The domestic market is full of vitality, but it is too difficult to find a very precise investment project. If you want to find a company that can be accurately positioned and then have a stable income, there are too few.

Many ordinary people are looking for this project, but for some venture capital companies, their investment has a very stable evaluation. Whether this company is worth investing in, and how much return they can get are their signatures. The key point is that if half of the ten companies invest successfully, they will make a fortune. If there are three companies with normal performance, they can keep their capital. If there is only one company, they will quickly solve those loss-making companies to achieve the goal of stopping losses. Purpose.

This is what they do the most. As for 100% successful investment, these people never thought that there is no free lunch in the world, and there is no such thing as guaranteed success.

But this time, with a keen sense of smell, they felt a different trend.

"The United States has no money." A group of people sat together and looked at a website.

All are investors in suits and leather shoes, and they are meticulously tidied up. They carefully watch the screen and analysis report in this room. Beside them, on a chair, sat a slightly rich man, probably in his forties, drinking a glass of wine.

Different from others, he seems to like rice wine, red clay stove, green ant new fermented wine, wearing a suit and drinking rice wine, which has a special taste.

A group of people want to find the highest point and the brightest point of this opportunity, and find the best channel for their investment.

"Zhang Ke, how much liquidity does our company have, and how much is it worth cutting off all investments?" While others are frantically looking for the best business opportunities, he is different, drinking rice wine, and already has a few in his mind. The figure of myself years ago.

At that time, I was still a very inconspicuous real estate speculator, and I was inconspicuous among a group of Pingcheng real estate speculators, and I didn't have much motivation.

It is because of Si Fan's words, a support, an opportunity.

He caught it, and he has today. From a real estate speculator to the chairman of an investment company, and then to the general manager of a large investment company, no one knows his past, only his brilliance.

I don't know that he was just the young man doing house appraisal behind a group of aunts, the young man who worked hard after seizing an opportunity.

He worked hard, seized the opportunity, grasped the key of fate, and then... took off.

What did he do? If he doesn’t know about other people, but he knows very well about himself. Others are studying various companies in the world. He is not. Live in Skynet Group.

He will participate in any Skynet Group news, even if it is a small charity event, even if it is not far away, just to donate tens of thousands of dollars, he is willing to do it.

He participated in all the property market profits of Skynet Group, and he was the craziest real estate speculator group at that time. He has achieved all the decoration income of Skynet Group. The decoration material suppliers he invested in are all the highest-end and best quality in the world. In the end, most of these suppliers are the royal suppliers of Skynet Group. He also earns He has been involved in a series of Skynet Group dynamics since then, never participating directly, but providing services from the side.

Until now, the funds in his hands have been...

"Report to Mr. Zhao, our company's disposable funds are about 17 billion yuan, and the financing funds are about 33 billion yuan. We can continue to increase leverage and cooperate with more people." The accountant quickly reported all the company's funds. flow of funds.

Mr. Zhao, that is, Xiao Zhao, the house inspector back then, carefully looked at all the investment projects in front of him with a smile, and a winner's smile, seeing every detail clearly.

Then ordered to go down.

"Evaluate all the items in this list for me, and find all the information for me,

I want to know the three most profitable projects, the most stable three, and the three most in demand in the United States. Then see if there is any overlap. ’ he commanded.

Everyone got moving and they started analyzing each item. As a group of guys from a venture capital company, this is a matter of familiarity, and it can be done in a few days.

And Xiao Zhao looked at the above data by himself, he looked carefully, and then suddenly seemed to find something.

Or live to discover the difference.

This is a sentence from the super steel smelting center.

During the introduction, we talked about cooperating with the super forging center to create one-stop service for finished products.

It's such a simple introduction, without too much water, and not too much dry goods.

Everyone who sees it will be dismissive. But who is Xiao Zhao. He was a home inspector back then, and this industry requires a delicate mind, so there are many things he associates with it.

Because this super forging center does not exist, it is not in any project, that is to say, the construction of this super forging center has already been completed, or has already started construction, and the funds have been perfected. He just needs metal materials.

The manufactured parts should be semi-finished parts, and the price of such workpieces is not cheap. After a few more processes, it will be a finished part, and it will enter the market for OEM production.

Xiao Zhao knows the profits here. In the past, each factory was separated, and their final profits were divided thinly, and the profits were very huge. What's more, the profits have skyrocketed now.

The most important thing is that the United States now needs to vigorously build the country and rebuild a country. The current situation in the United States is that there are frequent earthquakes, or it is to build low-rise floors in the Japanese style to be earthquake-proof, or it is a small wooden building. Building, not afraid of collapse.

How to build cost-effective, everyone has a steelyard in mind, anyway, how to get a country's construction steel is countless, if it can be directly produced into finished products for sale, the profit will be even more considerable.

Looking at other industries, most of Si Fan knows that they are all OEM companies abroad, but now it seems that they want to rebuild.

It is fundamentally different from this steel factory.

Before others had locked in the target, he had already begun to analyze in detail the shares and funds invested in the iron and steel plant.

This investigation may take several days.

In fact, it was the same. On the third day, he got the answer.

"Boss, I have analyzed the projects where all the conditions overlap, and all the conditions of the super steel smelting center overlap."

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading website:

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