Skynet Architect

Chapter 221 Tokyo Bianliang City One

Mental illness is still an advantage now, schizophrenia can go to the battlefield, is there still a law of nature?

In Yan Meng's view, the world has changed.

Now that I, who is brave and good at fighting, can no longer be reused, on the contrary, the mental illness is much better than myself now. This really has no goal.

Only by participating in the war, only by going to the moon can there be good results.

"I'm going to the moon to fight." He kept applying to join the war. On the battlefield is his destination, not the kind of staying on the earth to participate in virtual wars and accumulate supplies.

He wants to actually go to war.

"This is the boss's call. You can tell him. Those of us in the laboratory can't answer you." The experimenters who graduated from Jixia Academy who were being harassed tirelessly in front of him were about to go berserk.

Leave the headache to Si Fan.

This is their unanimous opinion. Yan Meng is the most difficult one to deal with. He answered the phone, and just after answering, he heard Si Fan on the opposite side talking to him.

"Are you ready to die?"

The voice of speaking is very smooth, but also very firm.

Yan Meng nodded here.

"I'm ready, my family has settled down, I don't want to be a raised pig, I can bear any consequences."

These are Yan Meng's original words, and the answer is so decisive.

For Si Fan, this guy can really lie on the credit book and enjoy his whole life. In the most difficult period, his father gave up his life to shed blood for the Skynet Group, and truly achieved the battlefield. Si Fan He has the responsibility to support his family, including Yan Meng.

Now he has given up his good life and wants to pursue his dream, but only Si Fan knows the price of this dream.

The base on the moon looks very good, but it is a flower in the moon water in the mirror, and now it looks like a base there, but as long as the bugs dispatch combat forces that exceed Si Fan's ability to resist, they will be in vain.

Modern warfare is not about leading troops to fight at all. As long as they can resist the stalemate, it depends on each other's technology trees, technical capabilities, and supply capabilities.

This is not a small-scale war, not a local war, but a war to destroy a civilization. There has never been mercy, and the enemy is not human beings.

Now to fight, the moon is the tentative battlefield. What they need are endless supplies and endless fortifications, until human beings extend their defense system to the nest of bugs and firmly hold the moon in their own hands. inside.

Since Yan Meng wants to go, let him go.

"Okay, then you go with the next batch of people who are going to support the moon. Some of them are surveyors, and the rest are soldiers. In the future, you need to fight side by side." Si Fan said on the phone.

Yan Meng nodded quickly. Of course he wanted to go.

That's it.

The battlefield on the moon is about to end Si Fan's temporary plan.

Human beings have no ability to attack for the time being, and insects are also hard-working. They must slowly destroy the fortifications, and even resist the attack of the mechs.

It's not that they can't face the mechs, but when they are close to Si Fan and the others, there will always be a magical power to restrain these bugs.

Si Fan and the others can already feel the existence of this magical power, but they don't know where it is.

This feeling is really not very comfortable.

Everything has been settled, the base on the moon is waiting for the supplement below, and the mechas are waiting to be transported here.

Life on Earth also goes on.

Such a life lasted for two months, and the speed was so fast that Si Fan felt that he was getting old soon.

The cold winter has come, the light snowflakes are falling one by one, the earth has gradually begun to restore the natural environment, and the garbage treatment plant can easily recycle all the garbage.

When all the garbage is profitable, then the garbage is no longer garbage,

But baby, there are garbage disposal points in every place, and everyone who throws garbage at the disposal point can make their score higher. So they are happy to do it.

Air pollution has already begun to be dealt with in a more detailed manner, all over the world.

Suppressing with powerful rights, not only developed countries, but also backward countries cannot cause disasters. Otherwise heavy industrial pollution in border areas would not be a major scourge.

There is no way to say this. In some places, two countries are one step away, and all the sewage you have exhausted has flowed to other countries. If you don’t interfere, how can you live? "

There are so many things like this, it's just too much trouble.

Slowly, life changed.

In winter, on a ruins on the outskirts of the city, someone was working.

Most of these people are archaeologists, and there are also some people from other companies. They are all here layer by layer as if they are looking for something.

Different from the usual times, this time when they searched, they searched very carefully. What they had in their hands was already a small brush, and in their hands, there was another device.

This is a palm-sized detection device with a display on it, showing the depth of the underground soil layer.

This is a probe, which can only detect the depth of the land, the depth of the soil, and if it encounters stones or other things, it will display the depth below.

The detection of such equipment cannot be in a small area, it can only explore mineral veins...or buried things underground.

And now this place was the largest city in the world back then, a real super big city before the year before last.

Kaifeng City.

Back then, Lin'an, the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, was called by him the most beautiful and prosperous city in the world. The majesty and beauty of this city ranks first among other cities in the world, making him seem to be living in paradise.

However, Lin'an City was only a temporary city in the Southern Song Dynasty. Look at the name of the city. Lin'an.

Temporary safety, the capital in their hearts will always be that beautiful and solemn city, which is the rich city in "A Picture of Rising the River at Qingming Festival" by Zhang Zeduan, a great painter of the Northern Song Dynasty.

It is a truly rich city, and it can be called the richest city in the world.

That is really rich in the world. Seventy percent of the world's wealth has already entered Bianliang.

It is conceivable how rich the Tokyo Bianliang City is in the mouth of the businessmen.

And now under the ruins is the Bianliang City they probably detected.

When the Yellow River flooded, the entire Bianliang City was buried underground and became the dust of history. This is a great city and a city that people will remember.

Now, in this area, at the position where modern people probably explored, thousands of people are exploring the underground, and then they are constantly digging and cleaning the underground.

The ruins of that great city must be found.

That is Bianliang City in Tokyo, the legendary Kaifeng Mansion.

It was the richest city in the world at that time.

none of them.

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