That's right, one condition is that Si Fan is going to be a tyrant once. There is no other problem. He is not a virgin, nor is he greedy. He just wants to get this thing, even if his image collapses in people's impressions.

"If you can complete the construction of Atlantis, you can get the ultimate technology of Atlantis, Atlantis spaceship thruster manufacturing technology, which is very important if you want to advance in the vacuum environment of the universe. It's difficult, don't look at the spaceships going out one by one, it seems that they all fly very far.

But in fact, they have no motivation, and they all follow the track slowly.

Just like a satellite, it has never actively moved, it just follows the orbit of the earth.

Active propulsion metals are different. Space travel requires very, very long-lasting power, and the distance traveled is not as simple as hundreds of thousands of kilometers. The distance is calculated in light years every minute.

Under such circumstances, only new technologies can be used.

Now, as long as Atlantis is successfully built, Si Fan can have this technology.

"In this case, I must try it." Si Fan dreamed of walking into the universe with a smile.

Instead, Zhao Jianjia looked at Si Fan worriedly.

"It's not easy to get people to protect the environment together. Have you thought about the consequences of doing so?" She asked Si Fan.

But at this time, Si Fan smiled mysteriously.

"Actually, it's quite simple to do this, but you need to pay a price, and you have to be ruthless."


Yes, make up your mind, you must be ruthless enough, and you must work hard so that things can take effect in a short time.

More than a month later, the city wall has begun to be built on the outskirts of the Death Valley in the United States. People in Loulan City continue their lives. Luxurious luxury is their enjoyment. The struggling people have gradually faded away, and the housing prices have not dropped much, but the relaxed energy of life has made people comfortable.

The world is developing towards a better place, but today, after the National Day has passed, it is a bit unusual.

Ding Ding, who works in Skynet Group, has already started to enjoy special treatment one step ahead of others.

She is the veteran of the company. Now that the tide is rising, all boats are worth billions. An ordinary girl has become Bai Fumei.

Still the rich generation.

But today is still a little unusual. She looks at her watch, which is a device connected to the Skynet world sold by the Skynet Group. Now, through this watch, she can almost use software to connect to the Skynet world without being there. , but you can also use the consultation in it.

But today was different, she stared at her watch in a daze.

"The company wants to bundle accounts for everyone in the world, and then open the natural person mode, is that really good?" Ding Ding looked at his message uncertainly. There is a very important indicator on it, called the environmental index. Now Tintin's environmental index is 1728 points, and the latter shows the natural damage he caused.

On the side, there is a long indicator, which means that her environmental index has not reached the red warning line.

But she was still worried. After all, this is now, but she is not engaged in any high-polluting industries.

After watching for a while, she walked out of the private office and strolled outside the office for a while.

This is her design team, and they usually get along well.

"Sister Ding Ding, you came out too, is it because of the environmental index proposed by the company?" A girl next to her asked.

Because Ding Ding is a woman, almost all the female designers in the company work under Ding Ding.

Ding Ding nodded: "That's right, I have an environmental index of 1728, which shows that my environmental support is advanced, and I seem to be able to enjoy a lot of things."

When she said this, she had already begun to look at it.

What are the services above.

The girls next to me started to collect it already.

"Sister Ding Ding, don't underestimate the environmental index. During the test just now, it was said that the environmental index of the company's Wanshen Automobile, a paint worker, was more than 70,000. Now I am having a headache."

The words attracted Ding Ding, and she asked: "It's not right that a painting worker has an environmental index of more than 70,000. He is just a worker. Why is his environmental index so high?"

The female designer at the side replied: "Sister Ding Ding, this is all true. After investigation, we found out that there are a lot of toxic waste in their spraying workshop, which should be disposed of properly at ordinary times. The place is pouring."

"The gas is also directly emitted, and now all the workers in the company's spray shop should be implicated. Most importantly, it is said that all those responsible will have their environmental index increased."

These people are more gossip than Tintin and know more news.

Ding Ding asked: "Since you are so excited, is the environmental index useful?"

She simply asked knowingly.

But someone still replied: "Of course, Miss Ding Ding, this environmental index is really useful. As long as you have an environmental index, you can go to the duty-free shops of Skynet Group for limited shopping, get tax exemptions according to the environmental index, and you can also buy insurance, buy Service, and most importantly, upgradeable."

This really excited her so much that she is still screaming now. ;

Ding Ding looked at her suspiciously

The female designer continued: "There is no girl who doesn't like duty-free shops. You can buy what you want at cheap or even ex-factory prices. This is simply the happiest thing. What's more, the environmental index level is high, and you can enjoy high-end shopping. It is said that people with the highest environmental index can book air tickets, high-speed rail tickets and other public transportation equipment at any time, and the hospital will give priority to treatment, and even regular environmental protection fees can be collected.”

Gradually, what she started to say was a bit too exaggerated, how much money the company would spend to maintain it.

At this time, another girl said: "Han Xiaojiao, stop dreaming. It is still very difficult to upgrade the environmental index. If you want to upgrade to the third level, you must pay attention every day, and then do some simple environmental tasks."

"Compared to the benefits, I'm afraid this fine will drive someone crazy." She introduced it to Ding Ding.

"Sister Ding Ding, look at the terms and conditions, this is simply robbery, and the robbery is so fast."

Now Ding Ding was curious, and looked directly over, and the next second almost felt that the world was crazy.

"When the environmental index exceeds 10,000, it will be downgraded to provide Skynet world services, lower the social score, and conduct simple persuasion and problem resolution. Each time the comprehensive test score will drop, and the continuous exceeding of the standard will be calculated by geometric multiples."

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