At the very top of the sky world that everyone can see, a blood-red balance on the entry interface is dripping blood. The originally very quiet, peaceful and joyful login interface is about to become a horror movie. One end of the balance Below is a planet, which has been destroyed long ago. There is no green at all, only sandstorms are left.

And the other side is the current image of the earth... no! It should be tens of thousands of years ago when there were no human beings on the earth. At that time, the earth was green, with only the blue sea and the green land facing each other far away.

The earth was once so beautiful.

And between these two planets is a scale, one side is hope, and the other side is death. Now the planet full of wind and sand has fallen deeply, as if it could sink in at any time, and the countdown to death is displayed beside it.

"Constant-speed environmental degradation takes 72 years, and all life on earth becomes extinct."

The remarks written on the back are even more shocking.

"Progressive environmental degradation time 18 years, the earth is no longer suitable for survival."

During this period, there is a very important gap. One represents the extinction of all living things, and the other represents that they are no longer suitable for survival. The gap is very large. When they are no longer suitable for survival, human beings can still persist until there are no resources to use in the end.

The fate of human beings is actually very strong, it just depends on whether the potential of each person is exploited.

But this picture is just placed in front of everyone, anyone can see it, and everyone knows the Tian Group's propaganda.

It was Si Fan who really came out to speak in person.

"Hi everyone, I am the chairman of Tian Group, and I am Si Fan."

"I just want to tell you one thing when I meet with you today. Starting today, Tian Group will use all its power to adjust the balance of environmental protection to a normal level by any means. It may affect everyone. Get some polluting giants back on their feet."

"In any case, please believe me, everyone in me hopes that this world will not be destroyed, that our children and grandchildren will live in this fertile land for generations, and that the earth can become our home forever." Si Fan He said it sincerely.

The people who came in were all silent when they heard Si Fan's words. Many of them came to play games. The panoramic virtual game of Sky World has completely defeated the previous online games, and many of these games are now gone. Out of the corresponding panoramic simulation platform, you can play games in a spherical console in the real world, so that games and exercise are not delayed, and countless fat people have already become flexible fat people.

Facts have proved that if they do not go on a diet and control oil and salt intake, they will still gain weight, but their bodies have become healthy.

This also allows the parents of many families to allow their children to play games for a few hours, which is regarded as physical exercise.

Now, everyone is silently looking at the huge balance. It seems that disaster is coming at any time, and it has already tilted 32 degrees to the opposite side.

The limit of environmental degradation is 45 degrees.

The death of mankind has really entered the countdown.

The tension really does seem to be building.

In the corner of the leisure plaza, a British girl looked at the sky and asked her Hong Kong companion beside her, "Is it really wrong for us to protest against the Tian Group's human rights arrests?"

She just participated in the protests against the unscrupulous fines, fees, rules, and forcible arrest of those business owners by the Sky Group.

Now that she saw these statistics, she was a little shocked.

Ordinary people are the kindest. This is necessary. When they see the environment index is so bad, they are the most worried. They want a good living environment, but they don't have it.

They want a good home, but the home is being destroyed.

Looking at this balance, everyone silently withdrew from the world of heaven.

When they went to the outside environment, they began to reflect on what they had done one by one, and then silently sorted the garbage that was about to be thrown away at home, and then put it in a sealed container.

Although it may not be easy to use, they still do it. They are aware of these things and must protect the planet.

The damage done by human beings to this planet is very huge, and the damage caused by car exhaust is actually very serious.

The current exhaust emission standards are already very high, but in the case of large-scale death of plants, what they are doing is already damaging the environment.

In this case, electric energy has gradually replaced gasoline-burning cars.

At least in the developed countries, except for sports cars, almost all of them have been replaced. After all, the Sky Group has provided graphene produced by waste treatment plants and is producing graphene batteries on a large scale.

The new generation of batteries is enough to replace the car. The previous situation of charging for one night and driving for two hours has long since disappeared. Now it is completely possible to charge for one hour and drive for a whole day, and this charging time is still going on all the time. of.

The best thing given by the sky system is the technology of using electric energy, which is simply the gospel.

However, the intensity of the electricity is still not very high. All electric vehicles are used and distributed, but the amount of charging is still not enough. At night, charging piles need to be found for charging.

Even so, a lot of gas money can be saved in a month. In addition, the cost of environmentally friendly cars is lower, and there are fee reduction policies and tax rebate policies. Many people have already begun to choose.

The most important thing is that for the same price, one needs to burn oil and requires frequent maintenance, while the other does not need to burn oil, requires less maintenance, and has a lot fewer parts in the car body. The full electric also prevents the car from losing power when the air conditioner is turned on. Flaws of weakness.

Simply the best car of the new generation.

Not to mention high-power engineering vehicles, all of which have already begun to be replaced with new-generation electric vehicles.

This saves them more money.

You must know that these large trucks cost thousands of dollars in gas money for a trip, and now they can save everyone's tears.

It turns out that no overloading does not make money, but now it is finally confirmed that all vehicles are not allowed to be overloaded.

It can no longer be overloaded, and all overloaded vehicles are restricted by Tian Group, because after overloading, the power consumption will exceed the standard, and the car will not be able to drive if it exceeds the limited power of the car battery.

Such vehicle restrictions made it impossible for them to drive away, and they wanted to install the system.

Don't be so joking, this system has gone through dozens of layers of encryption, and is directly monitored by the sky system, who can change it?

Just kidding?

When people all over the world knew Si Fan's will, the voice of opposition suddenly disappeared, and they began to support it instead.

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