We are reasonable people.

Si Fan always felt this way, Anthony was floating on a small sampan in the sea.

Unfortunately, he was still implicated after all, and he was about to escape. Since the ship was killed, the transaction was cancelled.

Who knows that there will be misfortunes in the sky and people will have misfortunes and blessings. His boat has a lot of horsepower, but the boat that can't withstand the explosion is huge. The instant rapid sinking directly dragged his boat down, and he went desperately. The final outcome of those who drove on the shore was very sad. Although their lives were saved, the propeller of the boat was broken, and they had to paddle back in a small sampan. Just as they were about to land, they found Si Fan and the army waiting for him.

At this time, his subordinates were still a few kilometers away.

"Tell me, what price can you pay to bribe me to let you go?" Si Fan said meanly.

It's not that Si Fan doesn't want to keep this guy. It's okay to kidnap him now, and it's okay to kill him. There is only one main reason. Now this guy is no different from house arrest. He can be caught if he sneaks out. As for killing him He, Si Fan can't do anything for the time being, kill him, and everyone will die together, there is really no way.

Anthony obviously knows what his confidence is, and that is the trump card for both to perish. This is the most important thing, as for his personal safety.

"Si Fan, you don't need to pretend to be a good person. I don't appreciate it. You can kill or cut casually. Anyway, everyone will be buried with you."

Anthony, who was lying on the small sampan, raised his head vigorously, and yelled loudly at Si Fan and the others. The voice was hoarse, and his voice was obviously hoarse.

This guy is actually a landlubber. He lay on the sampan, not daring to move at all, just lying there, staring at Si Fan and the large group of people behind him.

There are helicopters staring at him in the air, and there are a large number of soldiers aiming their weapons at them in front of him. The old opponent robot is also holding a terrifying weapon and is ready to attack at any time.

They are all elite soldiers, elite fighters, ready to aim at him with the most threatening weapons.

He can't run away.

"Si Fan, the dog, give me an explanation. I admit it, and say that I have some conditions." He yelled loudly again.

Si Fanke, who watched the jokes, never went out, a gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall, let this old boy use the explosive boy to give himself such a blow, then his life would probably be gone,

Still playing a fart.

Therefore, for Si Fan, the solution is much simpler. The terminator in front walked forward and reached the front.

Just in the area near the shore, open your mouth wide.

"Fack!" Anthony exclaimed.

He panicked and quickly got down on the ground, leaving only a huge butt and many knife legs dangling outside.

This is terrified, he doesn't know if Si Fan wants to kill him at all.

The result was very calm, and Si Fan didn't have the time to think about how to deal with him. From the mouth of the Terminator, Si Fan's voice came out.

"Anthony, now that you hand over 500 tons of rare alloys in the universe, I won't bother with you. If I remember correctly, it seems that the Filipino servant country has given you more than 400 tons. You have traded nearly a million tons during this time. It's a thousand tons, half of it is not too much for you." Si Fan hid in the armored vehicle and directly used the system to talk to him.

Anthony on the opposite side turned into an iron-headed baby at this time, staring at the Terminator and yelling: "Fack squid, it took me a few months of hard work to refine more than 600 tons of rare alloys in the universe, and you actually want 500 tons by opening your mouth. The 400 tons that were given to me are not t12 alloys at all, they are raw ore, isn’t there any damage in refining!”

"Well... then 600 tons is fine. You have to think about it carefully. I just want money now, but if we catch you, those minerals are still ours. Just kill all your men easily and take them away." Now, look, it kills two birds with one stone, and it can also arrest you for an experiment to see whether you are mutated or possessed by aliens." Si Fan seemed to be talking to himself, but Anthony heard everything.

When he heard that he was being arrested for an experiment, he had already shuddered. Now he is the one who has been abused, but he has the capital.

After deciding whether to be arrested for experimentation and then forcibly robbed of his ore, or to give the things to others, and then go back to hold back the big move by himself, he quickly made a decision.

Of course it was a compromise.

He has gotten a lot of good things from missions recently. As long as he develops again, within a year or two, he will have new support if he makes a big move.

That is the teleportation array. Those are mercenaries from the universe.

He was very excited, and he wanted to keep it a secret until the help came.

This was an opportunity he had held back for so long in the early stage.

But what did Si Fan charge just now! It was clearly still 500 tons just now, and now it is 600 tons. I just said that it was a slip of the tongue, damn it.

His face changed many times, and finally he said angrily.

"Okay, 600 tons is 600 tons. I won't play numbers games with you. Hurry up and trade with someone. Death Valley, you can only trade in Death Valley."

His yelling made his throat tear even more, and it was already hoarse.

After thinking so much, it only takes a few seconds.

But Si Fan clearly felt that this guy was still lucrative, and at this moment, he also saw boxes floating on the water, being slowly washed to the beach by the waves.

If this shit is not resolved quickly, then as long as Anthony comes into contact with these sea minerals, the things will be gone. He knows that Anthony has a way to sell them directly.

"Okay, let's start the transaction now, let all your men transport the things to the gate of Death Valley, as long as my convoy sees the things, the transaction will be considered complete."

Anthony pouted his buttocks and looked up at the Terminator in the distance. He watched the soldiers put down all their weapons before sitting up in peace.

He was afraid of death, terribly afraid of death.

If he hadn't been afraid of death, it would have been impossible for him to survive the torment of the aliens. If he hadn't been afraid of death, he would have committed suicide a long time ago.

It is also possible to continue to obtain his own body, and his lower body is still living in the cultivation of aliens. Can be installed back at any time.

This is still expected, why die, as long as there is a chance, he will definitely not die, although he can take everyone to see God, but who knows if God exists, once he dies, is he really dead? That's even more disturbing.

Anthony didn't consider giving an order directly, asking his subordinates to trade with Si Fan with 600 tons of refined alloy.

After all... Even if he was not destroyed, it would be very uncomfortable if he was caught and entered the laboratory to be dissected. He didn't want to suffer, let alone die together, playing desperately.

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