Liam, the captain of the Canadian Special Operations Squad, the real elite of the special forces elite, has amazing combat effectiveness, and a madman who once survived the Siberian training camp.

Today he was sitting in a Black Hawk helicopter, driving a heavy machine gun, ready to pour out all the bullets on the plane at any time, with a cruel smile on his face, and a strange arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Kill or massacre, this is really a pleasant choice." Liam's smile was filled with endless cruelty.

Lowering the altitude in the air, patrolling at low altitude, the view in front of you is endless sand, the wind is blowing in the sky all over the sky, and it is integrated with the volcanic ash hovering in the highest sky. This is the destination of death.

Liam was a lunatic, a complete lunatic. Others would be nervous on the battlefield, but he never would. His expression was always so rampant, with a lunatic smile.

He held the heavy machine gun with both hands, very calm.

"We've reached the target area. Where are those damned bugs? Your father is here!" Liam howled loudly, staring at the desert below. He wanted to find those damned bugs and kill them.

This is the desert, the battlefield of killing. He could only feel his blood boiling, but the even numbers were more stable. He knew that this was his own battlefield, and this was where he went crazy.

When he came here, he had already obtained unlimited fire rights.

This is his biggest reliance. With the unlimited fire power, he can fire at will to kill all creatures in sight, or anything he wants to kill.

Liam glanced down cruelly, and gradually saw a very obvious mountain in the distance.

This mountain is really hard to find. It is not easy to find a mountain in the endless desert.

But they have encountered it now. This mountain looks not very big, which is about three or four meters high. There is a machine here that is not particularly large, like a funnel. Nearby there are a few bugs pouring in with a pile of sand.

After the sand entered the funnel, a pile of white sand came out from a channel next to it. The sand looked like death.

Just by looking at it, you can tell that death is happening here.

This is a mineral refining center, keeping useful minerals and giving up all others.

In Liam's eyes, this is not such a complicated thing, this is a very, very, very normal target stronghold.

Below are seven or eight big bugs.

Now he knew why it was not called a praying mantis but a worm, and this thing could only be called a worm.

His feet are thicker and his body is rounder. Only the two scythes can remind people of a mantis.

Such a bug is disgusting to look at. After all, he is a huge, two or three meter tall monster, which makes people feel frightened.

But that doesn't include Liam, now Liam is completely crazy, he is aiming at the target with a heavy machine gun.

"The plane hovers 50 meters closer to the target." Liam gave the order.

The Black Hawk formation also followed slowly.

After approaching, all the planes turned on the stealth state. The helicopter flight at this time is almost noiseless.

They approached slowly.

There is no resistance from Anthony here, just quietly approaching.

"The No. 1 machine has reached the intended target, is hovering, and has aimed at the target."

"The No. 2 machine has reached the intended target, is hovering, and has aimed at the target."

"The No. 3 aircraft has reached the intended target, is hovering, and has aimed at the target."

"The No. 4 machine indicated that the parking position is not conducive to shooting, and has chosen to land for a frontal attack."

Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded, what the hell is this No. 4 machine.

They were all ready to continue the attack, but the No. 4 aircraft landed.

What they don't know is that the No. 4 machine has a confidential order, and they are going down to execute the order.

Liam, who was on the plane, watched the No. 4 plane rush over by itself.

He really wants to give those idiots a shot and let them know what it means to carry out orders.

But he knew that the No. 4 plane had a special mission.

"Others continue to prepare to shoot." Liam was in a bad mood.

Because when the No. 4 plane was descending, the bug actually raised its head.

This is a bug like a praying mantis, or a cockroach, which is similar to a cockroach without a shell.

Together they looked up to the sky.

Liam knew it was time to shoot.

"Those who are already in place start shooting, and the others find their own shooting angles." Liam yelled loudly, staring at Plane 4 mentally, cursing idiots in his heart.

At one command, everyone started shooting. But it was Liam who fired first, his red eyes staring down, and he pulled the trigger hard.

This is very fast, but also very fierce.

Unlike other heavy machine guns, he used a 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun, but it was now being used for diving. The bullets were like a torrent, turning into waves and bombarding the insects.

The excited Liam's shooting was very precise, every bullet was nailed to the damn bug's body like a nail, the violent, wild shooting was made by more than a dozen Black Hawks themselves and the missiles hanging from them. The machine guns on the aircraft are not used and are used for strafing.

This is simply too easy, hovering to attack a fixed target, and there are still inaccurate hits?

The bullets were consumed rapidly, leaving only dust on the ground, and the Black Hawk's built-in cannon was very brutal.

Only Liam seemed to have a special sense of war. He seemed to feel that the bugs in the battlefield were not dead.

His eyes were as sharp as lightning, and he pulled the trigger on the bugs in the swarm below.

The anti-aircraft machine gun fired bullets at a much faster speed than usual, especially in Liam's hands. With God's help, all the bullets aimed at a central point.

No one has ever been so strong, Liam's spirit in the battle is completely concentrated, and he is also more violent.

"Go to hell." The damn bug in the center of the gunpowder was facing Liam.

Countless bullets blow the loudest funeral in the world.

It seems to be done once on the battlefield.

A group of bugs was buried by bullets in the very center.

But Liam was never happy, but was very silent. The bullets fired amazing damage, but the bugs didn't seem to fight back.

While they were in a daze, suddenly.

"Buzz!" A few insects chirped.

Liam turned his head subconsciously, and then saw a scene that he would never forget for the rest of his life.

That was the greatest grief of his life.

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