The rumbling sound never stopped. There were more and more umbrella flowers in the sky, and more and more people landed below. Slowly, tens of thousands of terminators descended slowly, slowly approaching the ground.

The Terminator on the ground is carrying a huge liquid nitrogen high-pressure cylinder and is spraying the fixed magma, and the surrounding area is constantly being reinforced, so that the magma is fixed at a high point, making it more difficult for them to break through and block, and the range inside becomes a safe place. area.

The terminators began to clean up quickly, and the rocks that were cleaned up were piled directly in the isolation area next to them.

It is simple, convenient and straightforward. Among the broken rocks, many terminators started working at the same time, and the flying dust spread in the air. The terminators didn't care at all. There was volcanic ash everywhere. Fortunately, the terminators didn't care about this thing. The environment was harsh. The temperature was very high, and in their direction, the underground began to be dug gradually.

At a height of several meters, it took half a day to dig down to the bottom.

Deep layers of rock acted as a hindrance.

Zhao Jianjia on the plane looked at the data.

"A total of seven or eight meters deep, when will we be able to dig through, and I don't know if there is enough oxygen below." Zhao Jianjia is very worried. Although the air inside claims to be able to last for ten years, in fact, who knows Well, you must know that most of these places are selling concepts, not really very rigorous.

She was worried, and there was no one around, because there were all those dead faces around, and no one spoke at all.

Also in the depths of the ground, in the doomsday refuge, there is a group of people living in this legendary place.

In Shelter No. 1, Si Fan was lying on the bed and just tore open a bag of potato chips. This huge bag of potato chips weighed nearly a catty. Si Fan put the potato chips on the bed and enjoyed them to his heart's content.

The large bag of potato chips is quite useful. Standing in front is Comrade Terminator Niubi, who is constantly cleaning up the room.

There are always things in this room that need to be cleaned up, as if a lot of rescue supplies need to be tossed out slowly, and then simply processed.

The entire underground shelter also has its own ecosystem to ensure the lives of the people here.

Behind Si Fan, there is a huge garden with an artificial sunlight greenhouse, and all the plants in the greenhouse are growing vigorously.

There are no messy weeds, here are all vegetables, and there is a natural zoo in another room, where a large number of livestock grow naturally, and what they eat is the feed that is automatically sprayed every day.

Si Fan in the room was quietly eating potato chips, looking at the opposite wall.

On this wall is a three-dimensional picture. This picture is a whole city, a huge city. Different from the previous cities, this city is a huge palace of words in flames. Below the palace are tall round platforms. This platform gradually covered the entire place, each one of which was a crater, and the thick smoke erupting from the crater was constantly erupting magma, and the ground was full of flowing magma.

But it's useless, the vicinity of each super crater is a super factory where magma flows.

After simple processing in the factory, it turns into slates one by one. In the state of magma, countless atmospheric pressures are added to completely compress the melted magma into slates. Such slates have various shapes, which can also be said to be different. .

In Si Fan's eyes, this crater has become a money printing machine and a governance method, and the flowing magma has become effective again.

This place has become a new factory in Si Fan's mind, turning this damn volcano into a new factory for human beings, which can transform a large amount of magma into other forms.

Using industry to control the disaster is the real opportunity to control the disaster. Now this is the source, and the disaster is controlled at this source, so that the danger in Si Fan's mind can be resolved into invisible.

This huge factory controls the flames in its own factory, and then presses the magma into various plates with super high pressure,

This is the effect Si Fan wants.

The manufactured stone slabs are really just stone slabs, and a very small part will become materials such as marble.

This material is formed after materials such as stone are extruded with super-high force under ultra-high temperature and high pressure.

In Si Fan's idea, the magma in each crater would turn into stones like marble.

All of this is very simple. In Si Fan's mind, there is only one problem to be solved.

That's what can really provide such a powerful pressure.

This is the limit that human beings need to break through,

It is simply impossible to provide such a large power now, so everything Si Fan has is a hypothesis, and if these assumptions can be successful, then a city can be created.

Yes, manufacturing, the world's thirst for marble will be the engine of this city.

It has always been like this. Only when the interests are sufficient can human beings have enough motivation to accomplish more goals.

The current Si Fan is to give them a motivation to move forward. They just need to make a little progress, and then they can make countless money. Only when they are driven by interests can people invest in it.

Looking at his own design, Si Fan is still very satisfied. The entire building will cover the Yellowstone Park super volcano and guide it. The current design cancels the high-voltage function, but also retains some of it. ;

In this super factory, the magma will be perfectly transferred to another location, and then cooled. All the magma will turn into rocks and then enter the landfill.

This fucking landfill will be very crowded in the future, and the entire volcano will release countless pressures.

It doesn't matter, the heat of the flame produces a lot of energy when it cools down.

This energy will be fully utilized.

Simply looking at his equipment, Si Fan looked at it very calmly.

Beside him the Terminator has been working.

The doors of the rooms were closed, and all of them were tightly sealed, so that people could not see what the inside of the room looked like at all.

Suddenly there was a sound from the wall outside.

"Ding Ding!" The sound was so clear twice in a row.

"Someone came to harass me again, and it's not that I don't have supplies. As for coming to me so frequently?" Si Fan was really angry.

He looked out depressed.

"Get me connected." In a word, the situation outside appeared on the opposite screen.

"Mr. Si Fan, please connect us to the Internet. We really need entertainment. It's too boring here." People shouted indiscriminately outside.

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading website:

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