Zheng Shu started his path of weapon design, and now the design he should be working on is ordinary individual equipment. These equipment have a strong personal application strength, and the weight and recoil of shooting are designed according to the limit acceptable to human beings. of.

Should be fine by itself, but they're aiming for the wrong thing.

The target of the current design of the weapon is human beings, but by then the design target will not be human beings.

Their test has just started, but Si Fan and the others can't touch the distance.

In California, the United States, there is a war between humans and unknown opponents, which is about to begin.

General Clare is leading his marines approaching the coastline of California. The sky is now foggy. The most terrifying thing is that in this fog, there seems to be a rising flame in the distance.

The flame seemed to be a trapped beast, roaring continuously.

"Ho Ho Ho!" Unidentified roars made people feel frightened.

The flames soared into the sky, lava was flying in the air, and countless bugs crawled through it.

These bugs are knife-footed bugs that look like praying mantises. They dig minerals and throw them into the furnace. Behind them, there are guys who seem to transport these metal ingots from the same bugs.

On the distant seashore, hundreds of landing craft are slowly approaching the shore. There are no defensive measures on the shore, and here is their leader, General Claire.

In the Marine Corps, they are all soldiers, they are all on the front line, and the command authority is with the highest commander, Xiao Hei.

Claire rushed to the front and watched from a distance with his rifle in his hand. There was no good visual distance in front of him. The volcanic ash became Anthony's natural barrier, and everything in front of him seemed to be covered with a thin layer of gauze.

They can't see anything. The so-called thermal induction devices have also become waste. This is already a volcanic-prone area, and in addition to the death valley itself, the perennial surface temperature is very high, and it is impossible to distinguish.

Infrared rays are even more unreliable. There are too many large particles in the air, and infrared rays cannot penetrate the floating layer of volcanic ash.

So they can only watch with the naked eye, wearing full armor that looks like a chemical protective suit, and wearing a simple filter mask specially made for this operation to filter volcanic ash. This equipment will be used to explore the United States in the future.

They moved forward slowly, and all of them were constantly contacting their companions and giving support to their companions.

Claire walked carefully. He was no longer young, and he had passed the time of impulsiveness, and he knew that the target this time was not easy to deal with. The soldiers of the Marine Corps sent tens of thousands of people, which is already very exaggerated It is enough to fight a high-intensity battle, but they are sending so many people in their current suppression mission, and the target is very special.

He has a photo, a kind of bug with sickle legs like a praying mantis. It doesn't know the lethality, but the speed of mining is very fast.

There are very few recorded videos. The sickle feet that cut iron like mud can easily cut through rocks and directly decompose metal ore.

There is no resistance at all.

It can be seen from this early that this is a crazy bug.

Claire knew the danger all too well, he lowered his body, trying to minimize the damage he suffered in the first wave, and then moved forward cautiously, the m16 in his hand was aiming at his sight, the bullet was loaded, the safety had been opened, Always be ready to shoot.

There are still more than a dozen kilometers ahead of the estimated distance, but it is possible to encounter those damn bugs.

The Marine Corps is slowly advancing, touching the nest ahead.

"Commander-in-Chief, I haven't found the target yet, do you want to search quickly." Someone asked Claire through the intercom.

He was advancing, and when he heard this voice, he knew it was his adjutant.

"Don't worry, we have actually entered the area where the target is. Be careful at any time, as long as you encounter people who are not our marines, you can kill them all." Claire gave the order.

The adjutant hurriedly conveyed it.

In the Marine Corps, they all advance according to the squad. The No. 4 Scissorhands Squad is the elite among their elites. The Marine Corps is not a special force with a particularly small number of people, accounting for one-third of the United States.

Therefore, the Scissorhands team is still far behind the real special forces, but they are already elite and are at the front line.

Edward is the captain of this team. He is leading the team forward. The speed is very slow, but he is still the pioneer.

No one spoke, they couldn't speak, because they were already close to the enemy's area, and it was already certain that the enemy was nearby.

"Everyone be careful, we have been ordered to kill all creatures that are not our brigade, remember! Any creature!" Edward reminded again.

He has used this title for a long time, I don't know how much time, but it only represents one, cruelty.

Edward is a 1.9 meter bald head, very violent, and his team members feel full of security.

The team moved forward slowly, the assaulter was ready to fight hand-to-hand at any time, the sniper did not dare to be far away, but he was still the most accurate marksman.

If there is anyone who is the craziest, it is the Fireman.

He now has an assistant, with a high-powered weapon himself, ready to kill the enemy at any time.

Full alert is for them, and they must counterattack as quickly as possible.

This is his idea.

But no one could predict when the accident and the enemy would come first.

When they moved forward again, Edward suddenly heard a voice.

Not very clear, "Swipe!" With a sound, in front of Edward's eyes, a huge piece of super ore weighing several tons was cut open.

When the cutting was completed, he climbed directly onto the ore, turned over and carried the ore on his back.

Edward was already dumbfounded.

"Is this Star Wars? Or Alien?" Edward just said subconsciously, and then the next second.

"Fire!" With an order, without the slightest hesitation, everyone started to fire.

The 5.56mm bullet flew out and hit the bug.

The sound of puffing was continuous.

A full dozen shuttle bullets just hit the bug.

If it was a person, it would have been beaten into a pile of rotten meat.

but! but! As if nothing happened, the worm continued to move forward with his huge ore.

Edward was sweating profusely in an instant, and shouted loudly through the intercom: "Report sir, I encountered a target that is more than three meters high, and I have already shot tentatively. The 5.56mm bullet cannot hurt the opponent. ! Can’t hurt the opponent, and I’m about to use a higher-intensity attack!”

At this second, what he thought of was the usual training, and quickly reported the information.

And the fireman on the other side has already set up the bracket in an instant, ready to kill this guy with heavy firepower.

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