Skynet Architect

Chapter 211: Crazy Fifteen

The tide, the worms like the tide are gradually approaching the sunny side of the moon, that is, the side facing the earth. This is the territory of human beings, and worms have never been allowed to set foot here. Today, when the worms are completely approaching here, Slowly you can see them cross that line.

The universe is close to the limit of the earth, and there is a backside of the moon that can never be seen in the moon, but the front faces the earth all the time, and that line can be seen with an astronomical telescope.

At the position of this boundary, people can see what they want to see, the black boundary.

While they were observing, suddenly, as far as the telescope could see, black figures appeared one by one.

It was like the tide was rushing over.

"Report, report quickly." Huaxia No. 72 Astronomical Observation Center is constantly monitoring the situation on the moon.

When the first black spot appears, start reporting immediately.

"All video files are transmitted to the general base of Uranus." This is a life and death battle, and no one will give up.

It took less than a minute for Si Fan to receive the data and start synchronizing.

After all the data transmission was completed, Si Fan, who was standing there, had already seen the bugs.

'What's wrong with these bugs? " Si Fan asked.

In his field of vision, the insects moved very quickly at the beginning, and the swiftness can be said to be like a tide, constantly invading. They chose the moon for a reason, and the back of the moon has become a mess. , A large amount of minerals have been mined by them on the ground, but when they come out from the dark side.

All the bugs seem to have entered another world. Their speed has changed from the initial tide to what they are now. Their movement speed is very slow.

It's like it's turned into slow motion, but this slow motion is not particularly cruel, and the time they slowed down to double the speed of raising their arms has become a very slow state.

"There must be something wrong with them facing the front of the earth." Si Fan stared at the bug.

The Red Queen is also standing beside Si Fan, but Si Fan has a human mind and can make guesses, but the Red Queen is different, he is a machine after all.

"You can go for data collection, you can use data analysis, you need to install detection equipment." This is the answer given to him by the Red Queen.

Si Fan didn't want to know the answer.

"No need, hurry up and start building the first wave of defense, and all soldiers get their weapons quickly." Si Fan ordered.

Masses of metal were cold-forged into the desired shape in one go, before being placed in a massive crate at a later date.

They will leave it for half an hour to perform high-temperature quenching, and just use the liquid of a plant unique to certain planets in the universe for quenching.

Such a weapon is complete, and now the terminators keep taking away their weapons.

This is a very special weapon. They are like sickles that are reversed, and they are also like convenient shovels used by monks. The two sides of the crescent moon are very sharp round thorns. This is a new type of Terminator facing bugs. way of fighting.

Destroy from the joints and then attack.

The Terminator T750 is an architectural Terminator after all. They have never been responsible for fighting, and the real fighting is still far behind.

"There are already 20,000 Terminator equipped." The Red Queen reminded Si Fan.

This is a number that makes Si Fan feel at ease.

"The number of soldiers is almost the same, what is the construction speed of the building?" Si Fan asked.

This is the most important thing. They use the cross-grid fortifications, which completely let the battle be in a defensive state. If the opponent rushes over, they will completely rely on buildings for defense. These buildings are made of special metals. The keel skeleton in the middle is very strong and can completely resist the attacks of these bugs.

No pressure at all.

Red later for precise calculations.

"43% of the keel has been laid.

"The Red Queen's answer reassured Si Fan's hanging heart.

The five-meter-thick skeleton with a cross in front of him is the real strong fortification. It is made directly from the metal ingots produced by the waste treatment plant, but Si Fan only requested some customization.

It is all a complete piece of metal. In the first period, the connection problem was not considered at all, so it is a huge I-beam, and then it is continuously extended until it reaches the target location, and then the factory is rotated to produce other one.

This kind of efficiency is very high, and I think this I-beam is a super-large model, with a width of five meters, and it is the narrowest width. The highest length is 7.5 meters, the narrowest distance is 5 meters, and the height is ten. meters height.

This is a temporary fortification and an absolute basic unit of combat.

As long as you use these things, you can completely resist the attack of insects.

But this is just the most central cross frame, and there are such frame structures every fifty meters, turning the entire base into a huge grid.

Such a construction creates a framework, and the outer layer uses a very special gas bioglue from the profiteer's planet. This thing has the best pressure resistance in the universe, and it also has buffering ability.

This is what other planetary advanced space battleships in the universe use.

Si Fan used it directly. After all, the place he needs to defend is relatively small, and there are many positions that can generate benefits. The primary base is not as big as a warship in the universe, and the materials used can be assured.

But this ground made Si Fan very sad, all steel plates were already being laid.

It was because of the completion of the steel plate laying on the ground that the required number was reached.

It’s just that there is no steel plate in the middle of the mine, and it’s just for the purpose of continuing to mine. However, combat equipment has been prepared next to it, and you can enter the combat state at any time to clean up the bugs.

This is a trap, if bugs dare to come, they will never return.

Everything is being prepared and construction continues.

"Complete the internal defense first, and then complete the second layer after the first layer of defense is completed." Originally, there were five layers of defense, the initial base, but in order to prevent bugs from attacking, we had to complete the inner layer of defense first fortifications.

"The first layer of fortifications has been completed, and the second layer of construction is in progress. The movement speed of the bugs has been calculated. It will take 77 hours, 18 hours and 32 seconds to reach our fortifications." The red queen calculated very quickly.

At this time, there is still time.

Si Fan looked at the entire inner base that was unfolding.

There are still three days left, and the five-story fortification should be completed, and the number of summoned terminators must be hundreds of thousands. The most important thing is that there are more than 100,000 weapons manufactured, so it should be no problem.

. m.

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