Catherine saw Si Fan's gaze and Mr. President's gaze, so she knew what they wanted to ask.

"Mr. President, Mr. Si Fan, the aircraft you see is exactly the aircraft driven by this alien, but according to our inspection, it is the same as other aircraft, it has no power to drive, no adjustment equipment Aircraft, according to our research direction, they are more like a layer of armor to protect these aliens, and their abilities are more likely to assist in combat in the universe." Catherine explained slowly.

They kept explaining here, but Si Fan suddenly saw that there seemed to be someone in the hall who was constantly looking in their direction, as if observing for a while, when Catherine turned her head, he silenced Si Fan With a gesture, the whole person sprinted to the vicinity of the aircraft nimbly like a monkey.

Then drilled in.

Looking at this guy, Si Fan really thought it was a little funny, so he looked at it carefully with a smile on his face.

While he was watching, Catherine turned her head to explain to Si Fan, and suddenly saw Si Fan's gaze on the aircraft.

As if she knew what was going to happen, she turned around like a tigress and ran over, then roared loudly.

"Roger, if you let me know that you broke the aircraft, I will not spare you, and I will definitely kick you out of the research team." Her loud scream was lethal.

And the kid who was getting in there seemed to be very afraid of Catherine. He just heard Catherine's voice, crawled out like a frightened bird, turned around and was about to leave.

Before he left, there was still a distance of twenty or thirty meters. Si Fan was surprised to see Catherine take out a pistol from her pocket.

Very delicate and compact.

"Bang!" There was a gunshot, and it hit the target accurately. It can be said to be quite accurate, and the shot just hit the target.

It was a young man about seventeen or eighteen years old, but the children who can work here are all geniuses, even those who study aliens are destined to be geniuses.

But under the gunshots, the guy named Roger stood where he was, then stood there for a long time in a daze, and the last movement was to fall down with his head in his arms.

Si Fan was stunned, what is the situation, there is no blood, which means it is not fatal, but what the hell is this guy holding on for a long time, and then getting ready to fall!

Simply experienced!

Catherine turned to Si Fan and said, "Sir,

Please don't be nervous, this guy is our staff, just now he wanted to attack the aircraft, so I subdued him with an anesthesia gun! The anesthesia bomb is not very powerful, and he will wake up in a few minutes. "

This explanation left Si Fan speechless, and he woke up a few minutes later. It seems that you think it's a little too easy?

But Si Fan also understands that this is their experimental goal, and now that this guy runs over, he doesn't know what to do, so protection is right.

"Why did he engage in that aircraft while he wasn't paying attention?" Si Fan asked.

This should be wrong in his impression. Since he is a staff member, he must be able to conduct research in an open and aboveboard manner. Why is he so sneaky?

At the mention of this topic, Catherine's expression changed.

"Isn't it because he wants to destroy the aircraft? He advocates dismantling the entire aircraft into pieces and conducting research, but it's impossible. We don't have enough samples. If he really wants to dismantle it, then we won't be able to It's a sample for research, and this is the only relatively well-preserved sample." Catherine looked at Roger as if she was looking at a black sheep.

Si Fan can fully understand her thoughts. How could this allow him to destroy the aircraft? It's not possible at all. This is the case now, and he can explore as much as possible with the instrument.

However, if he wants to dismantle it like this, he always has his own ideas, right?

While talking, they had already walked to Roger's side.

Contrary to Si Fan's imagination, Roger is not only young, but also has a baby face, which seems to have not yet grown up, with small freckles all over his face, the chubby guy is quite cute.

But this image is very much like those children who are bullied at school.

At this time, he seemed to hear Catherine's words, but the anesthetic hadn't worn off yet, so he couldn't speak clearly.

"Wow, I've already guessed the food (the answer) to the (answer) (answer) to the (answer) (answer) (answer) (answer) (answer) However, Hafei went down and pinched the weapon, yes, he is alive, he is a living body." What Roger said, it turned out to be Chinese!

This made Si Fan completely unexpected.

And when he spoke, he slowly regained his ability to speak.

He looked at the young man in surprise. He struggled to stand up.

It seemed that the anesthetic passed quickly, and slowly he was able to sit up.

This is already progress.

He tried to sit up and looked at Si Fan with a smile.

"Principal!" He was very embarrassed, looking at Si Fan like a child who did something wrong.

This sentence let Si Fan know that this guy is a student of Jixia Academy. He really didn't expect to work in Area 51 at such a young age.

"What did you say just now, straighten your tongue before you say it." Si Fan glared at him.

This guy seems to know that his current situation is embarrassing. Looking back at Catherine, he also knows that some words cannot be spoken in Chinese. What are you talking about.

So he switched to English.

"Dear Mr. President, Principal Si Fan, and my beautiful boss, Ms. Catherine, I am Roger Roddick, an assistant researcher at the Area 51 Alien Research Center. The aircraft also moves naturally, just like the human heart. He has moved before, so it is concluded that this aircraft is actually a living body. It is a living body without a soul. It has no memory and no operation. Ability, everything is provided by this sea urchin man. It's like the life form created by this sea urchin man." This guy with the same name as a certain pirate king in the anime proposed a rather interesting idea.

Si Fan looked at Catherine curiously, he wanted to see what this woman said. As for Roger, the guy who stared at the murderer when he said Catherine was a beauty, he didn't say anything.

That is to say, Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and words like fierce and brainless can be replaced with a look. Unfortunately, Catherine didn't understand at all.

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