|||-\u003e-\u003eWhen you get close to their company, you can feel the cleanliness of the factory. The whole factory doesn't look like the high-pollution factories in the past, and it's all very clean.

There is not even a lot of dust. Who can say that this kind of factory is not good, the factory is very clean, the appearance of the employees is very clean, and even the air inside seems to be better than other places.

People really hope that they are really flawless, those pollution is not them, but someone else.

But there are only a few factories in the world that are at the top of the pollution index ranking list, and those places do not accept Skynet Group for the time being, and they very much reject Skynet Group.

Such a place is temporarily beyond Si Fan's reach, but this damn factory in Heishui District, Jianyang City, China is really challenging Si Fan's bottom line.

"Chairman, we have conducted various investigations on the pollution of the Zhongan Coking Plant. They really haven't revealed too many flaws on the visible surface. We can't find out how they caused such a large pollution for the time being. Yes, in fact, they have many other assets, but according to the pollution index, only this largest factory can produce such a large amount of pollution." Jiang Yilong chatted with Si Fan based on his own analysis.

Looking at the yellow clouds in the sky, everyone knows that there is a problem, but sometimes, some people muddle along, some people are blind, most people have nothing to do with them, and no one is the one who stands out. Just complaining, and then envious of being able to enter Qingfeng coking plant and become a real Qingfeng person.

You must know that the salary of Qingfeng Coking Plant is something that no one can find in Jianyang City. It is comfortable, stable, with high income and good benefits. How come no one wants to enter it.

As for the culprit of environmental pollution, they are just complaining about it, and usually try to get into the Qingfeng coking plant.

Since they are like this, so is the municipal government. They are the main taxpayers in the city. How can you make them sad, and they are a business card of Jianyang City. They are high-polluting enterprises, but they set an example and build a new type of factory that is environmentally friendly. .

How could it not be surprising.

Now Si Fan's car was moving forward, and he circled the Qingfeng Coking Plant twice, and saw this factory that made countless people squeeze their heads and want to enter.

Looking outside, it is so beautiful, and the smiles of the workers are all on their faces.

Si Fan and the others continued to circle around the Qingfeng Coking Plant.

Really feel the environment here.

There wasn't anything that made him feel abnormal. If there was, it was only the answer given by the system.

The environmental index here is simply a pit, and the national pollution index is among the best.

It is very surprising.

Si Fan was wondering, and Jiang Yilong beside him stopped talking. He knew that Si Fan needed to think.

"Tell me why they are so clean here. The emissions from the factory are very small. You have also seen that there is no thick smoke at all."

Jiang Yilong didn't know either, he looked at the factory, he was also very puzzled, and finally said tentatively: "Could it be that they are other factories that pollute a lot. This is the main factory after all, so they should pay attention."

He is also not sure, because this idea has been thought about many times, but after inspection, it is found that none of the branch factories are high-polluting enterprises. Only this landmark coking plant is a full-fledged heavy-polluting enterprise, but their environmental protection work It did really well.

What a ghost, and the pollution index of the thermal power plant next to it is not low, but their environmental protection work looks good, and the plastic factory next to it, the most terrifying thing is the petrochemical plant. The launch of the large ethylene project has made them a polluter nail household.

The results of it? They have very little pollution and are nothing short of exemplary.

This is not normal.

Really not normal.

The pollution index of these companies has broken through the sky. The reason why they don’t suspect other factories is that they still pay the pollution cleanup fee. Only Qingfeng Coking Plant has a fee of only 7 million yuan, which is more rigorous than the sky. The pollution index of the Germans is much lower.

We must know that their environmental protection work is at the forefront of the world. This need not be inferior, but needs to be recognized.

And Si Fan charged a lot of environmental maintenance fees from them.

They are all happy, because only in this way can they win the support of the local people, and even welcome them to continue to open such high-polluting enterprises.

With Skynet Group handling, everyone can enjoy life easily. You can also rent an instrument for testing air quality and water quality at any branch of Skynet Group, and measure it anywhere, as long as you return it at the end.

Their income is high, they enjoy the best manufacturing power in the world, and their products have great added value, so they can pursue a better environment.

And Qingfeng Coking Plant is the one that stands out from the crowd, he needs to investigate! All factories near here need to be checked.

So clean.

The pollution index is too high, so we must focus on it.

The car drove around here, but the pollution was temporarily invisible in the industrial park, but it was very clean.

Jiang Yilong was also a little helpless.

"That's what I observed last time. In the end, I even went to their factory to test with instruments. Although their filtered water pollution values ​​are there, they are up to the standard, and the air quality is no problem. In the end, I really couldn't find the problem. It's gone." Jiang Yilong said to Si Fan.

He is also very concerned about this place, but he just can't find the problem.

Facing Jiang Yilong like this, Si Fan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"As long as everything happens, there will be a reaction, no matter whether he is building a factory or they are doing other things, if you want to know the problem, you might as well take a closer look, and then go to the surrounding areas have a look."

"When the pollution index reaches this level, there will always be an appearance. And it will be obvious." Si Fan said.

As he spoke, he checked the local Weibo.

People may have revealed the answer inadvertently in their lives.

Such serious pollution cannot be stopped now that it is discharged.

But as soon as he entered the local Weibo, Si Fan's head exploded.

More than 90% of all the local microblogs are about the three major online celebrity PK events, singer contests, and rumors of a certain beautiful anchor's marriage.

This really occupied almost all the topics, and there was nothing Si Fan wanted to see at all.

Fortunately, Si Fan can read the previous topics.

Gradually, I seem to see a lot of useful things.

After all...everything has been done, there must be traces.

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