These environmental protection companies are actually big players in environmental pollution. Who would have thought that each of them received environmental protection funds and garbage disposal fees to provide environmental protection services for each company, but in the end they were the vanguard of environmental pollution. Isn't it a joke?

Really, this shit is the biggest joke in the world.

A garbage ship in the country of Samba slowly goes out to sea and sails on the sea. The garbage on it is not the degradable garbage of life.

Don't think that the feces in the stinking ditch and the sewage from washing vegetables and cooking are bad garbage. They can be discharged directly, and the large amount will indeed cause troubles to people's lives.

However, it is not considered garbage. As long as the discharge is stopped for three or two years, it can be degraded naturally. The sewage in life does not contain too many chemical substances, which is relatively easy to explain in nature, and will even be taken by the public. Natural metabolism, and among the domestic garbage that people usually throw away, many things must be cleaned up.

In these countries, you need to pay expensive garbage disposal fees. Samba does not use them. Their garbage disposal fees are very cheap, almost equivalent to no more. Such fees are really nothing.

The cost of various garbage disposals in daily life is all deducted from public funds, and there is a dedicated environmental protection fund.

Now this huge fleet is transporting garbage to the outside. According to their external caliber, these garbage will be transported to the marine garbage disposal center, and some of them will be transported to the Skynet Group garbage disposal center in nearby countries.

Nowadays, there are piles of garbage, overpopulation, and the whole earth is full of smog. Just in time for the industrial revolution, there are still many high-pollution factories in many places. These factories are really cancerous. A river can be dyed in various colors, and a town will be filled with smog and sewage from now on.

The air was filled with smog, and the PM250 was seriously over the standard.

Just such factories pollute less than environmental protection companies one by one, so why do they have such high pollution?

Ordinary people began to wonder, and they were filled with righteous indignation. After all, everyone paid the garbage disposal fee, and part of the tax paid by everyone was used by them. Why did the pollution caused by them still be so serious in the end.

Ordinary citizens began to focus on this matter.

And just when they just started to know these things, a large number of citizens took to the streets, marched and protested, and demanded that the country thoroughly investigate this matter, as the announcer, Skynet Group had already acted.

Special Operations Team 7.

The name sounds like a sort of sofa decisiveness.

In fact, this is also the case. There are only five people in a team, which is very small, but their combat equipment is excellent, and they don’t even have basic biological camouflage on their bodies. Most of the terminators still have such a human image on their faces. This is to avoid terror, but the places where the armor is worn on the body are all metal.

Walking on the street one by one is so scary.

Not only that, but they also carry terrifying weapons on their bodies.

Almost everyone has submachine guns and m16s, and even carries grenades and bazookas for attacking tough weapons.

After they set off, they were ready to kill any resisters at any time. In this large-scale environmental governance, the Skynet Group was extremely overbearing. Five terminators rushed to the pier on the coast, found their patrol boat and drove directly to the boat. rushed out.

Compared with the freighter, this kind of patrol boat is very fast, and the patrol boat is provided by the Samba country official, and the patrol boat disappears in everyone's sight.

There are no words, the Terminator will not talk nonsense, and the special operations team No. 7 is the craziest fighter.

The Bohemian Environmental Protection Company ship ahead did not go very far.

If they really follow the route they have prepared long ago, they will go directly to the destination and then unload the goods, but now they have walked for more than an hour without even leaving the border.

But it's useless now.

The patrol boat behind moved forward quickly.

The ocean was originally very clean, but during the pursuit, it gradually encountered garbage, and it was a torrent of garbage, floating on the ocean, and then slowly sinking.

Of course, under the undercurrent on the ocean, it slowly began to spread.

The speed of the following patrol boats slowly increased, slowly approaching the target.

The goal is gradually approaching.

The boat in front gradually approached.

The danger was approaching, but the people in front didn't feel it at all. The first officer on the ship was watching the garbage on the ship being slowly pushed into the ocean by the forklift. It was impossible to dump it directly. They were large garbage ships. It's too obvious if the sex is poured out, not to mention that this is still within their borders, and the problem of being caught is not easy to solve. They are not afraid of being caught by the authorities, but they are afraid of being photographed by people on those unlucky fishing boats. Then put it online.

These days the Internet is too disgusting for them, it's simply bad, okay? What's more, their self-media in the entire Samba country is still played on the world's public network.

In this way, the government can't manage it, and other people's companies are not afraid of you as a country at all.

The first officer has a domineering name called Ronaldo, which is the same as the names of the Ronaldo players who play football. This name is simply a bad name in Samba, and he has such a bad name.

He bared his big yellowed teeth, looking at little bits of garbage pouring out, and a large pile of white garbage floating on the ocean.

People can't see these garbage, and ocean currents will bring these garbage to the depths of the ocean, to a very special area.

The legendary garbage island.

It was a huge island, all the result of the self-cleaning of the ocean, where there was a mountain of garbage equal to six Great Britains.

This huge island is all made up of rubbish, forming a floating island, because it is in the center of the subtropical airflow in the Pacific Ocean, and it is a windless zone on the equator, so it is called "the desert in the ocean".

This is the fate of the garbage in the ocean. No matter where you discard the garbage, as long as it enters the ocean, most of the final destination is here, and this garbage island is expanding exponentially. It will soon become the eighth largest continent in the world.

A continent made entirely of trash.

The Skynet Group has already started to implement the cleaning plan here, but the effect is almost equal to nothing.

The reason is simple, there is an endless stream of new garbage, and it will never be cleaned up.

Now, there is a real way to clean up.

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