Walking in such a city always feels like entering a future city. When Si Fan puts the theme of the future city in Shanghai, it will definitely be imitated by others.

What New York is building now is a city a hundred years from now.

They must be based on a century-old cause, and a cosmopolitan city cannot be eliminated by the times.

So every detail here is very, very delicate.

A delivery robot on the side of the road can be picked out, Si Fan is also very tired, this thing spends most of the time in the dark tunnel, delivery, their speed is very fast, in the delivery room Time is very stable.

Definitely not too many problems.

There is only one thing, his appearance is not enough, Zhao Jianjia complained about it.

Helpless, Si Fan looked at this exquisite city, and suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with it.

"Okay, you're right, I'll fill out a report in the afternoon meeting." Si Fan said.

Now, Zhao Jianjia laughed along with him.

"Hehehe, you are really serious. In fact, you can do whatever you want. When the residents here live in, they will always upgrade slowly." She enjoyed the feeling of walking here with Si Fan.

There was no one on the street, and this place belonged to them. Usually, the two of them try not to appear on the street. They are already public figures, and it is normal for people to recognize them.

After several years of dormancy, Si Fan now has to let himself show himself in front of the public, which can be regarded as a meeting. It is not easy for him to hide now.

The two cherish the present time very much.

This street is a normal living area, and all the messy shops and clothes shops are gone. All the shops are related to food, and each shop specializes in food.

Commodities and other things are all gathered in a fixed store area. The direction of the street is mainly gourmet stores, and if you want to buy clothes or something, it is actually very easy to go to a large shopping mall.

There are a lot of shopping malls here. Compared with the tens of billions of investment in the construction of shopping malls in previous cities, the construction of shopping malls is much cheaper now. After all, their land is cheap, and the construction funds will be paid by the Skynet Group. When the cost is reduced to a very low level, it has become very low.

Plus Skynet Group's own ability to manufacture production materials.

The cost of production plummeted, and Zhao Jianjia and I passed countless shops. These shops have already completed the exterior decoration, and the interior needs to be customized, so now they are all in the air. As long as the supply and activation of the signs outside are fully automatic, the electricity will not be used. It is the power supply system of Skynet Group.

As long as the software is set, any signboard can be displayed.

The entire street is just a huge assembled signboard.

Everything seems to be hidden, and of course the physical signboard can be chosen by oneself.

Moreover, this signboard is not a whole panel, but a combination of many small display screens, and you can set the screen by yourself.

Now that Si Fan is walking here, the signs on the street are all black.

So what they are showing now is the image behind the screen, the beige buildings are completely integrated with the whole house.

It's almost impossible to tell it's a display,

Just treat it as a glass.

Complete laser imaging technology.

Passing this street, you will arrive near the subway station here.

This subway station is very huge, not like an ordinary station, everyone goes in and waits for the subway. Near the subway station is a huge O-shaped building, the central location is the subway station, and this is surrounded by huge shopping malls.

You can buy everything you want here, you don't even need to carry it with your hands, you can shop casually.

As long as you buy something, it will be delivered to your home by express as soon as possible.

Si Fan and Zhao Jianjia walked to the shopping mall in the subway.

This shopping mall is no longer the mall with people in the past. It is fully automated and self-service shopping.

You can enter here at will.

"This is Bieber Station. That kid invested all the remaining money here, and then went through several rounds of financing." Si Fan pointed to the huge subway station in front of him and said.

Shopping malls at subway stations can be built at will, but if you have a look at the construction costs of the subway, everyone needs to pay for it. They have integrated large shopping malls and supermarkets in the subway station.

The two came in from the outside, and after passing through a detection gate, Si Fan and Zhao Jianjia each swiped with their own cards.

"There should be no problem with the popularization of city passes now." Si Fan said, it is an electronic card pass that is being implemented throughout the United States. Just swipe it to prove your identity.

When you swipe your card, your facial image is recorded at the same time, and then the computer compares it.

This is the only way to get in. Because it is often used, it can be updated at any time, and there will be no excessive changes in facial features.

This allows them to be easily accessed, and if injured, they can be accessed directly with a fingerprint.

Anyway, it is very convenient.

Just entering it, the walking elevator of the airport is directly in front of it. Entering here, you can walk directly to the subway station inside very easily.

This is a subway station after all, you won't waste your time here.

But Si Fan and the others didn't go to take the subway, not to mention that the subway is not yet open.

The two of them turned directly to the left from the side passage.

Immediately, the eyes suddenly opened up, the middle area is completely open-air, and you can feel the beauty of the sky.

"Let's go to the creative product store to have a look, there doesn't seem to be much shortage of other things." Si Fan said to Zhao Jianjia who was beside him.

She just nodded silently, looking like a charming little woman at this time.

After passing two intersections, follow the elevator and go straight to the seventh floor.

These floors are very high, and the seventh floor is equivalent to more than ten floors of ordinary houses.

On the elevator, you can see the advertisements around here and the shops that are open one by one.

These stores already have products on display and are already open for business. As for why it is so fast.

Because tomorrow this area will officially meet with everyone, and the houses and shops in this area will officially start selling.

In other words, this is a new urban area in New York, and even the price of each house is subject to auction.

If people want to buy a house, it is actually quite difficult. After all, this is the United States, and this is New York, not to mention a perfectly revived United States.

Coming up from the elevator, as soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw a huge Iron Man in front of him, his eyes were shining brightly.

"Dear sir and miss, welcome to the most intelligent floor. The seventh floor of Xinchuang."

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