Uranus' final piece of the puzzle, Hell City.

Now it seems that the flames are burning, and groups of flames are rising in the sky, and this flame seems to be the symbol of this place.

The city is still the same city, but it has a different flavor. The flame is the most beautiful color, burning continuously in the city. I just came from the bridge. The suspension bridge that looks very ordinary does not give people any impression, but just now I came in , I saw two burning dragons.

That's right, it looks like a constantly leaping fire dragon. These two dragons hover on both sides and wrap around the two pillars. It looks like two beautiful watches, which is very spectacular.

The fire dragon is a real fire dragon, and the rising flame inside is constantly burning. It is the flame from the depths of the volcano, which is somewhat different from the one seen in everyday life, because it is not so bright, and the color of the flame tends to be transparent, more like platinum .

The temperature of the flame is obviously already very high. Probably need about 1400 degrees.

Such a high temperature is enough for smelting, it is just a decoration here.

The flame inside is completely blocked by the transparent glass, and the flame cannot burn the glass, and the temperature cannot be felt from the outside, and only two fire dragons can be seen rising continuously.

The car slowed down slightly as it approached the two totem poles, allowing them to carefully watch the fire dragon inside.

"This is the temperature of the flames in the center of the earth. Even in Hell City, the temperature is more than a thousand degrees, which is very hot." Si Fan's voice sounded in their car.

It was only then that they realized that this was Si Fan's territory, and even though he was walking along the same way, they already knew this place well.

Going forward, you can gradually see the appearance of the city. There are no particularly high-rise buildings here, which are somewhat different from those described in future science fiction novels. Most of them are about six or seven dark red buildings, some of which look like ancient witches. old castle.

Si Fan's car is a bit out of place in such a city, and the roads are mostly bluestone slabs.

"The city is not very big, and we rely on walking more often, and there are not many modern facilities. It is an extra special permission for us to come in and drive this time." Si Fan introduced to everyone.

Gradually, people will be able to see the city. There are flames everywhere. The roadside lights don't shine during the day, but they are still on now.

The difference from other cities is that the lights of other cities are turned on at night, while the lights of Hell City are only turned off during the day.

Because the lighting of the whole city uses the heat from the center of the earth.

"This is really a crazy city." Entering the city, one can gradually see a daunting place, every inch of land has a little bit of place that relies on this huge core of magma strength.

The core of the city is the huge pipes. The power of the volcano is violent, but in this city, it is as docile as a cat, and they can be found everywhere.

The car passed by on the road, and people looked at the scenery outside. In this city, there are very few places to live, and there are more huge factories one by one. The red walls and white factory buildings line the road. On both sides of the street, the living area can also be seen. Among the commercial streets, there are residences interspersed.

Their car went straight to the industrial area.

The industrial power of the city is developed to the point of suffocation. When you see the factory, the first feeling is high-end.

The second feeling is hopelessness.

Many companies are desperate. What they have to face is no longer an ordinary factory, but a huge manufacturing machine.

The convoy stopped in front of the biggest red high-rise building, which might be the only tall building, with a height of more than a dozen floors, which looked like huge puff pastry, stacked on top of each other, with small windows one after another Not the kind of floor-to-ceiling windows that people like in life, but glass everywhere and a good view.

The car stopped and the people got off first. Si Fan opened the car door and stood outside the building looking at the factory.

"This is the world's first low-gravity dust-free and efficient workshop." Si Fan introduced to the people present.

After they got out of the car, they had carefully observed the factory and found nothing special, but when Si Fan introduced them, they were shocked, really shocked.

"Are you sure, the condition of weak gravity can be achieved here?" Duke Lawrence asked first. He was different from others in that he knew more things and had his own mechanical company.

Special elites are ultra-efficient electronic chips.

The products produced are all high-end products, which are generally used in large-scale equipment or commercial equipment.

And one of the key points involved is.

During the manufacturing process, the earth has a gravitational force, which itself has an effect on the workpiece.

If it is in a gravity-free environment, a lot of accuracy will actually be a killer.

"The first company to enter here is Dade Metal Rare Metal Company, and their main product will be alloys that are completely and evenly mixed." Si Fan introduced.

There was admiration from the crowd.

People want to make alloys that are completely uniformly mixed, but under the action of gravity, it is impossible for different elements to mix very uniformly.

Scientists have long produced a highly uniform mixed aluminum-zinc alloy under the gravity-free conditions of spacecraft. Its light weight and high strength characteristics make it an ideal material for manufacturing aircraft and rockets.

But this is just an ideal material. They cannot be produced on a large scale in a cosmic environment.

Now, this condition has been removed.

The so-called weak gravity should still have gravity, but the improvement must be very obvious.

"If you are interested, you can invest. We welcome the world's top enterprises and national military enterprises to settle in. Large-size, defect-free single crystals can be produced here."

"It can also produce extremely high-purity materials; separate difficult-to-separate substances, and can even be formed into a perfect circle."

"You can even open a hospital to treat intractable diseases."

Si Fan's introduction has no integrity and no bottom line. Everyone is welcome to invest, but only the top companies are welcome.

To put it bluntly, the rental price of this factory is probably sky-high. Besides, there are many disgusting demands.

Even so, many people are beginning to move around.

"To what level can your so-called weak gravity be reduced, and to what effect can it be achieved?" Someone finally asked.

This problem is the most important.

Si Fan didn't think about it.

"The so-called weak gravity is almost equivalent to the gravity in the universe away from the earth. No amount of gravity can be eliminated."

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