Anthony almost died of anger.

Pointing at Si Fan's toes, he roared angrily: "I've never seen such a brazen person before, do you really think that I have to reconcile with you?"

He was really going to be pissed off, Si Fan is really shameless.

Who knew, Si Fan just looked at Anthony like this, the disdain on the corner of his mouth was obvious.

"Well, that's what I think." Si Fan's words made Anthony choke so hard that he couldn't speak for a long time while pointing at Si Fan's toes.

Seeing his angry look, Si Fan couldn't be happier, it's best to lose his mind, no! It's best to be on the verge of losing your mind, otherwise it would be bad for all of them to die together.

Fortunately, Anthony did not completely lose his mind. He finally held back for a long time, and finally said: "It is impossible for me to give up. I will never compromise. Not only that, I want more rights."

Obviously, he is aware of his disadvantages. If it is like this, he will be useless for the rest of his life.

Si Fan nodded, and said angrily, "Then tell me about your conditions. Let me see how you are daydreaming!"

Anthony was almost pissed off. How could there be such a shameless person who made such an artful expression of shame, which made him want to punch Si Fan to death.

He has this strength, and he guarantees that he can kill Si Fan, an ordinary person, with one punch.

But there is no chance, Si Fan who looks like a giant in front of him is just a shadow, just to tease him.

Anthony almost bit his teeth into pieces, and then said: "My conditions? How dare I have any conditions, are you not afraid that you, Si Fan, will kill me? I want a place to live, I want to have fair rights, I I must be qualified to trade and cooperate with all companies in the world. I want to have the right to buy land, and the minerals on the land I buy must allow me to mine.”

He roared loudly, as if he couldn't express his depression clearly.

Si Fan's answer was also very straightforward.


Just two words, the expression is called a clear, angry Anthony almost vomited blood, and the fighting on the battlefield has not stopped. Si Fan came to settle the matter, so he needed to test Anthony's limits, and then give him a chance to be calmed down,

Only then did Si Fan have the opportunity to develop suitable equipment and remove all Anthony's hole cards.

After the negotiation, no matter what Si Fan said, he knew that it didn't matter, after all, it was just a negotiation skill.

He was clear now, so when Si Fan refused, he immediately said: "Then I don't need the territory, this Death Valley belongs to you, I will find another place."

Anthony continued.

This is the compromise in his heart, and the least important thing, there is still a fart in Death Valley.

Regarding this, Si Fan could only "hehe", he still doesn't know what Anthony thinks?

"Look, aren't you daydreaming again? Isn't it Death Valley? I agree to give it to you. As for the other conditions, forget it. What's the use of your trade rights? It's useless, let me say If they don’t, they won’t dare to trade with you, and as for you wanting to buy land mining rights, that’s even more ridiculous, you can’t buy any land at all.”

This is really Chi Guoguo's ridicule. Anthony's face turned red when he laughed. When did he suffer such humiliation, but he wanted to fight for it.

Isn't it mining rights? Anthony smiled, it doesn't matter if he has this thing, he has Death Valley, although it has already been mined, isn't there still a chance? As for the expansion, you can't see the underground expansion, and the right to trade is important. He wants this name and allows ships to approach here.

"No! Regardless of whether someone sells the land, I still want this right. Regardless of whether someone does business with me, I still want this right." Anthony growled.

During the negotiation, Si Fan experienced too much. At this time, he just shook his head calmly.

"No! Your request is too much, it's impossible, and it's impossible for me to get it for you. It's useless if I promise you." Si Fan continued.

Anthony's eyes were red. He looked at the battlefield and suddenly remembered something.

That's right, the battlefield is changing. Now all the bugs on the battlefield are about to be wiped out, and the miners are a scourge. Even if Si Fan can agree to the conditions, he will delay, not to mention some of the conditions that he really cannot agree to.

Anthony, who suddenly understood, stared at Si Fan with red eyes: "Are you kidding me, are you delaying time? Impossible, I will not give you this chance, you must agree to my conditions, now let those robots under you Stop it or I'll kill myself, I'll blow myself up."

He is really a little angry, being under the black hand during the negotiation is the worst.

Si Fan knows that this time has been delayed to the limit, it is time to compromise, life is a game of compromise, and growth is also made in compromise, if there is no compromise, things will not be completed.

Unless you have absolute strength and then press with high pressure, although the final result will inevitably be a stronger rebound force, but the time of this oppression may be very long.

"Okay, it's impossible for you to open a mine, but it's still possible to sell garbage or something. I'll help you fight for the right to trade, and don't even think about other requests."

"The loser is not qualified to raise conditions."

In a few words, after Anthony was dismissed, Si Fan could still decide on this matter, not to mention that he was currently connecting with Xiao Hei in real time.

Knowing Si Fan's decision, Xiao Hei did not object.

He seemed to know that Si Fan was about to compromise, and there was something wrong with it, and he also knew the news about Riben. The capital of the whole country would be gone if it didn't exist, and he was really afraid that if he came a few times, it would be useless.

When there was a compromise, when he was finally unable to resist, Anthony howled dejectedly: "All right, all right! Just do as you say, and I will withdraw!"

After he finished speaking, he saw the bugs on the front line quickly retreating, while groups of blasters from behind came to the front.

This is an exaggeration, they surrounded Anthony.

At this time, there are only a few dozen miners left, and there are more than 20 guard bugs.

After all, most of them are protecting Anthony.

Looking at the bugs left by him, Si Fan also sighed in his heart. Could it be possible to clean up all these bugs in a minute, so you don't have to worry about it.

But the actual situation is very poor, these bugs survived.

Under the escort of a group of explosive boys, they slowly retreated into Death Valley.

Anthony also retreated with a look of resentment.

Si Fan, who surrounded Death Valley, looked serious.

He knew that if he couldn't kill this guy this time, he would have a hard time afterwards!

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