"What about after that?" The little fat man couldn't help asking curiously.

Si Fan smiled.

"With this identity after that, I am no longer a senior advisor to your Kingdom of Jin, but the chairman of Skynet Group."

The little fat man sat upright, and listened carefully. Human beings can only make more accurate judgments when they have enough information. Only when they really have enough information can a wise person do extraordinary things. .

Si Fan's Skynet Group has this strength.

He knows all the news and has a detailed screening system.

"I hope to continue to build a pan-East Asian-American integration circle and form a very perfect economic fit. From then on, Jin Guo will be included in this system for close cooperation and perfect cooperation." Si Fan said.

At this time, he was talking about him who is extremely powerful, freely switching between the two, and now he is the domineering president of Skynet Group.

The little fat man was ecstatic.

He was waiting for such an opportunity. For a country, it is enough to enter this system. He knows what level he is. The economic development in East Asia is quite prosperous. There is no doubt about it. It must be a strong alliance.

Of course, he himself knows that he is a different kind in East Asia, only their countries are economically backward and underdeveloped.

Now that it is also in contact with the United States, the days of development are just around the corner.

The next step should be the key point, which is the distribution of this cake.

Si Fan continued: "Among them, the Kingdom of Jin will change the previous way of closing and blocking, open the transportation hub, cooperate with the implementation of the entire operation, and vigorously develop the agricultural foundation to ensure that the citizens of the country can enjoy more food and clothing. There must also be a strong export-oriented output capability."

After such an explanation, the little fat man understood everything. He needs to farm. Any country needs to eat, so farming is very important. There is no doubt about this, so why should he be made into an outward-looking country.

He couldn't be more clear, but let him become a link in this transportation hub. When other countries conduct trade, they will inevitably pass through their country. At this time, they need to collect taxes, but the amount of taxes will affect to the cost of goods.

So the pressure from above is even more terrifying, and they don't want to benefit him at all, but they can easily kill them.

Such a possibility is not impossible.

Under the circumstances of this terrorist threat, Si Fan came and brought a plan.

They give up most of these taxes, and other countries must also give up most of them. Otherwise, there will be too many countries passing by, and some goods will even be dumped. This is inevitable, but there are also many problems. Taxes, the final price must be sky-high.

Si Fan let the price fall to the ground.

The little fat man agreed after a little consideration, and he had no reason not to agree.

"Yes, I agree to this plan, but among them, I also hope to get more favorable taxes when our country's agricultural and sideline products are exported, and the circulation link should be faster." He said.

This is for Si Fan, he hopes Si Fan can solve the transportation problem.

Si Fan nodded of course: "No problem, we will help develop higher-speed shipping ships as soon as possible. If there are enough shipping ships, your agricultural and sideline products can be transported to the destination area in the fastest time before they deteriorate. , and then sell it.”

This commitment can be said to be particularly heavy. Special transport sea vessel.

This is a very important topic, and many companies are spending a lot of money on research and development. It's not working very well now.

The little fat man was very happy to get Si Fan's promise, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

In the end, I asked a lot of questions, which involved the key points of their country's development.

While chatting with Si Fan of the Skynet Group, a casual sentence may be a very important message.

The little fat man eagerly wanted to find the information in it.

He also got something very quickly.

But it was useless, everything that should be told had already been told to him. Great rights are given.

Si Fan guaranteed many things, and these were enough for him to pay.

Of course, what he paid was almost zero, and he handed over his citizens to Si Fan for a certain deployment.

that's all he gave

Funds are even more impossible. They may eventually build several factories with packaging production functions, but they will never build factories with too much backward technology.

It's not worth filling holes here.

After all the dust has settled, the delicacies have been removed, and the little sunlight shines on the table in the room, which is really beautiful

It seems that the meal time is carefully set, and Si Fan enjoys it all. After explaining what he wants to say, he has already said goodbye

After leaving here, he didn't go back directly, because of the little fat man's persuasion, he also had some tired thoughts, so Si Fan rested here.

From this palace, slowly walk along the centuries-old buildings to the deepest part of the palace, where there are several palaces.

These palaces are somewhat different.

If the previous ones are only influenced by Huaxia, but they are still working hard to form their own style. Then this is the pure Chinese taste, majestic and solemn, and has always belonged to the royal architectural style.

It is not an ordinary building that can be built in this style, and now he sees it here

When he saw it for the first time, he was really shocked.

After going around dozens of intersections and seeing countless waves of soldiers, he saw this courtyard, which really had the majestic and majestic momentum it once had.

It can be said that it is as immovable as a mountain.

Si Fan was under pressure standing in front of this courtyard, let alone other people.

Seemingly aware of Si Fan's curiosity, the accompanying interpreter said: "This is the Wuwei Hall built during the Sui Dynasty. It was used to detain captured generals and officials of the Sui Dynasty. They built it themselves. The details are how many years Jin Guo thought about it. If you want to copy it, you can’t do it.”

The translator was a serious Chinese, so he was naturally a little unscrupulous when translating.

Si Fan looked at the palace carefully, imagining that those civil servants and military generals lived here in dejection, waiting for the country's rescue.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the three expeditions to Goguryeo drained the last drop of blood of the Sui Dynasty and ruined a dynasty. When Li Shimin boarded the plane and became emperor, he went on another expedition. It seemed that he wanted to prove that he was wiser and wiser than Yang Guang. This place also lost a lot of generals, but Li Shimin was successful. He conquered this place and took away all the Han people, but left such a palace behind.

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