Kevin was silent for a while, and finally shook his head.

Maybe foreigners are more straightforward in this regard, or maybe they don't want to be too oblique when chatting with people like Si Fan, or they know that what these real big shots want is honesty, not hypocrisy, and the two of them go back and forth.

Big brother’s time is money, and Buffett costs millions of dollars for a meal. Is it the real price? They are their own way of doing charity. If you really charge, you don't even have the qualifications to sit with them.

Of course, if Si Fan said a word now, it would be absolutely fine for two people to make an appointment for dinner, even Buffett would fly to find Si Fan himself.

This is the difference in status and status. There are ladders in the world. Si Fan made a circle and built an elevator to go directly to the top.

It's completely different. The intricate network of relationships and personal networks behind them has been built into a huge network to crowd out other people, and Si Fan is like an eagle in the sky. He doesn't care so much. The top leaders in those countries Laomen is a little bird outside the network, who can fly freely. Only Si Fan really stands at the top. His group has already represented too much, so it must be absolutely neutral.

This is like some countries, such as Switzerland, but Si Fan has his own power.

If it was the same as before, someone would find a way to kill Si Fan after all, but now that the disaster is at hand, Si Fan must be allowed to do things, and they are patient with Si Fan in everything. As for whether Si Fan can be dealt with in the future, they don't care about that much.

The navy of the United States is all ready to attack other countries, who has the leisure to control Si Fan.

Everything seems to have a very good environment, Si Fan can do a lot of things, he looked at Kevin in front of him.

This guy lost his wisdom just now and looked a bit bitter.

Looking at him, Si Fan seemed to see some troubled people.

"What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about the output of production?" Si Fan said his main consideration.

It seemed a little surprised, but he said it anyway.

"That's right, it's the output problem. The reconstruction of the US requires a very large output. A single factory cannot rebuild this country. It needs dozens or even hundreds or thousands of large-scale factories of the same type to support it. A large factory may occupy the area you give it with just one factory.”

Worry is inevitable, so Si Fan is not nervous anymore. He understands this matter very well. If the factory really needs to be large-scale, it must be super large-scale to support the industry in the United States.

but! ! ! But there is one thing.

"Who stipulates that a medium-sized factory cannot have a manufacturing level comparable to a large or even a super-large factory? Even a smelting factory can do it." Si Fan laughed, how is this impossible? Everything is possible, as long as technology develops to a certain extent.

"By the way, who told you that the factory must be flat, not three or even four floors? It can be stacked. As long as the building quality meets the standards, it is possible to have more than ten floors." Si Fan said.

Now Kevin stopped talking, and he carefully considered whether he could achieve the factory they envisioned if the situation Si Fan said could really be achieved.

You must know that their requirements are very high. They are all the best factories in the world, but in the same way, the better the factory, the more special environment it needs, especially the steel factory, which requires a superior environment. Yes, now that the demand for special steel is increasing day by day, they need a workshop for mass production.

Now Si Fan tells them to allow a large number of factories to produce here, but that is unscientific, there are not so many places for them to choose from, and there are not so many production equipment for them to conduct research and development.

A group of professors and scientists looked at Si Fan with great interest. There were countless experiments waiting to start in their hearts. Those experiments were very difficult to complete. Now they have some equipment, but they are not very complete. If they have the opportunity to get For more experimental support,

Then they might succeed.

The scientific research dream of every scientist is to have countless money to allow them to conduct experiments casually.

Many of the super scientists present also spent hundreds of millions of funds on scientific research, but it would be nonsense to say that money is used recklessly. They have always been representatives of frugality, and a little powder used in an experiment may cost dozens of dollars. In case of grams.

How can this thing be justified.

If you want to carry out those crazy experiments, you need the support of the world's top equipment and money.

Si Fan has the strength to support all their research, has his own research and development team, and has a strong enough support "lessons learned from the past."

That is a very famous brand effect, and the strength of Si Fan's investment in Jixia Academy is valued by the whole world.

They know too well what this number represents, that is, a lot of money.

Si Fan has invested so much, such a crazy investment, that is to give them an opportunity, an opportunity for rapid research and development, and an opportunity for their products to be prepared on a large scale.

It's money, it's fame, it's status, it's their everything.

As long as there is this opportunity, they will never give up.

Everyone looked at Kevin.

Now Kevin is their spokesperson. If Kevin tells them that they will never cooperate, it is estimated that these people will eat him.

Kevin smiled wryly.

He really couldn't believe that all the Uranos owned by Si Fan now transformed into a huge super factory can't support the development of all the United States.

This is the recovery of the world's most powerful country. This is the reconstruction of hundreds of trillions of funds. No place, not even a country, can support it.

How could Si Fan support it.

But Si Fan smiled.

"Who told you that the development of science and technology is from miniaturization to large-scale, from large-scale to giant-sized, and then shrinking continuously?" Si Fan smiled wisely.

Kevin shut up. In fact, the application of computers is like this. The journey from electron tubes to the current super large-scale integrated circuits is a new monument.

From a huge building is a computer to now every household has a computer.

What's this? This means that the same can be done on the industrial side.

But he hesitated, is it really possible?

"If you don't do it, you will never succeed. Use more money to integrate this super factory base, and then keep shrinking. Isn't this an era of industrial redevelopment? Isn't this the beginning of an era? "

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