"Ahhh!" The first yawn in the morning, some Xiao Aojiao who was disturbed last night, did not open his eyes, just stretched like this.

The fatigue all over his body was swept away, and a new day began. He opened his eyes and looked at the balcony next to him, and whispered: "Good morning!"

After a sound, the balcony curtains slowly opened, and melodious music sounded from the speakers behind him. It was Haydn's Symphony No. 94 in G Major·Surprise.

The melodious symphony made me feel no mood to lie down in the morning.

If the problem of this lazy bed is stuck, it will be terminally ill, and it will be impossible to get up normally. When it gets up, it is estimated that the whole morning will be useless. Now a symphony will wake up the whole day refreshed.

After a good night's sleep, the taste in my mouth was not very good. I woke up with a yawn and went straight to the bathroom. The saliva would not be swallowed. Who knows how many bacteria there are.

The morning's confusion and last night's toss made Si Fan a little uncomfortable, and he couldn't recover his energy, and his head was buzzing.

"What's the matter, I'm groggy early in the morning, isn't it?" Si Fan asked himself, as if he didn't sleep much all night.

How can this be. He went to bed very early.

Carefully recalling what happened in the end, this time seems to recall some memories.

"What the hell did I say last night? How do I remember that I seem to have completed two tasks, and then I lost them?" Si Fan was very confused, he didn't know what happened yesterday, But there is still an impression in my mind, as if something important happened yesterday.

However, he fell asleep and didn't care at all.

It’s only now that I realize that yesterday, I really should have felt something was wrong.

Well, just yesterday, when I was in a daze, someone seemed to say something to me, about the task.

At this time, he turned his head suddenly and saw the things on the ground.

"Hold the grass, as expected, a systematic task has been completed, and it's still a double-yolk egg!"

Needless to say, I was surprised, Si Fan didn't know how to describe his current mood.

There is really only one sentence that can describe it.

"Red Empress, what exactly happened to me yesterday, and why I feel like I have completed so many tasks." Si Fan asked the Red Empress.

The figure of the Red Queen reappeared in the system, but now the Red Queen seemed a lot more arrogant, sitting on the wide sofa, looking up at Si Fan, the red wine in front of her was slowly shaking automatically, and the decanter There is still half a bottle exuding a tempting smell.

Looking at this configuration, Si Fan has nothing to say at all, this is getting more and more enjoyable.

Tasting the red wine in front of the red queen, after a long time, she said quietly.

"Did you just find out? You have all the rewards in your room, and the tasks in your system have been updated. Don't you know how to take a look?"

Red Queen's voice is still very nice and magnetic.

It just seemed a little more delicate than before.

After being reminded, Si Fan was still foaming from brushing his teeth, so he didn't care to check his system directly.

This inspection, suddenly surprised to find. Two very important main quests are gone.

"One is the mission of Modu, and the other is the mission of Atlantis. They have been completed, but they have a characteristic. The soldiers rewarded by this system are gone. Atlantis has Poseidon, the sea god. But what about Shanghai? There seems to be nothing."

Si Fan, who was a little depressed, didn't bother to ask the Red Queen anymore. He already knew that the Red Queen was just a manager, not the main body of the system.

But the Red Queen gave him the answer at this time.

"If you want to know the reason, you should quickly look at the new tasks of the system. It may not be updated yet, but the basic name should be fine." Red Queen reminded.

Si Fan checked the system, the interface of this system is still so sci-fi, it doesn't look like the system in the novel, there are loopholes everywhere, the protagonist can go to the sky by digging system loopholes all day long.

My own system, not to mention the loopholes, this system is not fully functional, it is almost a disabled system.

Now, he actually created a new mission for himself with incomplete information.

"I'll fuck him." Si Fanna looked at the interface displayed by the system, and wanted to complain, what the hell is this, and what is displayed.

The system task fragments are incomplete, please add task fragments as soon as possible.

This can’t see anything, but, but you can see the task information.

The ultimate mission! Lunar ambitions.

That's right, the mission says it's the ultimate mission, that is, the top mission, but it's actually the ambition of the moon, what the hell is this.

I can't understand it at all, does this mean to build a station on the moon?

If you want to go to the moon, it's very simple, as long as the United States cooperates with launching a rocket, you will go up by yourself.

The pit is here. If you want to bring Terminator when you go up, it is not so easy to bring. It is not bad to bring a dozen Terminator at a time, but it is very difficult to bring twenty or thirty.

The only thing he can do.

That is, if you go to the moon first, then you will really bid farewell to the earth and start working as a pioneer.

What's more, there are not many humans on the moon to play with him.

All these are pits.

So, let’s put this task later, unless the large-scale manned spaceship is powerful enough to allow large-scale immigration, Si Fan will never do this task.

A real man would never do something that was decided, but the pre-tasks can be done, anyway, it doesn't matter.

The only difference now is the city of Uranus, or it can be regarded as a volcanic city.

They are one city.

"In this case, let's rebuild in Uranus, and let Jixia Academy start the research and development of manned spaceflight technology, which is not bad." Si Fan decided to take a two-pronged approach. Live on the moon.

This requires a constant temperature system, an air system, a gravity system, and a water circulation system. There are a lot of various needs, and Si Fan is looking forward to getting them together before the age of eighty.

It's a pity, we still have to wait, hopelessly waiting.

It is simply too difficult to get these things out, unless the system comes out with black technology.

However, the task is not there yet.

He wanted to see what the system could do.

Just when he was about to complete this task, Anthony had quietly returned to his own territory at this time, watching more than 100 tons of materials being transported to his own territory, feeling extremely distressed.

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