Regarding Xiao Hei's remarks, Si Fan could only smile: "I don't have a relativistic heavy ion collider, and I can't make this thing."

Hearing what Si Fan said, Xiao Hei smiled.

"How about it? Do you want to? Sell you a set?" Xiao Hei said cheaply, almost drooling, as long as Si Fan likes it, he can sell anything.

Anyway, they are now strategic alliances, and they also need to develop.

It's a pity that Si Fan has no interest at all, and doesn't even think about it.

"It's useless for me to want that thing, and I don't want to know how the Big Bang was formed." He was really not interested.

Xiao Hei didn't think it was a pity, he stepped out and continued to sell.

"Since you don't want a relativistic heavy ion collider, then we don't want it. This thing is useless. It is used by scientists to study the big bang of the universe. It can't be stopped by the big bang. Why bother to study it? We still have it in the United States. There are a lot of cutting-edge technologies in the world, do you think they are needed?"

The persevering Xiao Hei is an absolute salesman, so he almost put it in Si Fan's hands.

It made Si Fan lose his temper even if he wanted to refuse, so he could only listen to his sales pitch.

There is nothing in the United States now, and there are many things that can be sold, but there are more things that are longed for.

Si Fan, who was about to go crazy, took a few steps quickly and checked more than a dozen warehouses in a row. These warehouses all have the same nature, and they are all garbage warehouses.

Just walking like this, I don't know why, there is a lot of garbage here, and he has seen all kinds of garbage in the universe, from metal to ore, to the overall colloid.

These garbage have uniform characteristics, are not easy to decompose, and do not have any plasticity.

Since it's cosmic garbage, Si Fan doesn't want it anymore.

The origin of these garbage is also very simple. All the garbage abandoned in the universe is attracted by the gravity of the earth, and then breaks through the atmosphere and enters the earth.

After an unknown number of years, it was collected by humans

Xiao Hei remembered all these things that Si Fan didn't want,

It seems that they are trying to cheat people.

Going forward like this, I finally arrived at the No. 17 warehouse.

Every warehouse Sifan carefully inspected, even if the system identified garbage, he had to take a look to make sure what the garbage looked like.

In his mind, is it possible to use the system's garbage disposal system to see if it can be cleaned up.

My heart is always scratching my heart, but these rubbish are too big, so there is no small one. If there is a particularly small one, I can try it, otherwise it is really difficult to deal with.

Breaking down a waste treatment plant will cost billions of dollars.

He is not short of money and doesn't care about money, but that doesn't mean he doesn't take money seriously.

Respect money to make money.

Even if it is not billions, millions can do things. How could it be possible to waste it.

This stop and go, even if it really stops at the No. 17 warehouse, this warehouse is bigger than all the warehouses, bigger than all the previous warehouses combined, such a warehouse, I don’t know why it is arranged on the 17th , and the door of this warehouse is different from other warehouses. The doors of other warehouses are very thin, but the door of this warehouse is very strange. The whole door is completely sealed with a metal mortise and tenon structure, and there is no way to open it. There are electronic displays one after another, but there is no light at all.

Xiao Hei followed behind, without much introduction, and wanted to pass by directly.

But Si Fan is curious, really curious, so much work, and if they are all the same width, this is a warehouse occupying tens of thousands of square meters, so Xiao Hei just passed by?

He stood at the gate and looked at Xiao Hei.

"What's in this warehouse. Why did you pass by?" Si Fan asked curiously.

After hearing this, Xiao Hei's face turned dark immediately.

"I don't know what's inside, but it's definitely not metal, nor is it solid or gaseous. It's sealed here now, all because of an experimenter's misoperation more than a hundred years ago, which allowed this thing to escape. It turns out that there are dozens of warehouses here, but it has become one. How many materials have been discarded? Now we can't manage it. According to estimates, Area 51 has been around for decades, and it is estimated that it will be gone. If it is occupied by this thing, then Area 51 will be moved." Xiao Hei was a little bit depressed.

That's right, Si Fan will know after thinking about it carefully, the world is full of wonders, and there are always things that human beings cannot control, and these constantly expanding things may really make people helpless.

But Xiao Hei has nothing to do, he has a system, and he can always figure out what it is.

"Can I see this thing?" Si Fan asked.

Xiao Hei didn't have anything to stop him, so he stepped aside and operated a few times on a nearby instrument.

"This thing can't be monitored by a camera, it can only be taken in a special way, and every time a picture is taken, the equipment will be damaged." He had already operated the equipment next to him while speaking, and then saw the monitoring facility on the wall There is a picture.

It's just that this picture is really not particularly beautiful.

Because what Si Fan saw was something like a cloud and mist, the dense mist was steaming, but in the end he couldn't see anything at all.

"This is the form of this thing." Xiao Hei kept playing the screen, which was the previous shooting screen.

Si Fanneng found out from the envelopment that the size of this warehouse has been enlarged, and warehouse No. 17 is not like the previous warehouse, and the walls are all normal.

The walls of this warehouse exceeded Si Fan's imagination. The walls were tens of meters thick. In the earliest days, the warehouse was as big as other warehouses.

But it's different now, and now the walls of this warehouse have been enlarged by an unknown number of times.

"Will this wall be constantly eroded?" Si Fan asked.

He looked at all this in amazement, as if he had seen a new continent.

Xiao Hei nodded.

"Yes or no, this good wall has not been eroded, it has just been expanded, the wall has actually become more compacted, and the interior is like being hammered continuously with a heavy hammer to create the current appearance."

According to Xiao Hei's introduction, Si Fan knew that this thing was actually hitting the wall constantly.

And in this picture, Si Fan also saw the thing inside, which was damaged by their mistake.

A very ordinary bottle that looks like a thermos.

This bottle, the bottle cap was actually opened.

Si Fan was completely speechless, it seems that they released it.

But I don't know if this thing is a living thing.

At this time, Si Fan got a prompt from the system. To be precise, there was a mark on the thermos.

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