The bugs are all gone, the terminators are gone, and even the fighters who are closer are dead. The coverage area of ​​the explosion is as large as ten kilometers in diameter, and the scope of a small city has become barren, with nothing .

Nothing is as if it never existed.

In an instant, hundreds of players were cleared.

The battlefield seemed to be so quiet for a second.

After that, Si Fan saw the missile behind him.

appearing again.

It was beyond Si Fan's expectation that the worm would kill all his troops. Now the battlefield is in a mess, and a huge hole has been dug on the ground. The worm is gone, but the human army is also gone.

At this second, it seems to be very clean.

But under the pit, Si Fan has already seen some surging figures, these are bugs.

They are coming out again.

Again, straight out of the pit.

If the bugs just now were going to rush out slowly, there is still a huge channel now.

Such an environment is very scary. In fact, all the bugs just rushed out suddenly, that was massacre.

Modern thermal weapons have a pretty standard cutoff.

Unlike ancient soldiers, they fight differently.

The combat power of modern hot weapons has a saturated number. Before this saturated number, the casualties will actually be much smaller, especially when facing enemies with cold weapons.

But when this saturation number is broken and it enters a real hand-to-hand combat, hot weapons are a burden, and they will eventually collapse, and they will collapse very quickly.

That is the story of the strongest shield and the sharpest spear in the legend.

At this second, many bugs suddenly spewed out.

The insects like a flood are dazzling.

"This!" The commander next to Si Fan didn't know how to describe it anymore, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

When facing a devastating enemy.

At this moment, the cloud bomb landed.

In Si Fan's eyes, it seems that there is an extra huge and incomparable sun.

Although the cloud bomb uses countless small ones, the effect produced when a colleague explodes is still very terrifying.

The instant heat evaporated everything.

Everything in front of him evaporated, and a large amount of oxygen began to inject here.

The previous release of cloud bombs had to take into account the local oxygen content. This is a fuel bomb, and there are only places with sufficient oxygen in all directions.

When it burned, all the bugs went crazy, as if this was a way of burning that the bugs couldn't understand, and they wanted to find the exit crazily.

Then Sivana saw their appearance.

These bugs seem to be ejecting large amounts of oxygen from their bodies.

It seems to want to use oxygen to disperse the surrounding flames.

Everything in front of me seems to have completely changed,

The flames turned orange and then began to turn gold.

Such a flame temperature is already very high.

But Si Fan could tell that these bugs didn't have a lot of water, and it seemed to be another way of living in the bug's body.

In the flames, their forms changed, one by one seemed to become transparent.


With a sound of "Poof!", a praying mantis-like insect exploded, and all the carapaces on its body began to dissolve.

Only then did Si Fan see that the insects seemed to be unable to come out, and the flames began to flow in along the hole.

As soon as the bugs die, they spew out a lot of oxygen, which attracts the flames in.

After all, fuel needs oxygen.

As long as it explodes, there will be flames rushing in.

Pervasive, attracting all the fuel to enter again.

This attack is a saturation attack, and the fuel has a lot of redundancy.

In this environment, oxygen will burn quickly.

Form a large number of burning areas, and then go directly to the cave below.

Si Fan asked the commander next to him.

"Did you expect to have the result now?"

The commander was in a daze: "I never thought it would be like this, what is the situation."

He didn't know, anyway, the war was going on, and there were too many dead bugs.

At this time, we can see what kind of composition these cracked ground are.

If it was ordinary sand, there should be crystals everywhere on the ground, but now it is not. It seems that all the dust on the ground has turned into another kind of finer dust, and then scattered again.

There will be no crystallization at all. At this time, life seems to have no direction, because all they see is death.

There is nothing worthy of praise for a complete death.

This disgusting dust has no nutrition at all.

Because of this, the ground seemed to have little support, and quickly collapsed, exposing the world below.

Many undestroyed underground caves appeared, followed by the fastest destruction. No one could have imagined when the flames became so powerful, they instantly penetrated into the caves, and then began to spread.

The speed of the flame spread beyond your imagination, spread in an instant, and then penetrated the entire underground, forming a huge flame spreading zone.

Si Fan just watched the flames burning and the bugs roaring helplessly.

Gradually, a larger underground world emerged.

The sand and rocks collapsed, and the ground shattered to reveal huge potholes. I watched hundreds of thousands of bugs in the caves densely packed in the honeycomb and continuously surged out, and then were swallowed by the flames.

He watched the flame gradually go out.

"Throw in all the cloud bombs, all the factories in the world are working overtime, I'll buy it!" Si Fan seemed to be crazy, as long as there is a way to deal with the bugs at this time, he will execute it quickly.

The bugs must be driven out. What is the situation? There are so many bugs without resources. Are there hundreds of thousands, millions, or tens of millions of bugs, densely packed like a beehive in the underground, making people feel uncomfortable? Scalp tingling.

No one could have imagined Si Fan's current mood, it was mixed feelings.

His hands were trembling with anger.

Looking at the bugs below, he gritted his teeth and used all the resources.

As long as he can kill them, Si Fan is willing to use all the resources, not to mention some money.

Cloud bombs can be bought with money, which means they are just fuel bombs. More fuel, forming a large area of ​​high temperature.

It's easy, just drop it in.

With Si Fan's words, the commander around him didn't care about anything, and the cloud bombs were thrown in at a constant speed, and then the logistics side urged frantically.

More than three million small cloud bombs are thrown as if they don't need money, and hundreds of them are thrown.

This is throwing money in units of 100 million.

In this way, it is just the basic operation.

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