The United States must like to do things like this where everyone takes responsibility together and then obtains the maximum profit. They can’t do the development on the moon, and the reconstruction on the good earth is their biggest problem.

It must be rebuilt, otherwise, in just a few years on this planet, the influence of the United States will become less and less, not to mention that after purification, the air in the United States is gradually getting better, but the nearby countries are more dangerous, but It is also slowly being managed.

Although it is not a free aid, the support project of the Skynet Group is still necessary.

After thinking about it for about ten minutes, Xiao Hei nodded in agreement.

"Yes, we in the United States and the Skynet Group cooperate in the rocket research and development project, and agree that you and the space agency will carry out the research and development of new rockets and participate in the exploration of the moon. I hope you will not make any earth-shattering moves." He is still a little cautious, Si Fan has always been a topic maker, and has always been able to spark large-scale topics.

Gently shake the red wine in the glass, the beautiful liquid that makes people slightly intoxicated leaves brilliant traces on the body of the glass.

He took a sip gently, and hummed a song that he didn't even know what it was.

It still felt weird, but he liked it.

"That's it for cooperation. I hope that we can start a new era of the universe together. The Skynet Group will never harm all human beings. We just don't want to see so many rare metals on the moon being wasted. As for the conditions, this is tens of trillions Our company has devoted almost all of its hematopoietic capabilities, so we always want more benefits!" Si Fan continued.

As usual, Xiao Hei shrugged in American style, looking so bohemian.

"Continue to make your request. The recovery of the entire United States depends on you. Even if you pay some price, it is worth it." He waited for new conditions, and today is here to send warmth. He is not afraid of Si Fanhei, but Si Fanhei If it is not black, that is the problem.

Continue to raise conditions, this is a very simple answer for Si Fan, but what?

In terms of money, Si Fan has no shortage at all, and he still has to lend money to the country of Mi. If you want land, it doesn't matter, the land he has now is everywhere, 100,000 communities, all of these lands are for him to use, as for everyone, what does he want this land for, to make money?

In terms of this value, money is meaningless. As for what you want to do, this is what Si Fan really wants to get.

Looking at Xiao Hei,

The national treasury is indeed rich, and it is frantically raising funds to revive all railways, docks, and airports, restore national transportation capacity, and restore national authorities. This requires a lot of money.

He has long been unable to make ends meet, if he wants to get money from this stingy "Master Bai", it is impossible, he is going crazy if he is short of money.

So he can only look at other aspects. If he wants to make money, he can completely hack their technology during this critical period and light up most of the confidential technology in the United States. There must be new development in the chip industry.

But Si Fan is different now. He needs to face Anthony. This guy has been dishonest in Death Valley, and he is always ready to make trouble. At this time, a powerful American ally is necessary.

After thinking about it for a while, Si Fan suddenly wanted to think of something.

Yes, there is still a mysterious place in the United States that I have never been to.

Thinking of him, I became curious, are there really aliens, are there really so many alien spaceships, what is the reason for the Tunguska explosion, the legendary man who is closest to God, Nikola Tesla What is written in the notes.

He is very curious, even curious about what Einstein left behind.

These are all in the secret institutions of the United States. Now, it seems that it is time to take advantage of the fire and take a look.

If you think it from your heart, of course you have to speak.

Seeing Xiao Hei's waiting gaze, Si Fan tentatively asked: "I've heard that there is a mysterious Area 51 in America. Is it true or not? Are there really aliens?"

The words of this inquiry obviously meant something, not to mention that he just asked Si Fan to put forward conditions.

But in Xiao Hei's opinion, there is really nothing to visit in this place.

"If you want to visit by yourself, you can go and see it casually. Our country gives you special approval to wander around without any memory devices, and you can even test some of these things yourself."

"Actually, the so-called Area 51 is just a part of the space agency. It is just a huge warehouse. Because some materials and materials were stored in it in the last century, it is said that it is miraculous in the outside world." Xiao Hei introduced.

Si Fan is even more curious now, he just said the location of Area 51, a warehouse that stores things from the last century, but what?

"Are you sure there are no aliens? Then what the hell do you think Anthony is? As the world's largest country, the United States will always have a background, right?" Si Fan continued to ask.

This question really made Hei laugh.

As if it was a question from a primary school student, it made Xiao Hei, the leader of a country, laugh.

He couldn't help but smile a little when he answered.

"Area 51 has all the things you mentioned. We found far more things than you imagined, but it's really useless. All the aliens entered the earth are fragments, at most some metals, and all the things that make up the organization It is damaged, and it is unreliable to say that there is a complete spaceship, but there is a spaceship there, which is the prototype of our spaceship on Earth, but the metal materials they use are better."

Xiao Hei kept breaking the news, and it was obvious that Si Fan would go.

There is no need to pay more for attracting Si Fan's curiosity.

However, he forgot that Si Fan is still the chairman of Skynet Group after all, and more importantly, his Skynet Group also has desires.

His system is very specific for some things.

"Well, in addition to looking at Area 51, I also want all the mysterious items or minerals I need here."

This sentence is all

Little Hei couldn't accept it at all, but thinking of the resettlement projects of tens of millions of people in 100,000 communities, he didn't get a penny, let Si Fan raise funds, and now let him look at those things , By the way, it’s nothing to take away some unused rare ores.

The simple reason is that those ores are of research value for individuals, but for a country, a little ore is really nothing, they all need large quantities, and the effect of some small quantities of ores is not as good as research and development funds Woolen cloth.

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