The entire pipeline is hidden in the heating pipeline of the thermal power plant, and it was ready when the pipeline was just laid. The sewage pipe had already been buried in the middle of the steam pipeline in the first phase. At that time, there was no one in the whole area, so they must have been the first to construct it.

This pipeline was originally only hoped to be used by myself in the future or when opening a medium-sized processing plant.

Anyway, the price is about the same as the sewage outlet that is directly punched down.

This pipe is buried together with the heating pipe.

Today, his factory has not been opened, but the annual sewage discharge fee of this sewage pipe is no less profitable than that of a small and medium-sized factory, so there is no need to worry about it.

But he was also the first to retreat.

He was afraid. He was profitable without sewage pipes. Unlike several other enterprises, the cost of sewage discharge is a huge expense. He is not. For him, the cost of sewage discharge is actually not much.

Looking at Zhang Qingfeng carefully, he didn't open his mouth until the end.

With Zhang Qingfeng taking the lead, the others remained silent, that is, they continued to bite the bullet by default. Even if they couldn't make airplanes or use the services covered by the Skynet Group, it didn't matter, and they made money.

It is impossible for them to rectify. There are only so many profits in the market. It will be difficult for them to stare at the top and desperately want to raise wages.

How much life is not difficult, no one has it easy.

They were discussing, Si Fan's car had arrived at the long-polluted Green River, the river was surging, and the water and grass were lush under the rush, but no strange rocks were found, only pebbles everywhere.

But this river is afraid to go down, the riverside is okay, whoever goes down in the middle of the river will die, from the bank you can see a huge sand mining plant built here, all sand, no matter it is high-quality Still inferior, all mined out.

Their guide, a truck driver of the Skynet Group, an old Jianyang man, introduced Si Fan and the others here.

Of course, he didn't know the big leader Si Fan. What he knew was that Si Fan and Jiang Yilong were a manager and deputy manager of the headquarters.

A very simple introduction, he is a big man, but not particularly big, the manager of Skynet Group has 800 before.

Si Fan and Jiang Yilong followed the guide Liu Ning to check the water quality near here. There are still a lot of aquatic plants in the water, and occasionally there are a few fish, and there are several waves of people fishing by the river.

However, there are fixed fishing positions for fishing, and fishing is not allowed in other places.

The local government also built beautiful fishing pavilions for them, which are free of charge, allowing them to enjoy the fun of fishing, and the number of fishing pavilions ensures that they have places to fish without letting fish in the river Fished out.

The most important thing is that small fish are not allowed to be caught at all. If they are caught, they must be put back, otherwise they will be fined 3,000 yuan.

Now no one is going to take risks, most of them are for entertainment and leisure, and the second is for this fish.

There are a lot of people fishing now, Si Fan enjoys watching them fishing very much, and there are many people standing behind watching and waiting.

Their fishing tackle can be said to be very complete, and they are well prepared with various fishing rods and their own bait.

They fished and chatted together.

Si Fan walked over and watched them fish.

These are two relatively young fishing friends who like to communicate more.

"Dude, do you often fish here? Can I fish with you?" Si Fan went down and had a good time with that man.

This person is about thirty years old, with a little Mediterranean head and a little fat, but it is not particularly obvious.

It looks like the type that is particularly easy to get along with.

He looked at the fishing position, and then at the old brother in front.

"Brother, when my brother comes home to cook at night, let's come together. Anyway, I am also a novice, and I can chat with multiple people." He said to Si Fan.

At this time, Si Fan was able to cut into the topic.

"Brother, we came to Jianyang to play together. I heard that there is a place for fishing. Just now I saw that there seemed to be a fishing pavilion downstream. Why didn't anyone go there?" Take out a pack of cigarettes, pull out one and pass it over.

Not particularly expensive cigarettes, only a dozen dollars, just right for making friends.

This buddy took it, and then asked Jiang Yilong to light it, took a good breath, and then said: "Actually, this is all related to the terrain of Jianyang. Jianyang is high in the north and low in the south, high in the west and low in the east. This green river runs from the northwest Coming in the same direction, straight into the sea, our road, the location you mentioned, is already close to the sea."

"Actually, it's still the Green River. Only when the tide is high, the sea water backflows. This place happens to be the place where it is flooded. It's probably because there is too much salt in the seawater, so the fish can't go there. Anyway, it is said that there will never be fish caught there. Yes. There are no fish in the sea anyway." He explained the principle here to Si Fan with the simplest knowledge.

There is sea water flowing backwards, and fish are afraid of sea water.

This is all he knows, but Si Fan doesn't believe it.

"After the sea water is poured back, when the tide is low and the sea water is gone, can the fish still go? I'll try it." Si Fan motioned to the people behind him, someone had already filled a bottle of water with a bottle.

Of course, it doesn't really matter, it's just a bottle of water, no one cares.

They just continued to enjoy the fun of fishing.

The young man tried to persuade him several times, but in the end he failed.

They are gone.

The fishing uncle below smiled: "If they want to try it, let them try it. Anyway, they can't catch it. The sea is the sewer sewage outlet, and the fish are simply smoked away."

The two of them now have a new topic, the smell of the seaside in the whole city. They talked a lot, as if they became the mayor or the planner, and they put the sewage outlet somewhere.

Si Fan and the others got the answer they wanted, so they went up, Jiang Yilong whispered beside him.

"There is a problem with the sea water. The backflow of sea water will not make the fish unable to survive. After the high tide, the fish will leave, and the low tide will come back, but now the fish has not come back."

Nodding his head, Si Fan instructed in a low voice: "That's the reason. If there are no chemicals in the seawater, then there will be ghosts. The sewage is all in the seawater."

"But look at that sea. It's the Yellow Sea. It's a sea of ​​muddy water. You can't see the bottom. The water is not clean or clear. It's easy to fish in troubled waters, not to mention it's near the city's sewage pipes. .” Si Fan and the others have now found their target.

But where exactly.

do not know yet.

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