Dark and tattered.

This is what you can feel when you just entered the city.

No, this is just a town, even worse than a town. A road has become a street, and no one dares to occupy it. This is the asset of the Skynet Group. Here, the Skynet Group is God and the main road. Two urban areas are formed on the side, because the main road in the middle does not support frequent crossings, and there is no so-called pedestrian crossing in the middle, which divides this place into two worlds. There is only a small supply station not far away, here It can be docked.

At the supply station, there are a series of functional facilities such as serious speed bumps, parking lots, and gas stations.

A spacious underground passage leads directly to the opposite.

This is the only way for people in two small villages and towns.

They rely on such a road to maintain the two halves of the town.

The road in the middle uses a new load-bearing structure in this section, and the load-bearing structure provided below is enough to support large mining trucks.

It's perfectly adequate here now.

This road is very reliable.

Si Fan and the others parked their cars at this rest stop, directly in the official parking lot, and then everyone got off.

After getting off the car, what I saw was a fiery red world. The volcano in the distance was still erupting a lot of flames. There were only three or four sealed volcanoes, which had turned into metal volcanoes. A lot of heat was accumulated, and then along the way Enter the buffer zone along the fixed tunnel, and then go to the huge furnace at the foot of the mountain together.

This is a very large melting furnace. It is not used for smelting. Although it also has a smelting chamber with this function, it is more used to provide energy and power.

Heat itself is power. The volcano is constantly emitting the power of flames. He passes it to this huge furnace, where it becomes heat energy to provide continuous heat to the forging room. The lava is separated in the upper layer, and the magma will be Cooling and processing, and then made into very useful things, they will be broken down and become materials.

This is the decomposition plan of the entire volcano.

The cities on the ground serve this purpose. From their point of view, this city seems to be an industrial city, full of dirty industries, and pollution is everywhere.

This volcano is the biggest culprit.

But Si Fan looked at these volcanoes, and he knew that this place would not be like this forever. The erupting magma would be tamed by humans sooner or later, and the largest volcano in the world might become the largest source of power in the world.

This is a very remarkable furnace, the level of human smelting may not be able to reach this temperature, only the power of nature can do it.

The largest volcano here is destined to belong to smelting, but the other volcanoes are all forging volcanoes, they are all functional, and now they are constantly building, constantly re-imposing confinement for this volcano.

Only in this way can the volcano be used.

Si Fan is working hard, really, really hard, trying his best.

"See? The volcanoes here will be tamed sooner or later, and they will become a symbol of safety."

They were still watching, but at this time a voice came from the side: "Hello, my name is Vivienne, I thought of it here, may I ask you to come here for tourism or to settle down, if you want to visit, I can be your guide , $5,000 a day."

A very beautiful woman came over, and she asked Si Fana and the others with a smile.

This is really very considerate, making it seem impossible to refuse this woman.

Si Fan and the others are hardly an exception. Although they are the masters here, the construction of this town really has nothing to do with him.

"Well, we are really curious, but there is nothing here, how do you survive." Si Fan said.

Vivienne answered frankly.

"In fact, we are mainly entrusted. Every bit of cultivation here will be rewarded. All the land obtained will be sold to rich people at a high price, and this place itself is also productive. You may not believe it. Occasionally in these volcanoes It can erupt gold." She said mysteriously.

The voice was a little quieter.

But Si Fan could hear it clearly, this was for him, the reason why he said it in a low voice was to have a sense of mystery.

Si Fan was really curious by what she said.

There is also a gold eruption, why didn't I find it.

But it is estimated that if there is gold, Skynet Group doesn't care too much. If there is gold, it will be put away. If there is too much gold, it will not let him enter the market. Only by staying hungry can the price of gold be maintained.

If a large amount of gold really enters the market, then gold is not gold anymore.

After all, the value of gold is more endowed by humans.

He also knows the story of exhausting the river to catch fish.

"Well, if it's true, you're going to get rich." Si Fan said in admiration.

Vivienne was very happy, she pointed to the small town behind her.

"The life of our people here is not bad. There are new things and better food every day. It's just that the environment here is relatively poor. Most of the time, it's better not to run around. Although the air purification of Skynet Group is very timely, but During the peak eruption period every day, it is best not to come out, and wait a while before coming out." She reminded.

Then look at the watch.

"It's only ten minutes away, let's take a break from the competition." She said and led Si Fan and the others to the town.

At this time, Si Fan also saw a lot of guides on the street. They all had signs and put them there for you to find. Only Vivian came to the door on her own initiative.

Si Fan was a little curious.

"I saw their prices just now. It seems that you can be a guide for 500 US dollars a day. You charge 5,000 US dollars. I think there must be a reason?" Si Fan said.

There is no shortage of guys in this world who will rip people off if they don't have anything, but there are also high prices that are worth the money.

Expensive does not mean the best, nor does it mean low cost performance.

She smiled: "I will not take you to the hotels they recommend, nor will I take you to try those bad restaurants, nor will I take you near the volcano and leave you behind."

With just a few simple words, Si Fan understood.

Maybe her services are only $500, but her conscience is worth $4500.

That's right, there's nothing wrong with this place, conscience is very useful at this time.

"Okay, I hope we have a pleasant journey, show us this small town first." Si Fan pointed to the small town ahead.

They are now in the southern area, separated from the other half.

Vivienne introduced: "It's time for afternoon tea now. I recommend you to come to the South District because the food here is the best."

"At least in Sunset Town."

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