Skynet Architect

Chapter 326 Hey (6)

Skynet Architect Chapter 326 Hey (6) Audio Novel Listen Online

With such a life, Little Bob's muscles will inevitably straighten up, and the calories he consumes will increase. Gradually, losing weight will not be so difficult for him. Can't rest.

It is terrible to spend a day on weight loss. It is very scary to let a big fat man of 380 pounds do stretching. After strength training, no one comes to this ranch anymore. The cowboys have finished their work for a day. The job is gone.

The ranch became hell for little Bob, every gram of his flesh was torn out by the demons of hell.

For a fat person, losing weight is a very difficult thing. They can no longer rely on themselves to lose weight. Only this kind of ruthless trick can make them lose weight, otherwise they have to undergo surgery to cut part of their stomach. Only in this way can their appetite.

In some respects, this seems like a multiple-choice dilemma.

Old Bob and Si Fan chose for him, and this guy entered hell mode.

Life is still very good, and the construction of the safe zone is slowly moving in a good direction. If there is any difference between the pasture and the farm, it is the location of the allocation. Almost all pastures are close to the inner area, while the large farm Some are near the perimeter.

This is easy to understand. Volcanic ash is nothing to plants, it is the nourishment they need, and they are very happy, but it is more deadly to animals, and it will kill them if it enters the lungs.

It just depends on the amount of volcanic ash inhaled.

Animals also have the ability to avoid danger by themselves. When there is volcanic ash, animals will not go to those deadly places by themselves.

Therefore, when the first batch of calves arrived at the pasture, they were all confined to the most central area, where the air was relatively good without messy gas pollution, allowing the calves to grow quietly.

These are small Angus cattle, and most of them will be used as breeding cattle in the future. When the previous batch of beef cattle dies in large numbers, a new generation will be needed. They will select the best bulls among them as breeding cattle. The others have been extra stocked, the best go to these pastures, and the cows are all lean, all the best genetics.

In terms of human diet, these cows are all handsome men and women among cow babies, and they must all have great potential. They will be the ones who specialize in giving birth to babies in the future.

The bulls among them must be the most handsome guys, and the cows are all above the elite line.

This is the real group of good cow babies.

It is also the best place for the protection of Angus cattle in the United States.

Si Fan is the best place in their hearts, even though it is close to the crater of the Yellowstone Park super volcano, but a place with Si Fan will always be safer than other places.

They all know that the place where Si Fan is located must be vigorously developed, and the speed of other places must be reduced by a step.

The environmental governance here is the fastest, the resources are the most abundant, and a group of pioneers is also the most motivated. All these top-quality breeding cattle have come here.

From the dark volcanic ash blockade area in the distance, trains came one after another. These are special modified trains. There are special air filtering devices on the doors, which filter the external air before entering the interior. . Several huge air conditioners adjust the internal temperature, and there is a professional humidity detection device to measure the internal humidity. It can be said that everything is ready.

Such a considerate design makes the life of the animals in it even better.

It's just that after Si Fan took a look, he wanted to clean up these goblins.

No way, these cows live too happily.

After the train rushed through the heavy obstacles to the safe zone, it stopped for a while at the temporary train station. '

The cows in the cart were already mooing.

They seem to know that they have come to where they should come, or maybe they smell the fragrance of grass,

One by one began to restless.

Driving in the car was a guy with a big beard. His beard was a bit different from what Chinese people think of as a beard. It was actually red, but it was not a particularly bright red, but a very ordinary looking red. Red is not coquettish, nor coquettish, just ordinary red.

It can even be said to be a little bleak.

He got off the train and looked around curiously with a wide smile on his face.

Jiang Yilong, the general manager who took care of all the trivial things, walked over with a bit of exhaustion, holding a list of goods in his hand.

The two compared each other for a long time, then signed a few documents, and then called the cowboy to come and pick up their cattle.

They are all trains, but no matter whose cattle, as long as they come over, they will be allocated according to the previous purchase quantity. Each cow has a mark belonging to each pasture. This is how they all look for cattle.

Find out which one is yours.

Don't think that there are no doves occupying the magpie's nest for foreigners, they also have false claims.

But it’s much better now, probably because they have suffered a lot. Almost every cow has a mark of its own pasture, and they are even injected with the iconic positioning system. As long as they get lost, they can be found.

The current locator is not worth much, and it can be bought for not much money.

So every cow now has a family and an owner.

Si Fan just watched them unload slowly.

That is, take the cow away.

A group of calves are stubborn. Some people have long said "stubborn donkey", and others said "stubborn ox". Isn't the word "ox" below this word? It is enough to explain the nature of this cow.

But human beings are smart and invented the nose ring. When the cow is not moving, he pulls the nose ring and walks away by himself.

Follow you honestly, because he knows that pulling the nose ring is very painful.

Cows were brought down one by one and then divided into waves.

These cows have been together since childhood according to different pastures, so they are very different. Each cow has its own team, and the rancher does not need to worry about it. They just follow the leader of the herd brought by the rancher. .

A bunch of cowboys are very experienced, they are very familiar with this kind of thing.

The sound of mooing all the way spread far away, walking on the grassland full of green grass.

The steps are not big, but they are very light, and they just walk away one by one.

Si Fan, who was behind, looked at the direction they were heading, and held back a word for a long time.

"Hold the grass, why are these cows grazing while walking? How long have you planted grass? All of them are bald!"

The old man next to him is Powell, an agricultural scientist. He carefully looked at the green grass on the ground, picked a section of the cow's food, and nodded silently.

"Don't worry, the grass will grow back. Angus black cattle will not eat grass roots, and they are not goats that harm the grassland."

Skynet Architect

Skynet Architect

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