Yes, they are not even in the fantasy of earthlings.

Si Fan has enough imagination to make himself accept them.

When you get here, it is no longer an empty space, but there are people here.

A woman V came from the opposite side, wearing pure white overalls, which is usually the color used by nurses in the hospital, but here they have another identity.

"Researcher Catherine, I don't know what happened to our experimental body?" Xiao Hei asked the experimenter who came over.

She obviously knew that Si Fan and the others were coming, and she walked over with a professional smile, a little bit bitter, and said in an incomprehensible way: "We have tried our best to be careful in the experiment and created a vacuum environment as much as possible, but unfortunately there is no way, the experimental subject dead."

She said with some heartache.

It's like the emotion that my favorite toy is gone.

Si Fan was listening, and Xiao Hei was obviously speaking for Si Fan to hear.

"I'm sorry, but this is your last chance. As you know, the investment in these projects is very huge every year. Now we have to sell all the projects to Mr. Si Fan." Xiao Hei pulled Catherine to give She introduced Si Fan.

"Is this Mr. Si Fan? How much will you invest in our project? We need more samples of aliens." Catherine said to Si Fan very straightforwardly.

These words are really like the scientists in Si Fan's impression.

"How many alien samples do you usually have?" Si Fan could only ask directly.

This is a big problem. He knows nothing about aliens, but he doesn't know anything, but there are really many topics about aliens on the Internet.

Facing Si Fan's inquiry, Catherine was very frustrated.

"No, we have very few test items, and we have been studying previous samples." Catherine was huge.

This aroused Si Fan's extreme curiosity.

Didn't these aliens invade the earth? Isn't it attacking the earth? Isn't even Anthony their former station? Why don't they take the initiative to attack? As far as the combat effectiveness of hot weapons on the earth seems to be very domineering,

But in fact, the spread of power is very serious, and many armors in the universe are enough to resist, just like the current Terminator, even the most violent missile explosion on the earth cannot be destroyed.

Because their explosions are not solid enough.

All the power spread out.

According to Si Fan's opinion, it means that aliens can't get close to the earth for the time being.

But the current situation is not like this, the aliens have already arrived on the earth, at least some of them died on the earth, which shows that they can reach the earth.

Si Fan was 10,000 curious about these aliens.

"Miss Catherine, right? I don't know if I can visit these aliens. As for obtaining samples, I secretly hope that I can get them. Let's talk about how you want to obtain samples in detail later." Si Fan said.

Regarding visiting these aliens, Catherine looked at Si Fan strangely, then turned to look at Xiao Hei.

With just one look from her, Si Fan knew that this woman didn't want to give him anything specific at all, and he didn't want him to see their aliens. The best result was that Si Fan used all his strength to get them aliens People, and then give them unlimited money to conduct experiments, and finally don't care what their research results are.

This f*cking Si Fan is not a charity organization.

And Si Fan can guarantee that he has absolutely no idea of ​​donating money to them.

After Xiao Hei gave her a look and then nodded slightly, Catherine looked directly at Si Fan, as if trying to find a way to get more things from Si Fan.

Si Fan was very helpless about this.

"Let's go to see the aliens first. I don't have any specific goals for other aliens, but there is a guy named Anthony. I don't know if you know it. I will try my best to catch this guy. He is now Half human, half monster, I believe you will be interested."

To this woman, Si Fan can only give this answer.

It seems that Si Fan's execution ability was considered, and finally it was affirmed.

"Okay, I'll take you to see the only kind of alien we found now. We call them Type-A aliens, also called stingers. They are very strange creatures." Catherine sandwiched herself The document bag left directly

Si Fan looked dazed, he was sure that he had never offended this woman.

But now it is inexplicably left out.

Xiao Hei also came over to explain: "Isn't that what researchers are like? They are all the same. They always want more. We can't demand too much from them."

This Si Fan is absolutely sure that he has not offended this woman, he can really guarantee that he will never do anything to her.

And in the United States, the word "Miss" is definitely not an insulting word.

A group of people continued to move forward, there was a sound of kicking and tapping with their feet on the ground, echoing in the empty space, and walking forward slowly.

Look to the right, there are small rooms one by one, and now you can see all kinds of aliens.

And looking carefully, it seems that most of these aliens are aliens with exoskeletons, or alien creatures, and they may not be intelligent creatures. Many of them may be just the bones of aliens.

It's like the spaceships released by the earth people that can never be recovered.

If you look carefully, these creatures have a characteristic, they are very round.

That's right, they are round and looking from the beginning to the end, they are a group of spheres floating in the water. Most of them have many pits on their bodies. I don't know what these potholes are used for.

But Si Fan can be sure that they do not have organs like human eyes, but experience the world in a way that humans may not understand.

There were too many such specimens, which made Si Fan dizzy, and gradually approached the laboratory behind.

This made Si Fan even more curious.

"The samples we obtained always died during the research? Are there any exceptions?" Si Fan asked.

Miss Catherine, who was walking ahead, nodded.

"Yes, this sample has survived for three months, which is the longest, but his survival is meaningless, because according to our conclusion, there is a very brain-like brain in his body. The heavy organ similar to the pituitary gland has died, and the body's skills are barely maintained, and this maintenance is very fragile, we have used many methods, even in a vacuum environment, he cannot survive."

"By the way, aliens can live directly in the vacuum environment outside the earth."

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