One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and Yellowstone Park has become the most miserable pain in the world. Now there are still countless volcanic ash floating in the sky, the reincarnation of heaven and earth, no one can bear the wrath of heaven and earth.

Even the United States, the world's most powerful country, can't do it, so they sank and were constantly destroyed by natural disasters. Now, the super volcano in Yellowstone Park is already a troublesome place. Now the whole of the United States should start to slow down. Slow recovery, a one-time explosion, and another disaster.

Immediately, all the people were very anxious, and the most anxious one was the President of the United States who took the time to come. His dark face was full of anxiety.

Si Fan could understand them, he took it, stood up and walked to the stage.

After all, His Majesty the Pope has a lofty status, and he is already a bit old, so it is really not suitable for him to do more work.

At this time, the master of ceremonies started to make a few innocuous introductions. At this moment, Si Fan walked onto the stage, and he bowed deeply.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen and ladies, I would like to express my apologies to everyone here personally. Something very bad happened today. The Yellowstone Park super volcano in the United States erupted again."

The people present were silent. They all knew what this meant. After two consecutive constructions of the United States, it was destroyed. The power of this country was exhausted and there was nothing left.

Originally, the construction in full swing would gradually restore the country's vitality, but now it's all right, another earthquake, I don't know how many people died, and I don't know how many people's hopes will be dispelled.

They are a pack of hungry wolves.

After Si Fan finished speaking, the dark American President finally stood up. He looked at everyone present and bowed deeply.

"Sorry, I have to leave at this time." Then he bowed to He Ping Siqian and his wife.

"My country is suffering. I can't part with our people for a moment. I want to go back to my people at the most critical time."

After saying these words, he turned around and left, escorted by more than a dozen bodyguards outside. These people were originally asked not to come in outside, but when the disaster broke out, they were all allowed to pick up their president left.

The black president left the church directly after the salute, and his departure seemed to be an omen, taking everyone's heart.

After he took the lead to leave, the others left nervously.

The first to run were the kings of Africa, followed by the presidents of Europe, and then the people who were bewildered.

When this happens, the upper echelons of the world must leave.

A wedding ended in boredom, without any joy or sorrow, and the wind was still blowing. Si Fan was in the middle of the wedding hall, and he looked at everyone leaving tenderly. These people had their own difficulties. Si Fan understood .

But Si Fan was grateful for those who stayed behind from the wedding.

They still stayed, which shows that they think Si Fan is more important than their career.

Many of these are iron buddies, such as Harman.

He was sitting on a chair in the church, looking up at Si Fan in front of him, looking at Si Fan's lonely eyes.

In front of them was the newlyweds. Over 20 of He Ping's classmates and relatives watched all this, lamenting the indifference of human feelings, and how little things made them run away in such a hurry.

Ordinary people never know how important their worries are.

The black president of the United States is gone. He wants to go back to accompany his people and prepare for the next step.

And the other presidents and kings ran away because they were afraid that Xiao Hei of the United States would do something that would anger people.

The harm caused by the disaster makes them only vent to the outside world, and that is the most dangerous time.

Si Fan was still standing here, and made a disdainful gesture to Harman.

"Why don't you go away, Xiao Hei is going to attack you." Si Fan came over and said without hesitation. "

Haman could only shrug his shoulders and shake his head helplessly.

"What can I do? I'm also desperate. I just have money. I don't have any other military equipment. What do you want me to play? Why don't you hold your thighs tightly now, and hire your men directly when there is a problem. {"

He pretended to be mysterious and said: "It's your subordinates who pretended to be construction workers, are they the real elite?"

Si Fan didn't say anything, with a look of contempt on his face, he really had nothing to say, and the few people beside him just smiled, and then they didn't speak, they were speechless, but they all knew what they were talking about.

Si Fan has a group of super elites under him. They will pretend to be construction workers and hide them. When they are needed, they are the most elite fighters.

This is the consensus of all of them, although everyone suspects that this identity is just a disguise, their work is not construction at all, and construction workers are other people. They are just hiding.

However, no one answered these in the end.

Looking at the tired Si Fan, they were completely defeated.

The spectators didn't know about these people's little games, but Murdoch next to him knew it very well. He came over and interrupted and said, "Your game should be over. Today's protagonists are not you. Today only the bride and groom are the protagonists."

Old Murdoch is reminding that the relatives of He Ping's family now know that the participants here are either rich or expensive. This old man who talks casually may be the world's top local tyrant;

I don't know anyone else, but He Ping also reads Time Magazine, and old Murdoch is a regular reader of it.

This was recorded, and he recognized the legend at a glance.

A person who is recorded in books.

The president just watched a lot, and the appearance of a media tycoon seemed less shocking.

Si Fan saw Murdoch holding on to the old man badly.

"Old Murdoch, today I have to introduce you to a rising star in the entertainment industry, my sister Si Qian." Si Fan pulled Murdoch and pointed to his sister Si Qian to introduce.

The only thing left for Murdoch is embarrassment. He looked at Si Qian with a smile, and he didn't know how many mothers wanted to talk about it.

He didn't know when Si Fan's hands became so strong. He felt that he was being pulled by iron pincers.

Looking at Si Qian's young face, how could Murdoch, an old man, not know what Si Fan meant.

He is all too clear.

"Hollywood is a good place, but unfortunately it has been destroyed now, but the equipment of the entire production team is still fine. As long as you want to develop, I think I can help you." Murdoch said sincerely to Si Qian.

He Ping next to him went crazy, he whispered, "Murdoch, it's actually the old media tycoon Murdoch."

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