Skynet Architect

Chapter 265 That City V

In half a year, the construction of the ancient city of Kaifeng already had a core area.

That is the legendary Fan Tower, in the Imperial Street of the Eastern Capital. It is said that the ancient Song Dynasty scholar-bureaucrats often passed by when they went to court. In order to provide the scholar-bureaucrats with breakfast, they started to set up stalls at four or five o'clock every morning to do business. , dedicated to serving these scholar-bureaucrats.

Life in the Song Dynasty already had a modern taste. The street has been renovated for the time being, and the shops have been decorated with lights and festoons. None of the bosses standing at the door in old-fashioned long gowns is ugly.

Appearanceism is like this in the Royal Street of Bianliang City in Tokyo back then. Generally, those who do business and snacks here don’t need to be too powerful, but they must be delicious, and the sellers must be good-looking.

The literati in the Song Dynasty did not accept people like Wang Mazi selling sesame seed cakes here.

Appearance is even more important in modern society. The appearance of opening a store and doing business here is the best choice, one in a million.

They not only want delicious food, a wide variety of food, clean and hygienic, high quality and low price, but also make sure that every store waiter to shopkeeper is specially trained to ensure the quality of service, and at the same time, they also want handsome men and beautiful women.

If you hang out in this street, you must do your best, they are the signs.

So, looking at this street now, there are really beautiful handsome men and beautiful women everywhere, especially in one of the high-rise buildings with beautiful branches, there are three beautiful big characters written on it.

Mingyue Building is different from other more festive restaurants. White jade is used as beams, gold and stone are used as bones, carved beams and painted buildings.

This is a pavilion that turned palm-sized sculptures into huge ones, all of which are enlarged hollow-out techniques. The beauty is really beautiful. You can vaguely see the stage inside from the outside. On the stage, a group of Yingying Yanyan, They sang and danced, dancing beautiful Tang and Song dances.

Singing and dancing, they are the protagonists on the stage, and the clothes on their bodies have the traditions of the ancients!

But never, never think that women in the Tang and Song Dynasties were really conservative.

You are all wrong.

The women on the stage are all wearing tube top shorts, which can only cover the most critical parts. The outside is serious clothes, which cover most of the skin on their bodies.

But this material is amazing, all of them are very transparent tulle, it really looks half-covered when worn on the body, full of hazy beauty, if you really think that people are purely conservative, then you are a fool Woolen cloth.

This hazy beauty can stimulate hormone secretion even more, not to mention you can see it through the hollowed-out gap at the door.

That's really alluring.

Every beauty has been carefully taught. They are really high-achieving students from various colleges and universities. It is difficult to show up in the acting career, and then they come here to perform.

Not as nasty as people think.

Although the place is a brothel, most of the women in the brothel are definitely young men, and now they are all. At most, they come to accept your tip, then drink a glass of water and wine, and chat with you.

The real thing can be seen from a distance and not played with. If you want to get started, those dozens of retired special forces soldiers and brothers diverted to the Kaifeng government will let you know what is called Zhang Long Zhao Hu Dynasty Ma Han, let you know the legendary Pack black carbon.

Although he is not the real Bao Longtu, but the super-students who major in law are still the kind of nerds who will tell you what is called the French Open.

What does it mean to be meticulous, to be ruthless to others and even more ruthless to yourself.

The most abused equipment for this guy at home is the UV Micron Cabin. He needs to add color to himself every day. He has completely integrated into the role of Bao Qingtian in the TV series.

No way, every law student hopes that he can be impartial and selfless, can truly stand in Bao Longtu's position, and do everything fairly.

Now, everything is set up.

It's a utopia,

This is a real city that lived more than a thousand years ago.

But in today's city, something is different.

On the main street of Yujie Street, there is a shop called Moxiangzhai. There are traditional paintings and calligraphy hanging in the shop.

It must be the works of outstanding contemporary painters. It is just such a shop. The shop is not particularly large, but it is full of characteristics and flavors. There are a handful of fans, which are not casually placed like a small commodity market.

The fans here are all handwritten by famous artists, and the real ones are hung on a wall.

This is for everyone to see.

The boss standing inside was about twenty-eight or nineteen years old, wearing a Confucian shirt and holding a folding fan, standing at the door of the shop, watching the people coming and going, they were all shop owners here.

The whole street has not yet opened for business, and there are no travel agencies to carry out activities here, but now some people have come here curiously.

Before opening to the public, all employees of Skynet Group and members of some external cooperative units can come here to experience it.

It can be regarded as a trial operation.

If the store owner here lets the employees of Skynet Group see it, they will definitely recognize it as Si Fan.

But today he is dressed extraordinarily elegantly, standing here looking into the distance.

Looking at the brothel in the distance.

No way, this street is the most attractive place, and a few beauties at the door are chatting with other shop owners.

The owner of the shop opposite him took over a restaurant called Deyuelou. The chefs were all real culinary masters. It can be said that in ancient times they could be good chefs.

After all, modern information technology is very smooth, and there are more exchanges between various genres, resulting in the current prosperity of cooking.

We are making progress every day, and those who progress slowly will eventually be eliminated.

Now, the owner of this store is really happy to face the beauty across from him.

"Miss Ziqing, let's make an agreement. When it opens, we must come to the store to dance to such a song. We can discuss the money." He said to the girl opposite.

The girl on the other side also nodded.

"It's a matter of a word from the store, but the girls in our building haven't eaten breakfast yet, so you should hurry up and prepare something to eat." Ziqing was also urging.

In other words, her name is definitely not Ziqing, but who doesn't have a stage name when walking in the rivers and lakes.

Si Fan looked hungry.

At this moment, I saw a waiter from a shop outside running over from door to door.

"Boss, do you order breakfast? We are from Fuyiju, and the century-old Cantonese morning tea is the most authentic." He asked Si Fan a little unaccustomed.

After all, they are also modern people. It is still relatively unaccustomed to integrate into this eccentric city now.

But obviously, people's breakfast takeaway is much more thoughtful than modern people.

In fact, such takeaway orders were really very popular in the Song Dynasty.

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