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After appeasing the workers, Si Fan came out from the main entrance. This time should be the time for Xu Zeyang to show his abilities. He has to face countless reporters and publicize this matter.

Only in this way can he keep his position. After all, such a big event happened in Jianyang City, if he didn't act, everything would be ruined.

Going outside, Xu Zeyang was at his best at this time. He stood among the crowd of reporters and loudly scolded those enterprises that illegally discharged pollutants, publicizing the consequences of these people's actions.

It's not that he doesn't know, he knows it all too well, it's just that this is a layer of window paper, and no one has ever dared to pierce it. Whoever pierce it will be unlucky, and will always be on the opposite side of most vested interests. Just be slapped by them.

Then you are doomed.

But it's different now, he has Si Fan as his backing, all problems are no longer a problem, and he can face them with ease.

If you want to do things, you always have to be different from others. If you are all the same, you will be out of everyone.

Since it is impossible to go forward with the current, then only the upstream is left.

"Industrial waste water enters rivers, lakes, seas, and groundwater layers, and the harm is very huge. If the coking plant continues to discharge, there will be only one result. All animals and plants will become extinct and become a dead city, and the pollution will continue. , This is the Jedi, the polluting companies we caught this time are all heavy polluting companies, and they discharged directly into the ocean without any sewage treatment."

He just said a few words, and the reporters were already startled.

They remembered some of the previous reports, and there were countless topics in an instant.

The reporters below opened their eyes wide and wanted to know more news.

One of the reporters immediately raised his hand.

Seeing this reporter, Xu Zeyang just wanted to interact with him. He stretched out his hand and said, "Sir, do you have any questions?"

The reporter below saw that Xu Zeyang wanted to reply, so he hurriedly asked: "We have several beach projects in Jianyang City that have failed. It is said that the discharge of urban sewage polluted the water. I would like to ask you, about these, is there any such thing?" The reason for the illegal emission enterprise?"

he asked.

This question is his specialty,

He knows it all too well. .

"Pollution is actually divided into two types, one is eutrophic pollution, and the other is toxic. In fact, the urban wastewater discharge should be eutrophic. Don't think that the water surface is full of algae and plankton, which means the natural environment is good. Well, eutrophic pollution is a large number of plankton and algae breeding, causing a large number of other fish and other organisms to die, and the nature of our beach is different, we have already been looking for the reason, and we have found the culprit this time. "

He spoke according to his own expectations.

Anyway, it is almost certain that their buoys have reached the ocean.

"And our beach in Jianyang is actually infested by toxic substances. All living things are poisoned. Even if people go in, they will be infringed by toxic substances. This kind of substance cannot be cleaned up even in a few years. It can be said to be a scourge. Too bad, unfortunately, we found out a bit late, we are sorry everyone!" He bowed to everyone on the spot.

This is very sincere.

"This time we will definitely clean up all the toxic factories in Jianyang City, and I believe that since Mr. Si Fan has come to our Jianyang City, he will definitely protect our city." How could Si Fan's Xu Zeyang not trick him.

This is a rich man. If sewage treatment plants and garbage treatment plants are built here, they can provide sewage treatment for these factories, and they don’t need to import equipment for each factory themselves, just pay treatment fees. .

Many small factories were cut off before and they were forced to leave. If there is a sewage treatment plant, they can definitely pay taxes for Jianyang Luminescence.

"Mr. Si Fan, Mr. Si Fan, you must lend a helping hand to the environment of our Jianyang City." He just stared at Si Fan.

With this plant, the environment of the city skyrocketed.

When he went on a field trip, he had been to a city with a sewage treatment plant, which really treated the sewage on a large scale, and the treated water could be used directly for drinking.

Although the cost of building a sewage treatment plant is really too high.

Well, he can't afford to build it at all, and even Jianyang City may not be willing to pay for this investment. The worst thing is that this is just the cost of introduction, and the real profit generated by the sewage treatment plant is not theirs.

So they never had a chance.

Now Xu Zeyang just wants to be an empty-handed white wolf and ask Si Fan to promise a set of equipment.

That's what I said directly.

What kind of face do you need at this time, as long as something is coming, let alone this face, no one from top to bottom will think that he is ashamed, and will only stick out his thumb.

However, is Si Fan a fool? He is not, but this sewage treatment is obviously a very big business. It is easy to earn hundreds of millions a year. This kind of business can be done. The price of a sewage treatment plant is indeed not low, but... If it is imported, then You can have land without money!

Si Fan doesn't care about that much. The 3.5 billion funds will be given to the land without money. It's very simple.

He stepped forward at this time and promised in front of the media: "Our Skynet Group will consider construction, but we need to negotiate on the details, and try our best to make Jianyang reach the filtering level of our factory. As long as all the conditions are met, we will build immediately .”

Si Fan threw the same bomb back again.

The conditions are met, this is the most important thing, he is not a philanthropist.

Xu Zeyang is not a stunned young man, he can easily understand what is behind this sentence, it is nothing more than conditional, as long as he can get to the negotiating table, he can talk about anything.

As for the conditions that Si Fan wants, in certain circumstances, it must be negotiable.

He knew that the Skynet Group would open their mouths, and they were ready to cut their flesh.

Moreover, this matter requires the support of the provincial government, and only in this way can some special requests be granted.

Moreover, the heads of all departments in the city must be tied to the chariot, so that this can be done.

Unity is strength.

Reporters also began to write about these things quickly, and they were already looking forward to more news.

Si Fan's promise is released, as long as the conditions are met, it must be built.

Now it is up to the local officials to compromise.

The problem is back, it is very simple, and it is also very tricky.

This matter is just the beginning, and no one will continue to extend it, but the processing and exposure of these factories are still going on.

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