The experimenter Billy can use 10% of his brain after connecting the two terminators. All studies show that each personality will increase by 2 % of the explicit brain usage, the hidden brain usage cannot be calculated."

"It is recommended that the number of test personnel be two, conduct the initial test, conduct the preliminary test of the mecha, and use the low-level sequence mecha." The red queen gave a very standard answer.

After thinking about it for a while, Si Fan nodded.

"Just the two of you, the doctor and the clown are conducting the first actual connection test. If there is a problem, we will stop the connection immediately, but I hope you can cooperate as much as possible." Si Fan said to the two Billies opposite.

The clown is already excited enough.

"No problem, absolutely no problem, you don't know how I was bullied by them, and you never have a chance to come out and see!" Clown Billy howled.

This is a lunatic, but Dr. Billy next to him is calmer, looking at Si Fan very frankly, he is waiting for the answer.

Seeing the reactions of the two personalities, Si Fan knew that the experiment could be carried out.

"Okay, let's do the test now. Anyway, the cost is not high, so let's test it. Use the No. 1 mecha of the experimental body, operate it with two people, and the operation is 100% complete. The combat machine parts will not be installed for the time being." Si Fan ordered.

The clown opposite didn't have any opinions, it was just an experiment, even though he was the one being experimented on.

Doctors are waiting to conduct experiments.

At this time, you can see that the floor of the room is sunken suddenly, and then the space below is revealed. There is a silver-white mecha hidden in the space. It is very ordinary, only more than four meters tall. , It just looks more flexible, and there is no such thing as being hungry anymore.

The clown was already dissatisfied when he saw the mecha.

"This mech is too ugly, isn't it?"

Obviously, he belongs to the Appearance Association, but the doctor doesn't care.

Or he never cared about anything.

When the mecha came out, the Red Queen had already walked to the side and plugged in a data cable.

"All systems have been updated and can be connected, please connect as soon as possible." A minute later, the Red Queen began to urge.

All the engines and power systems of the mecha are activated, the silver-white body is emitting light, and the power system inside has also been activated.

Everything is ready.

Si Fan made a please gesture.

Not much to say, and they don't need any professional training, they just entered the mech adaptively.

As for the so-called brain balance, the brain is connected synchronously.

For two personalities in one body, they are originally one.

Si Fan believed that this guy could manipulate.

The doctor was the first to pass, and he looked at the battlefield outside.

"If the test is successful, can we participate in the battle? After all, there are still a few lunatics, and they can hardly be suppressed. If they do something on Earth, they will be destroyed humanely." Dr. Billy asked Si Fan.

This question is easy for Si Fan to answer.

"You can participate in the battle outside at any time. If you successfully carry out the experiment, you can operate it. You can form a group to kill monsters and live here. You are heroes here. Just use your means to face the bugs." Si Fan said very calm.

Dr. Billy also responded quickly.

"Yes, after all, my duty is to ensure that this body will not be damaged or destroyed. I hope you can keep your promise." He directly stated the meaning of this split personality.

After so many lunatics, the split doctor personality is his body's protection for the world and his own body.

As long as you ensure that you can survive, everything else is trivial.

Everything is ready, and they have just started the preliminary work of entering the mecha.

Because it is the body of the Terminator, this mecha is not a general model, but has been set.

He can go in and operate directly.

There is nothing to say, Dr. Billy went in first, he chose the position on the left, and made the connection first.

And everything he saw, in Si Fan's view, was also shared with Billy the Clown.

It is almost obvious that after entering it, Billy the Clown sat directly where he should sit, and has become accustomed to all the equipment, plugging every plug into his body.

He is fully connected and all depends on these lines.

These features were already customized when the original purchase was made. Full help link.

"Let's start connecting." Si Fan saw that they were all ready, and gave the order to the Red Queen.

But the Red Queen laughed.

"After they enter, the mecha is controlled by them, and of course they have to activate it themselves."

Dr. Billy lightly touched the button in front of him, adjusted the seat position to almost lying down, and then closed his eyes.

Billy the Clown remained in this state, and then closed his eyes.

Everything is ready.

Seeing a flash of silvery white light, it has already connected to the mech and started to move, and the light at the eye position is getting more and more intense.

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