Alpha One, this is Si Fan's surprise. In the eyes of the other party, this thing that he just got may be relatively backward, but here, it is already exaggerated.

For Si Fan's current state, he needs a lot of things, but there may not be many really useful things. The other party will not give things in war, and what they give must be for civilian use.

That's why Si Fan was a little apprehensive. The first mission reward he got was right in front of him. He wanted to see it. If he paid cash, it would be more than 100 billion. If he didn't get enough income for this figure, he would be in a big loss.

After getting the reward, he was already worrying about how to get it done.

Right now, this is the obtained Alpha One. This thing is a prototype, it looks very strange, it is a square box.

A few people standing nearby looked at this thing curiously. Haman approached and tapped lightly with his hand.

This is really afraid of knocking it, because it seems to him that this thing is a little pocket-sized.

This is true, there are displayed operation interfaces on it, but these interfaces are all very short, about one meter in height, and it looks very pitted.

A light touch has no effect, and other people dare not touch it too much.

To them, this thing is high technology, even the prince can't afford it, after all, it's the first time they got something from aliens.

Even Si Fan never wanted to touch directly.

In the void, the figure of the Red Queen appeared.

"Red Empress, what is this thing for?" Si Fan asked.

At this time, the red queen seemed to be in much better physical condition, at least able to walk around.

When he saw this machine, he looked at Si Fan in surprise.

"Si Fan, where did you get your advanced civilization machine?" The Red Queen was really surprised. When he didn't see Si Fan, he felt that what they got was just some ordinary machines. But when you see this machine, you know it's completely different.

Si Fan was also confused, what kind of civilization advancement machine is nonsense, what does civilization advancement do.

Confused, civilization can be advanced?

On this question, the Red Queen looked at Si Fan strangely.

And Si Fan is also watching the red queen carefully.

"Don't tell me where I got it, just tell me how to use it."

He is still quite impatient, and must thoroughly study the new arrivals.

And the red queen's answer was crazy.

"This thing will change the world. You have to make sure you use it first, and then let others pay for you. You don't need anything to use this thing, but its cost is amazing, and there is no market for it. A low-level civilization If you want to upgrade, you almost have to sell most of your planet's resources to successfully upgrade."

The simple answer of the Red Queen is simply poison. It makes Si Fan feel suffocated and changes the whole world. What an exaggeration.

Let the world enter a new era.

Si Fan looked at the machine and his eyes lit up on the spot.

The few people around him didn't know what Si Fan was doing.

"Quickly, inform all the propaganda departments that I want to live broadcast the whole world simultaneously, so tell them that Si Fan wants to change the world." Si Fan shouted loudly.

There are still staff on standby at a farther place, and they hurriedly conveyed the order.

After the publicity spread, it spread quickly. Si Fan was still relatively mysterious in front of the public. He did very few things.

Now suddenly, it still attracted a lot of people.

At this time, all the media around the world were suddenly purchased by the Skynet Group for all broadcast rights for today, and all game companies, publicity channels, and entertainment channels were all stopped.

For such a day, it seemed as if it had stopped running suddenly.

In Ancheng, China, in a very ordinary room, the couple had just finished eating and were waiting to watch TV.

Just find a TV series and watch it for a few hours, that's all.

Kill the time and enjoy your time.

And at this moment, the screen suddenly changed color, and Si Fan's figure appeared.

The man frowned.

"What's the matter?" He quickly changed the channel.

But after changing seven or eight channels, he completely collapsed.

"Honey, let's play games, I can't watch TV anymore." He was really going crazy.

But when I turned my head, I found that my wife had already surfed the Internet with her mobile phone, but when I opened the usual APP, it still showed this person, and he was still standing there.

"Hold the grass, is there a virus in our house?" He was crazy.

What's happening here.

At this moment, his wife seemed to have discovered something.

"It doesn't seem to be poisoned. It seems that the Skynet Group has bought all the media time forcibly. They want to broadcast something that affects the entire earth."

The man turned his head angrily, but didn't speak again.

He wants to see what affects the whole world.

At this time, the people on the TV moved.

Well, it's Si Fan.

"I'm here today, but I actually want to tell you one thing, an important thing. It also starts a very important era." Si Fan played.

Not only the audience was confused, but the leaders of those countries were also confused.

Si Fan directly informed them which one to choose between 100 billion and one-day broadcasting rights.

Of course, the right to broadcast was chosen, not to mention that the Skynet Group did not spend money.

But I didn't expect it to be Si Fan's live broadcast.

Even those who play games will be harassed, even on those domestic software, as long as you keep going online, all software will pop up windows at this time, and then continue to play.

It's just disgusting at home.

But everyone was forced to look at this picture.

On the screen, Si Fan gradually walked towards the machine next to him.

A machine that is not tall and not particularly large.

"My fellow citizens, brothers and sisters of the Earth, today I will start a new era, an era of Earth Technology 2.0."

"Maybe you are curious about what it means to start a new era. In fact, it is like primitive people discovering fire and using the power of flame, it is like inventing the steam engine to rapidly improve the technology of the entire era."

"If you observe carefully, you will find that the development of these things has evolved in just one or two hundred years, maybe even decades. Is that the emergence of a genius?"

After repeated questioning, some people's nerves were shaken.

"No, what everyone doesn't know is that this world has levels and limitations that need to be broken through."

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