Skynet Architect

Chapter 292 Landscape II

There was no sound in the dark Washington, and it was very silent. This is a dead city, not purgatory, but better than purgatory. It is on the left side of heaven and above hell.

The heavy-duty open-road vehicle slowly pushed forward, and the volcanic ash was pushed aside.

There is no good feeling in this city. After a few acid rains, the city is like a fermented creaking nest, with a sour and stinky smell. The smell is a disgusting illusion even through a gas mask.

The road on the ground is no longer the smooth asphalt road it used to be. It has been corroded a bit. The buildings beside the road gradually appear and gradually become dilapidated. It doesn’t look like it has been abandoned for several months, as if it has been decades , Many buildings have been leaked, and this house will be abandoned when people come back.

Acid rain has done far more damage to American countryside than to cities, and all wooden houses have been devastated.

The vegetation here is too rich, and they have not experienced a period of deforestation, and their solid wood is not expensive.

Most houses are made of wood. Building a house is no different than putting together a large block.

The car entered Washington, and the camera on the high place truly displayed the dilapidated scenes of those houses in front of us, like a picture scroll of the end of the world, revealing such a sense of desolation.

What the wind blows is not comfort, but what it brings is a sour smell, as if it is a burial ground for hundreds of millions of souls, and the word for burial may be called civilization.

Going with the wind, the blown volcanic ash is floating in the sky. The price of going against the wind is that you can’t see anything. You can only observe the surrounding environment through electronic devices, especially the driving car in front of you. When you arrive, you can judge the direction of progress based on infrared rays, and determine that you are on the road based on navigation.

Then came the rampage.

No matter what is ahead, just rush over, as long as it is a road, it has been cleared, and there is absolutely no way there is anything.

Washington is right in front of you. This is a huge city. The feeling of entering the city is not achieved overnight. Slowly entering the city is like a scroll of history unfolding slowly.

Gradually, the number of low stone buildings gradually increased, and the green trees disappeared, making it even more impossible to cover them. The plants became the first victims under the acid rain, and they lost their vitality and vitality. Vitality entered the city, the air pollution was lowered to a higher level, and the sun stubbornly showed a little smile, breaking through the shackles of the dark clouds and shedding a little bit of golden light.

"Crack." The upper deck of a huge truck in the middle of the convoy opened, and a man stood out from a glass window. He looked up at the sky, saw the little sunlight, and suddenly took off the helmet on his head.

It was a helmet like a gas mask.

He isolated the poisonous volcanic ash outside, isolated the acid rain that harmed human beings, and also blocked the warm sunshine from shining on his face, and the not-so-friendly cold wind that swept across his face was a bit painful.

After all, it is also a feeling, such as the warm spring breeze, but it can remind people of the existence of nature.

Can remind you that you are alive.

The second it is opened, you can feel the existence of nature, you can feel the reduced volcanic ash, and you can hardly smell it, and the next second you will let the sour smell fight. Quickly put on the hood, and then turn on the oxygen.

"Hold the grass, this taste is really strong."

Of course it was Si Fan who stood up and wanted to die. Song Yang was sitting in the car like a little chick now, honestly, he didn't look good, and he still had the arrogance and temper of the past.

This world is a whetstone, the existence that becomes a sharp blade, and the sinking that becomes scrap iron. This guy has become a sharp blade, but he has lost the sharpness of the past.

He has learned to hide his edge.

Si Fan doesn't care about this guy, it's human nature to seek good luck and avoid bad luck. He doesn't know the power of t800 like himself, and he doesn't know the system's detection.

After inhaling the disgusting smell, Si Fan was honest, and returned to the car to wait to move on.

The wind blows up layers of volcanic ash, which is very disgusting, and the disgusting situation is not limited to these.

The air that had been purified suddenly became turbid when the wind blew up the damned volcanic ash.

The air should not be like this, the air should be purified all the time, and then diffused, but because there is really no one coming from Washington, it has become the ghost like this.

No matter how much the volcanic ash accumulated on the ground is purified, it will still cause secondary pollution. In order to continue the purification, the volcanic ash is slowly drying up and polluting again.

Cities that are not cleaned up cannot recover like other cities.

The infiltrated volcanic ash has become a source of secondary pollution.

This city seems to have become a problem, which also allowed Si Fan and the others to take today's action.

"Okay, let's start cleaning up this damn city." Si Fan said silently, seemingly silently.

no one heard it all

With an order, no one else needs to understand, and the terminators will faithfully execute any of his orders.

Dozens of huge construction trucks started to move, each of which is a super city cleaning tool.

It was specially made temporarily for this disaster.

The new double high pressure tank design is designed using the frame of the previous large tank car.

In front of it is a huge hydraulic nozzle, and a large amount of water is sprayed out.

There is also a distinctive vehicle at the front. He charged ahead, reaching the entrance to each sewer, very quickly pressing a plastic cover over it.

In this way, all the sewer systems were closed one by one.

Then, the huge water flow from behind hit here, and the volcanic ash seemed to be impacted into streams of mud, exuding a disgusting sour smell.

It smelled really nasty, with rust from corroded paint and rusted metal from nearby buildings.

It becomes fluid when mixed with a large amount of volcanic ash.

In the end, another water tank quickly sucked up the black slurry from the ground.

The absorption of these things is very fast. The water tank is released and the empty tank is filled in ten minutes.

Very quickly, when they were full, they continued down the road.

The vehicles that opened the way had already made a huge long distance.

At the end of there is a factory of the Skynet Group, which is called the Super Garbage Treatment Plant.

That's right, it's garbage recycling, and it's being used by Si Fan now. All volcanic ash mixed with acid rain will be processed here and made into packaged nutrient solution or nutrient blocks.

Anyway, Si Fan wasn't sure what the hell it was, but it had the same function anyway.

This group of huge vehicles began to work quickly, and there were also some vehicles that rebuilt the city and were ready for the next move.

They... want to revive the city, repair the appearance of the city, and do a simple maintenance by the way.

Skynet Architect

Skynet Architect

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