The factory is always being eliminated, no one can be recognized, and everyone is tortured to the point of going crazy. Zhou Lu is a pervert. He pursues the best manufacturing, the best craftsmanship, and the best work attitude.

There is nothing to say when facing this perverted guy, just one word.


They put their heads down and tried other combinations, made sure they were on the right track, and galloped off.

The developed material is changing.

They have gradually begun to master the method, and then adjust element by element.

It is a process from large scale adjustments to very fine adjustments at the end.

The ratio of each element is very subtle.

Maybe a change of just a few places after the decimal point can change everything in performance.

In this factory, everyone is conducting experiments, and next to it is the laboratory, where they carry out the most basic blending of metals.

This is a huge production base.

Everything one should have.

Outside the gate of this factory, Si Fan is changing into work clothes.

Beside him is Zhuzhu. Queen Loulan has already put on very simple and loose work clothes. They need to visit here. This clothes can effectively prevent splashing.

After all, there are many machines here.

Bringing Worm into the workshop, if it is other workshops, someone will definitely look at it twice, but not in this workshop, everyone is looking at their own experiments, looking at their own results, waiting in line for the Terminator to test their equipment .

Everyone has their own business, and there is no leisure to look around.

Si Fan and Zhu Zhu entered the factory calmly.

But here, there will always be struggles, and just as he entered, he happened to meet Zhuang Zhou, the little man with all the charms. He is now looking around with his chest upright. Behind him is a thermal weapon production factory. They are testing individual melee thermal weapons, and all of them are weapons with high recoil. Simple two-handed attack.

This idea is good, but the problem he has to face is more serious.

For Zhou Lu, there was only one problem, and that was armor breaking.

Possess a powerful armor-piercing ability to hurt others.

And he was struggling, he not only needed to break armor, but also to study how to generate a lot of damage.

If it's just these requirements, he can easily meet them, but it requires the ammunition load, the density of firepower, and the reliability of the weapon.

This is a bit tricky, he was sweating profusely when facing this nasty bug, but he felt relieved when he saw Si Fan.

"Boss, now we have reached the middle stage, basically starting to finalize the shape and start testing experimental products. Are you here today to see new products?" Zhuang Zhou kept promoting himself.

Si Fan looked at him and shook his head.

"No, your products can't meet the requirements for the time being. Now they are only semi-finished products, and I am looking for you today because I want you to tailor a set of weapons and equipment for me. All the requirements are based on the requirements of this lady. To build it, it must be the best, and it must be treated with the most rigorous attitude." Si Fan repeatedly asked.

Don't think Zhuang Zhou is small, but he is smart, knowing that this is a good opportunity to perform in front of Si Fan, so of course he agreed.

"Boss, don't worry, I will definitely satisfy this beautiful lady." He patted his chest generously.

At this time, the squirm opened its mouth.

"I want a scepter made of pure gold, inlaid with eight precious stones inside, and a fixed totem drawn with pure silver on the outside."

As soon as Zhu Zhu opened his mouth, he felt that his requirements were really not low.

In her impression, pure gold can only be produced by refining dog's head gold, and they are all rare treasures.

But for modern people, this is simply too simple.

"Don't worry, they will bring you back as soon as possible." Zhuang Zhou agreed on the spot.

No way, this guy is so exaggerated,

He is simply crazy. A lunatic who will do whatever it takes to succeed.

Now that Si Fan is so optimistic about this woman, he has to invest.

How could Zhu Zhu know that? Even if he knew, he would still want his own equipment.

Without giving Zhu Zhu a chance to react, Zhuang Zhou began to lead her to choose.

Si Fan followed behind, didn't speak, just kept listening.

"This is our best long-range shooting weapon, with powerful kinetic energy, so we use very high-end armor-piercing ammunition that can make the enemy never return." He was introducing quickly, wanting to tell the worm everything about him something to show.

But Queen Loulan didn't care at all.

"In our ancient Loulan, the sun is our weapon, and every enemy dies under our scorching sun." Zhu Zhu said so calmly, which made others a little confused, and really didn't know what to say.

Is it really reliable to use the sun to kill people?

But neither of them spoke, just waiting for Squirm's request.

As they advanced, they gradually entered the material workshop.

Once inside the factory, Zhuzhu's eyes are completely useless. In the closed test rooms one after another, groups of mechanical arms are being tested. The solid steel plate emits a silver-white light, and then the mechanical arm is swung violently.

"Canglanglang~" The sound of the metal hitting makes the scalp tingle, and then I saw a huge crack in the steel plate being cut obliquely from a 75-degree angle. On the top is a giant axe, which is now slowly pulled out. Already has a little scratches.

This is impossible, the thickness of the steel plate is really astonishing, and the power used is not the power of ordinary humans.

It broke the armor at once, and it seemed to have a very significant effect.

Zhuzhu looked at these weapons with bright eyes.

"Is this the weapon being used now?" She was very curious about what kind of giant such a powerful weapon was used for.

After all, she came out of the war years. She knows how big a normal weapon should be. A heavy weapon like an ax is actually only the size of a palm. But now this is not ah.

It's a long-handled ax with an all-metal handle and an oversized ax in the ax's place.

It is scary to look at, and there are delicate wire grooves on the surface.

This is not for the sake of looking good, but to release the pressure in the opponent's body, so that he can draw out the weapon faster, and then give him a fatal blow.

Looking at this powerful weapon, she exclaimed: "What kind of powerful fighter can use such an exaggerated weapon."

Si Fan smiled slightly. He never expected that humans could use such exaggerated weapons, only the Terminator. Only the Terminator has this ability.

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