The Temple of Poseidon in Atlantis, the treasure of this city, is the only miracle that people have really seen in this era.

All those who work hard on the sea know that there is a place in the underwater city of Atlantis called the Temple of the Sea God. Just go in and pray, as long as you are sincere. .

In this way, it is natural that some people flock to it.

As far as Atlantis is concerned, it doesn’t matter if they come here without spending money. In the whole city, you always have to spend, and the goose plucks the feathers, but they don’t ask you for money directly. consumption.

The prices of things in Atlantis are not cheap, but everyone will bring some high-end industrial products, and the world's most high-end industrial luxury goods are here.

It's like the best glass in the world must be here. Ordinary mobile phone screens can be broken, but if you get a new one here, even if you break your mobile phone, the screen won't break.

Unfortunately, this screen is very expensive and cannot be mass-produced.

For these crew members, they can easily come here to pray for blessings, and it has even become an important supply port on the sea, as long as they pass by and detour.

Because they can get lucky here.

In particular, fishing boats that are resigned to fate and eat by luck almost have to come as long as they pass by.

They believe that if you pray here once, you will be lucky for a year.

In the Sea God's Temple, there are only a few places that no one can go to, among which the Sea God's residence is here.

This room is very spacious, complete with tea, cigarettes, and even some snacks.

There are even more delicacies in the sea, and they can taste these delicacies casually.

"Jian Jia, I will trouble you to supervise the progress of the construction here. I really don't have much time. Our wedding can only be arranged by you," Si Fan said.

Zhao Jianjia seemed to have gotten used to it, she smiled sweetly.

"It's okay, I'll be busy with our wedding, and I'll make sure we can get married on the day we need to get married." Zhao Jianjia seemed a little shy, and his face looked like a cloud of fire.

It was the first time Si Fan saw Zhao Jianjia like this,

So beautiful, subconsciously took a sip on her delicate lips.

Just a simple look, but worth a thousand words.

When the two of you flirt with each other, the sea god next to you seems to be unable to stand it.


"Pay attention, you two. There are still people here. Sea God is not regarded as an intelligent creature. Didn't we just want to discuss the completion of the construction of Atlantis?" Poseidon said.

The topic was brought back, and Si Fan also looked at Poseidon.

He already knew that he could make Queen Loulan come back. All this was because the mission of Loulan City was completed, and it was completed when he didn't know it.

It may be because of the underground river, or it may be because of an autumn rain. Anyway, the city is under construction all the time, and Si Fan himself has systematic rewards.

However, Si Fan hasn't figured out how to use this reward yet, and it's still gathering dust in the warehouse.

Now that Poseidon has brought up the topic, Si Fan naturally wants to know. After the construction of Atlantis is completed, there will be mission rewards.

He has been looking forward to it for a long time.

"To complete the construction of Atlantis not only need the current high-strength protection system, but also the Atlantis Seabed Biological Research Center and the Atlantis Seabed Mineral Development Center, and finally the Atlantis Seabed Mineral Development Center. The most important marine survival circulation system." Poseidon explained.

This Atlantis is completely different from Loulan City. These are two concepts. Loulan City is only the first epic mission. It is very simple to complete, and it can also be said to be something that goes with the flow.

But Atlantis is different. This is an underwater city, and it is the miracle of Si Fan's main construction. It must meet the requirements.

Si Fan thought about it for a long time, and some of them can be done better. This research center is easy to open, as long as you have money, Jixia Academy is now a top university in the world, and it is too easy to need a few biological talents. The sycamore tree, it is easy to want the golden phoenix.

The seabed mineral development center at the back, this one is rather pitiful, but Si Fan can go down to the bottom of the sea by mining with the Terminator, and it can be regarded as doable, so the most difficult thing left is the ocean survival cycle system.

Si Fan didn't know about this, but after Poseidon's explanation, Si Fan finally knew what the hell it was.

This damn ocean survival cycle system is to allow nature to recycle, so that the ocean will not drop its sea level every year, and it will not let the earth's natural air conditioning at the poles lose its effect.

This is to maintain the environment of the whole world, which is difficult for some strong people.

The ocean occupies more than half of the earth's area, and naturally adjusting the environment of the ocean is equal to adjusting the environment of the entire earth.

What a huge project this needs to be completed, Si Fan is really confused.

"Poseidon, are you sure that this marine survival cycle system is something I can handle? How many years will it take to maintain the environment of the entire world, and don't you know how hard it is to solve it?" Si Fan asked.

Poseidon smiled.

"Who told you that you need to build it yourself. Doesn't the earth have its own marine survival cycle system? It's just that the current system has gradually become unusable and needs to be re-maintained. You just need to make good use of nature. Wealth, and then slowly maintain it. This does not necessarily require you to do something yourself. It is like a balance. If you put chips on the side of optimizing the environment, you will lose a share in the aspect of deteriorating the environment. As long as the balance is balanced If the position of the system is slightly tilted to the good side, then the system construction is complete."

Poseidon tried his best to explain in words that Si Fan could understand, and Si Fan nodded silently while listening.

This is correct, as long as the environment can be improved, it will be considered a success.

Just as Si Fan thought about this, his face suddenly changed. He almost stood up and scolded his mother.

"Hold the grass, how difficult it is to accomplish this." Si Fan yelled loudly.

That's right. How difficult it is to accomplish it, a very simple problem lies before him, if he wants to fulfill this condition, he must fight against billions of human beings all over the world.

After all, the destruction of the modern polluted environment is all good deeds done by human beings, and the environment has long been exchanged for banknotes for their own enjoyment.

It is very difficult for him to manage this matter now, but when Poseidon gave him another bargaining chip, he immediately frankly agreed.

Without the slightest hesitation, because he saw different scenery in this world.

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