The silent Si Fan made Xiao Hei have bad thoughts, and he became more and more irritable. The reason why he cleared up this uncertain factor was because they were destroying the country of America, and Si Fan was building the country of America.

He was afraid that if he really caught this guy, the construction of the United States would come to a standstill.

This is what worries him the most.

As for killing these two guys, he has full confidence. Even if Si Fan has hundreds of thousands of men, it doesn't matter. He doesn't have enough ordnance, and he doesn't have large-scale weapons.

As for the new guy, he is more confident.

"If you agree, then we will use force to attack and try to wipe them out completely." Xiao Hei's words were very calm, but also very cold, and he wanted to kill the opponent in one go.

In Si Fan's view, there was no surprise, and there was even some joy.

From Si Fan's point of view, this is the best reward for him. As long as he can kill the other party, it must be very good, but if he can't kill the other party, then Si Fan knows the strength of the other party, and the two sides must have rules to a competition.

He believes that with the current strength of the company, it should be able to compress the opponent's territory as much as possible.

Use fair tactics to suppress him in a small area.

Unless he doesn't want to play anymore, then Si Fan has a lot of resources in his hands, at least the electricity in the world is under his control. If he wants to build weapons of the order of war, he has unique resources in terms of electricity, and he has unique resources in terms of soldiers. There are terminators.

But he really didn't know what fighting ability the opponent possessed.

To test, to test.

Si Fan secretly sucked in his determination.

"Yes, it is necessary to directly use force to eliminate them. Their kind of bugs can be defined as alien invasive species, and species elimination is justified." Si Fan said.

Now Xiao Hei laughed, it was the first time he heard Si Fan say that he actually wanted to find a name, and that the name should be justified.

"Boy, you have to remember that we are the country of America, so we don't need to justify our name, we just need to find an excuse. Your excuse just now is not bad, is it to eliminate invasive alien species? Just use this." Xiao Hei hung up the phone.

Si Fan also knew that the other party was about to act, and he didn't even have a chance to continue talking.

But Si Fan knew that he couldn't just stand by at this time, once the other party had powerful means.

After hanging up the phone, Si Fan looked at Hong. He knew that he should have a way to deal with it, but he didn't know if he could get support.

But the red queen is also very depressed.

"Sorry, the Skynet system doesn't include attack methods. At best, we can only dispatch terminators to use protective methods to wipe out the other party's intrusions. However, apart from the weapons that come with the system, other fog will not exist." Hong The voice behind is also very embarrassing.

Si Fan was upset when he heard that.

This is a threat, but he has no solution. This is wrong. In Si Fan's mind, this is completely against his own principles.

If there is a problem to be solved, if the system can’t solve it, why don’t you solve it yourself?

It took a long time for Si Fan to continue to ask the Red Queen: "Since this is the case, what else can we use?"

"Red Empress, is there anything you want to tell me?"

He was really entangled in his heart. It would be great if he could really get the resources he wanted.

But the Red Queen shook her head.

"Sorry, the Skynet system is really a building system. Now many things you have developed are beyond the scope of the system, such as Jixia Academy, Atlantis, for example... a lot of things you have developed thing."

Si Fan knew a long time ago that many of the things he created were not what the system should have.

Jixia Academy itself just got a soul out to build a school, but the rules inside are all created by itself. When the imagination of a group of people is released, the effect is very terrifying. The first industrial revolution liberated the labor force with machinery, and people began to create wildly.

It was an era, the second industrial revolution, mankind entered the electrical age. They were all great, and they were both very crazy times.

It can be said that the mind was liberated. Human thoughts were very easy to be recognized and developed in that era.

When the Jixia Academy appeared, it liberated the mind and unleashed the wild horses in people's hearts, allowing people to use their imagination to their heart's content.

There will always be some talented people in Jixia Academy.

They display their brilliance in this purely free world, so that they can truly shine.

They can be willful without thinking about money, just think about what they want to do, crazy things.

They have released themselves to create considerable value.

This is the best era.

Si Fan, who fell into deep contemplation, gradually found his way.

Isn't it because the system didn't give real weapons. Isn't there just no solution?

But he has Jixia Academy, the most attractive school in the world. Now this school not only attracts Chinese people, but also attracts geniuses from all over the world. They have to take the exam desperately every year to enter this school.

This is their opportunity to jump into the dragon's gate, so why not Si Fan's opportunity to gather talents.

What is the most valuable in the 21st century? He's already been told that by an ad.


Jixia Academy has its own talents.

He suddenly smiled, as long as there are talents, as long as there are people around, no matter how strong the opponent is, he can surpass it after all, not to mention that he does not have nothing, he has a terminator, he now has a terminal for execution, all he needs is Attached weapon system only.

The weapons that the Terminator carried themselves were rubbish.

When Si Fan watched the movie, he discovered that the Terminator was a piece of trash, just because he singled out the main character, and the biggest department he killed was a police station.

But now it seems that the opponent is not just ordinary people.

That scary big bug didn't look like a harmless little toy.

With the video, although Xiao Hei has not yet started to challenge the opponent, he has not given actual combat orders.

But Si Fan also decided to develop the weapons he needs first, and then seal them up at that time.

"Red Queen, is there any solution in your backup plan that can solve this situation?" Si Fan asked the Red Queen.

He was carefully looking at the awesome Terminator T800 next to him. This guy has always been very powerful, but this combat power is only for security. If he wants to take the initiative to attack, it is simply impossible.

Si Fan was in pain, but the Red Queen had already stabbed him in the heart again.

"Sorry, the Skynet system is a pure construction system, without any combat plan, and the highest support is only the security level."

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