Hell City, this place where you can’t even see the shadow of a city, is full of volcanoes, and there is flowing magma in the middle of the mountains. It is a headache to look at. Surrounded by mountains and rivers, no one can survive there. In this place, people wearing heavy chemical-like protective suits can almost be regarded as climbing the mountain like flying over the walls.

They carried a one-meter-long pickaxe in their hands, which was not as useful as usual, but at least they had tools, and a pocket on their backs contained seeds.

This kind of seed is precious. Before planting, there is GPS satellite positioning inside, so you can know the location of the seed at any time. After planting, you also need to bury the GPS positioning device on the seed.

This needs to punch down the seeds who have seen it.

Not only the pickaxe to loosen the soil, everyone also brought a Luoyang shovel for the final digging.

Zhao Shugen is also a member of this team. He is climbing on the mountain with the rope hanging from his waist hanging from the top. It is different from farming as usual, but at least it can be a little better.

The environment here is even more dangerous. There are rivers of magma everywhere. If you fall into it, you will die. Planting is carried out on cliffs. In many places, there are no roads at all. They need to climb rocks and plant on them.

This is very difficult.

As good farmers, it is obviously very difficult for them to find a way to plant these seeds by themselves.

Zhao Shugen took out a box of seeds, looking at it for a long time, he was a little confused.

Does this thing look like a little seed? More like gems or something.

Now that I put it in my hand like this, my mind is tangled, whether I believe it or not.

"Let's plant this thing, is this a seed? It can't be a stone, it's more expensive than gold, and no one is allowed to break it or lose it." He didn't want to say the last thing. The amount of compensation.

He was afraid that his heart would hurt.

Climbing to the top of the cliff on the mountain, he began to quickly dig the ground with the pickaxe in his hand.

This is a stone formed from volcanic magma. If you want to dig it into gravel, it is very fatal. You just need to hold a pickaxe with both hands and go up!

It is said to be the ground, but it is not wide at all.

It is about three or four meters wide.

If it is narrow, it is not narrow. The IQ of this cliff is only a few tens of square meters.

The ground is not particularly flat.

"One day, I guess all of it has to be spent on it." Zhao Shugen complained in a low voice. When he arrived here, he put away the spare oxygen cylinder and found a corner close to the wall to prevent everything from being destroyed after the landslide.

It's okay to bury it in, as long as there is a location, they can dig it out, fearing that the thing will be smashed directly.

That's it.

After Zhao Shugen finished putting away the oxygen tank, he put the oxygen tank away properly. His two spare oxygen and the respirator he carried with him were all guaranteed to be ready for use at any time.

This is his capital, as long as he can use it, he can guarantee that he can survive.

"I hope it can be planted successfully. I will give you ten thousand dollars if you live a plant. My goodness, it is enough to succeed one a year, not to mention that you will be so old this time." He squatted there and took his cigarette I came out and looked at it carefully, but I couldn't suck it.

He has heard and received this simple training, that if the air in this place is sucked, people will die. Everyone has to wear an air purification device so that they can barely breathe, and when doing hard work, they also need to open the oxygen valve to ensure sufficient oxygen.

The more refined it is, the easier it is to use.

It is enough to open the oxygen valve until you can barely breathe, and rely more on filtered oxygen, and you can even control your own breathing.

He didn't take oxygen for a long time, so he only opened it for a while.

In about a minute, the body recovered, and the dizziness, brain swelling, and purple lips have gradually improved.

"Okay, let's start working!" He closed the oxygen valve, and then started working with a pickaxe.

"Ding ding!" Hitting the ground again and again, the efficiency of the work is not good when using a pickaxe manually, and the ground is not soft soil, it is all volcanic rock.

It is said that the pickaxes made of rare alloys have GPS positioning on them to ensure that they will not be lost.

Anyway, the price is very terrible.

He picked it up and started digging hard on the ground.

After a few strokes, the stone on the ground was finally broken.

The stones on the ground seem to be full of holes. After hitting it, it seems that a hot knife has cut into the butter. It is very smooth, but it also receives a lot of resistance. After a few hits, it is broken into stones piece.

Looking at such a stone, he was bitter.

"Well, it's just as I guessed, I can't start the work directly, and I have to smash it after digging." He was about to cry, for the reward of 10,000 US dollars for planting this.

Everything is worth it, and the difficulties encountered are worth the price.

If it can be planted casually, then it is nonsense.

On such land, all the gravel he dug up was piled up next to it, and there was a large iron bucket on the ground.

This was put down in advance together just now, and this thing is the equipment he will use later.

After getting a lot of ore, he collected basalt, which is full of holes, and threw it into it.

Then he pedaled vigorously on a pedal on the machine next to him.

It's like a bicycle.

Most of this strength is the strength of the body's own weight, and it also started to shake the machine very quickly.

There was a sound of clattering, and after a while, a pile of stone powder was scattered below.

This is the equipment of each of them, and making the ground arable is what has to be done.

After kicking wildly, the stone chips flew and floated in the air.

It also fell outside, and there were fine stone chips on the ground, and a large pile was piled up on the ground.

More of them all fell into the big pit just dug.

The pit was just over one meter deep, and it took a lot of effort to dig it down and fill it in, but it was necessary to do so in order for this strange plant to grow.

It is suitable for living in a high-temperature environment, but cannot survive on hard rocks, and can only survive in finely divided volcanic ash.

Such a wonderful plant really broke my heart.

This is not enough, it has to be close to the magma, and it can grow slowly in a high temperature environment.

There are still dozens of such demanding requirements, so they are arranged here to be planted by hand.

Zhao Shugen didn't know this, he just knew that it was enough to do it.

And firmly implemented. Dig out a large hole in the ground, then plant it, and then bury it in the corner with a locator around it.

This is his place.

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