"Ding dong, congratulations to the host for discovering Class A cosmic rare ore No. 1725625, which can be refined as Class A co-solvent and can dissolve Class A cosmic-grade solid ore."

The notification sound of the system is so simple, without even giving a specific task, the effect now is really frustrating, there is no task and no reward, it seems that the system is at the end of its rope

But just the effect that Si Fan simply understands, this guy Anthony has been ruined by his system, and it has always been stupid to trade minerals for industrial products.

Of course he was outspoken.

"Anthony, you are really stupid. I have never seen a fool like you. Minerals are raw resources, and industrial products are all added value. With such a large trade deficit, how much money do you make middlemen and how much do you waste? Earth's resources." Si Fan simply scolded.

Anthony, who was standing opposite, was simply at ease with this kind of thing.

"Waste is waste. Anyway, there are plenty of minerals. There are many mining tycoons in the past. They didn't dig mines and sell them everywhere. I haven't seen any minerals in the world that have been dug clean. Anyway, I dug it today and it's mine. No matter who else You can't die." He really didn't care at all, looking at the equipment on his subordinates, he wanted to show off to Si Fan.

As for the waste of minerals, he didn't think about it at all.

"Hey, Xia Chong is really indescribable. Telling you these things is more stupid than playing the piano with a cow." Si Fan sighed, turned and left.

Anthony didn't stop Si Fan, but he shouted at Si Fan from a distance: "Si Fan, you can't just watch me dig here and you're done, right? Let me tell you another news?"

He laughed very cheaply and loudly, Si Fan ignored him, stepped on the soft ground of the forest and walked away slowly, trampling down some grass.

However, these grasses will grow again after experiencing these twists and turns.

Wild fires are endless, and what springs to life is weeds. No matter what species in the woods, they are all weeds.

People are gone. But Anthony behind him was restless, he waved to Si Fan: "Goodbye, you continue to build a house, I want to conduct business exchanges with Russia, and then there will be those countries in South Asia, and East Asia, hahahahahaha I am so happy, the minerals are sold until they are emptied."

Si Fan, who had already walked out, staggered a little when he heard these words, but recovered quickly.

He looked back meaningfully at Anthony behind him,

Then continue to leave slowly.

Nothing can stand in the way of this departure, Anthony must die.

Si Fan said silently in his heart.

Whether someone trades or not can't be controlled by others, only to see if there are any fish that are hooked. But this Anthony is a scourge. His existence has already shortened the lifespan of the earth. His system is different from his own. He can be traded, and he is very disadvantaged by using the resources of all human beings to trade with people.

Can make him feel better?

Si Fan was not made of plasticine.

The man was gone, and Antony was there like a victorious warrior swaggering.

He is very excited.

Unbeknownst to him, Si Fan arrived in New York immediately after returning home. Airplanes are a good thing. He can fly across the entire United States without using trade winds or pigeons, and arrive in front of the opponent himself.

This meeting is official, but there are also private meetings, they will meet before the meeting, and then discuss some things that others should not see.

This can't be done in a public area, so the place where they meet is a private club.

This clubhouse is very small, less than a thousand square meters, and the decoration is not particularly luxurious. It can be said to be relatively ordinary, more like a place where ordinary friends gather.

But he is different, because people here are either rich or noble, with high status and authority.

The most important man in the world is always sitting at the main seat, Xiao Hei. He sits opposite and frowns tightly. He has received a lot of news, but there is no good news.

Si Fan sat opposite and looked at Xiao Hei. The room was decorated in a very ordinary American style, and there were trophies of several people here on the wall.

Of course, excluding Si Fan, he will never harm wild animals when he has that time, but these old beauties are still used to hunting, especially when winter is coming, there are three deer heads on the wall, all of which are more than six prongs The head of a deer was made into a stuffed animal and hung on the wall.

This is what they shot and killed by themselves, and it is also their own activity. Survival experts are responsible for their survival, not entertainment.

These are all basic models, and there are two stuffed dogs behind them. These are Xiao Hei's two pet dogs. They are all made into stuffed dogs. They don't look particularly impressive, because they are two old dogs. , they are all old and dead.

Now the specimen is made to accompany Xiao Hei, as for the big guy in the middle, it will be terrible.

It was a serious stuffed puma, which was treasured by the old Buffett, and it was brought here together, which can be regarded as the embellishment of this room.

There is no class for placing things here, and everyone's things come as they are comfortable.

The table was made of serious redwood, not particularly expensive, but the carvers were true master carvers.

This is not the handicraft of Si Fan's robot, but the handwriting of a real master sculptor.

In this room, you can feel the pure American atmosphere, and everyone here maintains a principle in the clubhouse.

That is the principle of equality. As long as you enter this club, everyone's status and status are equal, and everyone can even pat each other on the table.

There is no problem with this, but Xiao Hei is the main spokesperson today, and respect must be given to him.

Si Fan looked at the few people nearby in boredom.

Buffett, it is inevitable that this financial god will appear here, and then opposite is a very young guy.

Si Fan did not dare to underestimate him, the heir of the Rockefeller family, the modern Little Rockefeller. Sitting here, he is a junior, and he is also here to listen.

As for Si Fan, a young man, he was completely different from him. Rockefeller Jr. listened and spoke out instead of his father, but Si Fan represented himself, and he only represented the Skynet Group.

In addition, old man Murdoch, old Jim of Boeing, Ms. Marilyn, the female head of the military industry, and a series of oligarchs are all here.

At this time, a blast boy can kill most of the top power in the United States.

But it's impossible, they can't do that.

And there are only about 20 people in this room, and those who can come to participate are very dignified.

However, no one spoke at this time, and the needle could be heard, so they were waiting for Xiao Hei to speak.

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