Skynet Architect

Chapter 125: Crazy Nineteen

There is no doubt that the talent of the clown is very good. In the battle, he has adapted to the way of fighting very quickly. There has never been such a person. They are born fighters and assassins. They adapt to everything on the battlefield. combat situation.

The clown's laughter echoed in the communicator. This is a real lunatic. He is like a knife-tip dancer dancing among the insects, fighting the insects in his own way.

A pair of daggers are all his weapons. Unlike Alan flying around on the battlefield, he is more direct, facing the tide of bugs, and rushing directly.

Watching Si Fan on the battlefield calmly observe all this, the movements of the bugs in front are attractive, and the movements of the clown are even more irresistible, and even have an urge to worship.

This is a master of the art of killing, every movement of his seems to be tempered, as if it is an art, every movement is so fine that the insects in front of him have no room to fight back.

"Check his brain usage rate, how his body is loaded, and then look at the fit between his mental state and the mecha." Si Fan ordered the red queen.

At this time, the Red Queen mobilized all the information very attentively, and then summarized it in front of Si Fan.

Only after seeing these data can you feel the horror of bugs and the horror of clowns.

The attack speed of the bug in front of him was close to the speed of sound.

That's right, the moment of his attack was already close to the speed of sound. Under normal circumstances, humans would have no time to react, but when the clown was in the swarm, he dodged all the attacks.

Rather than avoiding it, it is better to say that it is becoming a dancer on the tip of a knife on the battlefield, gaining insight into the attack curve of the bug in advance, and then trying to avoid the attack as much as possible.

This method is very useful, at least Si Fan saw that this guy had never been attacked in the swarm, and his body was still spotless, without scratches.

It's not easy. A guy as wretched as Allen would be attacked after being bullied when he attacked with a bow and arrow from a distance.

Only the clown is not, he is a born master of art, screaming and dancing in the swarm.

"The data feedback came back. The usage rate of the body brain in the laboratory is 27%, which exceeds the limit of human understanding. If the usage is increased, there will be at most two more personalities, and it cannot be the kind of personality that consumes a lot of energy." The Red Queen introduced.

Listening to the report, Si Fan felt uncomfortable. If he could really get all 24 personalities out of this guy, even if he could only use four or five of them with relatively destructive power, his combat effectiveness would be overwhelming. Only now, this guy can't do it, he can only have two more personalities at most now, and most importantly, it is estimated that there must be that cowardly protagonist among them.

According to the data analysis, the main personality is relatively autistic, closing himself in a corner, he hardly consumes energy.

According to the data analysis of the Red Queen, Si Fan also discovered one more thing.

That's the problem of this guy's energy replenishment. The current energy consumption is very alarming. The fat in his body has gradually begun to decompose. In other words, his calorie consumption is very large, and such a battle cannot sustain too much. time.

Si Fan nodded silently.

It's just an experiment after all.

"Notify the clown to retreat after 15 minutes of fighting. We cannot guarantee whether his body can withstand such a long-term high-intensity fighting." Si Fan ordered.

When the order was issued, Si Fan clearly saw that this guy's mecha suddenly retreated.

After retreating gently, he suddenly rushed over again, this time the charge was faster and more intense than usual.

It can be said that the aggression is like fire, the real aggression is like fire, there is no obstacle on the way of charging.

The worm in front of him lightly waved the dagger in his hand, cut a few times on the opponent's body, then turned to leave, and saw the worm suddenly lying on the ground, already crippled.

Behind him, a Terminator ran over with a strange posture,

Drag the bug's corpse back to base.

Looking at this process, it seems that the artist's work, and the terminator behind is responsible for the transportation.

Harvest the loot.

The corpses of these bugs can be sold for money. If they are intact corpses, the value will be even higher. Si Fan can take his hammer and smash them into meat balls one by one to sell.

The price is higher.

No way, only Si Fan has this weapon now.

The hammer bought from the advanced civilization is an artifact to get back the capital from these bugs.

"Report to the host, the schizophrenic patient Billy's brain usage has suddenly increased to 31%, and the energy consumption of the body has increased again. This activity must be stopped within ten minutes, otherwise it will cause serious harm to the body." Red Queen said to Si Fan .

Hearing that there are ten minutes, Si Fan is relieved. As long as there is time, then everything is not a problem. The extra five minutes can't really drag the body down, right?

"Scholars in the laboratory will see if there are any feasible solutions, how to supplement the energy consumed by the body, and how to improve his physical fitness." Si Fan ordered.

The red queen immediately ordered to go down.

Such reports are easy to obtain, after all, human beings already have a complete set of reasonable and effective solutions for how to store energy.

Fighting for five minutes didn't have much effect in the insect swarm. Those insects still rushed over like a tide. What hundreds of thousands of insects would do to stop them was simply a joke.

Si Fan naturally knew all this, so he was very calm, very calmly waiting for more people to fight with mechas in the future.

I also look forward to providing more advanced mechs to the clown in the future.

After all, the current mechas are all standard versions, and they are mostly used for testing. Now it seems that he has a high degree of fit, and there will be no major problems when controlling them. Then you can consider controlling more powerful mechas. up.

Experiments are done step by step.

He conducts experiments here, but other people don't feel well.

For example, Yan Meng is now sitting in an office in the company's laboratory, staring at the guy in front of him, wishing he could be caught.

This guy is the legendary hacker, Satan, the company's in-house computer expert Xiaobald.

But now he still has that blank expression, when he looked at Yan Meng, he seemed to be looking at a fool.

"It's useless if you want to go to the moon to participate in the battle. There is no supply plan recently, so you can't go there, and you are not mentally ill, and you can't experiment yourself." The little bald head seemed to make sense.

But Yan Meng couldn't accept it.

When did I feel depressed because I wasn't mentally ill.

The answer is: now.

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