Si Fan quit during the live broadcast, he no longer needs to show up by himself, this world is left to others.

The figure gradually turned into the background, and Si Fan walked to the side of the ship to watch the operation of the platform below.

Many people followed, looking at the working platform below.

Only by experiencing it can you know how much work there is.

Of course, the process of working is not very beautiful.

"Buzz!~~" The whole factory started to work, and the sound of the conveyor belt was so harsh.

Noise becomes the main theme here, a concerto that builds steel.

I have never experienced such a violent noise before, the hum is deafening, even with earplugs, I can feel the strong vibration.

Of course, such a big movement is caused by very violent work.

In the eyes of everyone, one billion people have witnessed this super-fast transportation speed, and the integrated circular conveyor belt is rotating crazily at an extraordinary speed.

When the indicator light on the entire conveyor belt turned green, it seemed that other ships had also received orders. As for the garbage, it was everywhere here.

After the indicator light turned dark green slightly, the platform began to sink.

That's right, by sinking he sank almost to the level of the level.

After that it stopped.

No longer descending, and the group of small boats started to work, just like a large forklift, without too much turning in the water, just put the shovel directly under it.

A large amount of garbage is pushed up and gently pushed onto the platform.

The boat was not designed to be pushed evenly, and it crossed with the platform at an angle of almost seventy-five degrees. After that, the boat's push bucket flipped slightly.

Just push all the garbage to this platform.

Just when the garbage touched the platform, all the garbage was torn apart crazily in an instant, and then they were all taken away.

This time the garbage pushed was at least a few tons.

The truck body flips gently and all the garbage enters the platform.

Then the ship hurried away.

At this time, the boat behind just pushed the garbage and continued to push the garbage in.

Every time several tons of garbage, the whole family enters the platform, and then it is done in a few seconds.

This efficiency is very low, at least the capacity has not been fully released, but no one pays attention to this, they all pay attention to the seabed nearby, under the cleaned up garbage, there are more garbage, and their size is even bigger Big, when encountering this kind of garbage, it may not even be possible to clean it up once.

It is useless to be more than ten meters long. The garbage here is dragged by large fishing nets to form a large whole.

This is the worst to deal with.

But it is nothing in front of today's garbage boats. They push the garbage onto the platform, and then see the garbage being dragged onto the platform in an instant, and then into the conveyor belt of casserole noodles.

As for the irregular garbage that had already been cut into pieces on the platform, they didn't have to worry about it at all.

People are very excited to see the work efficiency here and the efficiency of this platform. After the ships working in front have confirmed that a platform port can circulate stably, the redundant ships that push garbage change their navigation routes and start from The other direction circularly pushes the garbage.

People see the garbage here, and they also see the sea below the garbage.

That's right, when working for half an hour, the center can already see the sea.

Not as filthy as people imagined, these garbage that has been baptized by the ocean has long since ceased to occupy the soil, and it has long been free of dust. They are all very clean, but they themselves are just pollution.

At this time, the seawater under the garbage can be seen clearly, and it also makes people feel guilty.

They saw a very beautiful sea, which was full of azure blue color, very beautiful, the sea became crystal clear, and the sparkling liquid floated below it.

It seems to release beautiful magic, and also like the mysterious color in a beautiful sparkling wine.

All in all, it's dazzling.

But at this time, someone always has to spoil the fun, and Professor Hao made his debut.

"Hello, I'm Hao Jingmin, and I'm also an environmental protection expert, specializing in how to deal with the polluted environment of nature."

"Now I want to explain to everyone that good-looking things are not necessarily good things. For example, the viscous liquid you see now is not a good thing, but microplastics that are decomposed from all plastic waste. , It is very harmful to the human body, and it is also very harmful to natural creatures." He could only explain it in this way, but he couldn't tell everyone in a vivid way, Si Fan could.

While Professor Hao was explaining, there seemed to be a ppt playing in the air.

I saw a picture in the air, which slowly evolved with Professor Hao's explanation.

In the beginning, it was the sea near here, which was exactly the same, except that no one managed it at all.

And at this time, a fish slowly approached this sea area, and then he breathed here, drank water here, and lived here.

When the pollution density was relatively low, the fish could barely survive. He worked hard to survive, and after living here for more than an hour, he swam away.

But his body is full of microplastics, and his body is full of microplastics. At this time, his body has gradually begun to get sick and is about to die.

At this time, a ship suddenly passed by here, and it was salvaged with a net. After that, it was quickly disembowelled and made into frozen heartstring fish. Microplastics are all over the body. Disemboweled and cleaned, then frozen.

But when the picture is enlarged again, people can see that there are still a lot of microplastics remaining in the body of the fish.

Within a month, the fish was transported to the city, and then entered the supermarket to be purchased.

After that, of course, it was eaten by humans. Keep toxins in the body.

Over time, there will be a large amount of this substance in the human body, which cannot be decomposed and cannot be excreted from the body, gradually affecting human health.

Professor Hao can easily find a solution, which is to completely purify the ocean and make these things disappear completely.

He speaks his mind.

At this time, the person in the picture is dying on the hospital bed, and the age is displayed on the head. The expected living age of the latter is 82 years old, while the current age of the front is only 64 years old, a full eighteen years It was completely stolen by the accumulated slow-moving toxins that could not be decomposed.

"If we want to completely eliminate this kind of thing, we should act as soon as possible. All the garbage islands in the world are important areas of pollution."

He talked eloquently, and these people who usually don't pay much attention have to consider whether they have done it themselves.

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