Skynet Architect

Chapter 235 Tokyo Bianliang City Fifteen

The heavy rain poured down, and the dark night was accompanied by light rain that moistened the earth and broke the weeds on the ground.

At the original site of Bianliang City in Tokyo, there is a place that has not been protected for the time being. There are all kinds of tools randomly placed, such as pickaxes and the like. It is about a few hundred meters away. There were also two excavators parked there, and two security guards in raincoats and waterproof flashlights stood in front of the excavators, staring at these people.

Let them dare not move forward at all.

"Let me tell you, only agricultural machinery is allowed to enter here, construction machinery is not allowed to enter, if you want to go in, go to the village for approval." The security guard said righteously.

Their construction machinery will destroy the ground. Now it is surrounded by archaeological discovery sites, which need to be protected. The internal land belongs to other people. If you want to cultivate, Skynet Group can fund and find a way for you to drive in. , but if you are construction machinery.

Forget it, it's simply impossible, Skynet Group can't let you do this.

It is impossible for them to destroy the archaeological site, and special protection should be given to the key protected sites.

And in the central area of ​​the archaeological site, there are more than a dozen people in the rain with malicious intentions in just two acres of land.

That's right, they were in the rain there, they didn't care about the storm, they just talked in the heavy rain.

"Second uncle, is what you said reliable? Are we digging out things and selling them ourselves?" A young man who was standing in the crowd during the day asked the potbellied guy in front of him suspiciously.

This is his second uncle, who is the most powerful in his mother's village.

Mine bully. Back then, he made a lot of money stealing mine veins.

After the mineral reform, they also had a very difficult time.

When they really do a good job of themselves and face formal mineral mining, they are not willing to spend so much money to update equipment, and they are even more reluctant to invest so much money and pay so much tax.

What's more, the exploration of minerals has become more difficult, and the development of small, dilapidated ore veins that are not easy to develop has been banned.

They can only choose high-quality ore veins with high grades and high yields, which is simply unacceptable for mining bullies.

So he has always been living on his laurels, and his family and his gambling habits have long since disappeared.

Now he has long been turned into a countryman who is aggressive and soft-hearted.

What is the difference between him and a useless person without money.

It's just that his relatives still thought he was the wealthy mine owner.

In any case, the glory of the past is a glory after all.

He was wearing the high-end suit he bought when he was still affluent, and 25 pairs of so-called genuine hooks on his feet, and he was looking greedily at the land on the ground.

He knows the prices of those antiques.

He has really seen the antique market that spends a lot of money, although these things have become the currency of exchange, which is equivalent to currency in other people's storage rooms.

These are all good things, as long as they are guaranteed to be true and have a provenance, it is guaranteed that there will be a lot of people who seek profit from them and will buy them at a high price.

He had bought a lot of antiques as gifts, and he knew the tricks in them.

Now, this underground is full of antiques. What is certain is Tokyo Bianliang City. It was one of the most luxurious cities back then. Li Zicheng dug the Yellow River and flooded this huge ancient city. There must be a huge amount of antiques, gold and jewelry inside.

Not to mention that people in the DPRK still like to hoard gold and silver. There may be something good in the cellar.

This is more reliable than a gold mine.

Two acres of land, as long as it is guaranteed to be a relatively affluent place, the possibility of digging up and making a fortune is very high.

He can't wait.

"Listen to me, all of you." He called everyone to his side and let them get close to him.

Then point to the land in front of you.

"This is an opportunity for our family to make a fortune,

Anyway, it was only a few hundred thousand yuan, so it wasn't worth it, so we poached him. Quietly dug him. "He said with an idea.

A few people came over curiously.

I've wanted to dig this place for a long time, but I never had the chance.

To say that he may not have experience in doing business seriously, but he is very good at these sneaky things.

"It's not easy. No matter how tight their surroundings are, there are places you can't see, right?" He pointed to the only place that could be covered.

"See? This is where we will start. As for the others, we must dig the ground quickly." He began to direct.

It's disgusting to point at the place where the toilet is located.

It's still a dry toilet in the countryside, absolutely disgusting, but it's not winter yet, and with global warming now, it's no longer the Little Ice Age of the Ming Dynasty, Kaifeng at this time is not that cold.

Still quite warm.

"Should we plant some winter wheat too? Fertilize by the way," he said.

Now I understand everything without saying anything.

Digging is not allowed in other places, and if it can be monitored, then the toilet cannot be inspected.

This is to cheat you in front of your face.

It's just digging blatantly in front of your face, and then won't let you in.

They are already prepared to defend their property if anyone comes in.

As for what was dug out here. They also have a way to get away.

In the process of discussing, Jiang Yilong was sitting in the monitoring car outside, rubbing his bare head, watching these guys discussing. The listening device next to them heard everything they said.

"Hey, these people don't believe in high technology. Really, what can I say? If you want to dig a toilet in front of me, don't you think I'm a fool?" Jiang Yilong was also helpless.

The little wife is really itchy at home, let these people be harmed by the love at home, this really makes this 30-year-old bald head have ten thousand muddy horses galloping past.

Don't say how uncomfortable it is,

"Zhao Yi, is Zhao Yi here!" He yelled outside twice.

This Zhao Yi was one of the security guards recruited by Skynet Group in the early days, and now he can be regarded as flying into the sky. He can still do some trivial things, especially such busy things.

He's a security captain and doesn't do security work.

He is smoking outside now, and when he heard the big leader Jiang Yilong call him, he hastened to come here.

"Leader, are they acting like demons again?" This Zhao Yi is still from the Northeast.

Jiang Yilong frowned deeply, staring at the screen.

'Take someone, send them the prepared gifts, the broken toilet collapsed for him! "Jiang Yilong's voice was cold.

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