The spacecraft is still landing, and the target is the surface of the moon. Unlike the earth, the gravity of the moon is much smaller, and the size of the planet is also much smaller. There is no buffer on the surface of the entire planet. Si Fan does not feel very good in the spaceship .

"We are preparing to land, and we will hit the impact in 3 minutes. Let's resist the impact first. The environment of the moon has been scanned, and it is very complicated." The answer given by the Red Queen to Si Fan was quite terrifying.

He wasn't in the mood to think too much, he was impacting, it was very exciting at this time, there wasn't so much air in space, it was easier to deal with it, when he rushed into the sky of the moon, he started to increase the speed of the impact The temperature has risen, but Si Fan can't feel it at all at this time. It can even be said that the temperature isolation function of the entire spaceship is not very good at this time.

There is no life in it, including Si Fan.

If you can see Si Fan's appearance, you will find that Si Fan here is a Terminator with a full body of metal. He has no skin at all, unlike the Red Queen, who specially arranged bionic skin on her body, but Si Fan It's different, he is a man, a pure man, and Si Fan is still somewhat repelled by spending extra money to get a skin, but looking at the appearance of the red queen, Si Fan already has calculations in his mind.

"The future Terminator can open up some ports so that those guys can play with it." Si Fan thought to himself.

The current terminators are all the same as the assembly line, none of them have their own characteristics, just like the standard army.

This is the initial construction, and that's how they are needed, but the subsequent equipment upgrades have already begun to warm up.

The game has begun to be upgraded, and the training system allows them to modify themselves.

The whole era is progressing, and personalization can still be pursued by everyone after all.

The space shuttle is constantly descending, and their aircraft is not ready to be recovered at all. This is a trip that never returns, so the space shuttle is more like a large iron shell, and there is not much power in it for the time being. They Actions in the air are all controlled by the air.

There is no Roche limit when entering the moon. After all, he is just a satellite and does not have such a strong gravitational force.

Accelerating gradually, the friction without air is even more terrifying.

Because the speed is constantly accelerating, but there is no resistance, the light in front of him is even brighter, without the help of resistance, the speed will soon be close to the speed of sound.

Fortunately, the moon's gravitational force is not very strong,

The planet is also small.

During the acceleration, the entire spacecraft plunged into a crater on the moon.

There was no fire, dust splashed, a large amount of cosmic dust was ejected, and stones splashed everywhere.

In the spaceship, there was a moment of shaking, and then returned to calm.

"Release the safety rope, turn on the self-construction system of the base, and start building the defensive base." Si Fan gave the order on the spot.

The huge spaceship on the periphery suddenly started to move, collapsing directly at the door of the lowest cabin.

With a sound of "Bang!", the door flew out, it didn't open at all, and then terminators jumped out one by one from the inside. These terminators looked very reliable, and they were all constructive terminators.

After rushing out, the first thing to do is to start dismantling the spacecraft.

That's right, absolutely right, the first thing they did was to disassemble the spacecraft, which is a basic thing.

Everything is in the spaceship.

There are a total of 72 terminators, which is the largest carrying capacity and the most terminators that Si Fan can bring.

I don't know why the bugs only developed on the back side of the moon. They didn't invade the front side of the earth, and they were still hiding themselves.

"Bang!" The door was roughly pushed open by Si Fan, and Si Fan walked out.

Like other terminators, they all look exactly the same, so Si Fan jumped out and stood on the ground of the moon.

This is a huge crater with a depth of several kilometers deep. No one has ever understood it. This kind of crater on the moon is different from the earth. There are things on the moon that humans cannot understand at all.

All the craters are not particularly deep, and it is impossible for human beings, because the moon has suffered countless impacts for hundreds of millions of years, but there has never been a particularly deep crater, which is unscientific.

In human exploration, the secrets inside have not been revealed yet. Now that Si Fan came down and looked at this planet, he kept looking up at the continuously extending ground all around.

It's really interesting. As a result of this huge pit, there are relatively smooth rock walls all around, and the quality is still good, which can be used as a foundation.

"When we arrive at the scheduled location, all the terminators have already started to act, and we should also start calling the terminators." Si Fan said to the red queen.

At this time, the production workshop of the Red Queen has actually followed Si Fan's Terminator and the Red Queen to the moon.

"Are you sure you want to recruit one million terminators? All the materials have been purchased in the universe, and you can start manufacturing now." The red queen walked out with a voluptuous figure, she was really a voluptuous beauty with a figure It has reached the limit of human aesthetics.

Slender waist, buttocks, breast enlargement, and beauty are almost to the extreme. They can be called works of art, and I don't know how the red queen made them.

Walking out now, she doesn't need to breathe at all, and she doesn't need some troublesome things. After all, his core is the terminator after all, but this body should waste a lot of her thoughts.

"The Terminator has begun to manufacture, and the temporary ore decomposition center has also begun to be built. If there are insufficient resources in the universe, the ore smelting center has begun to be purchased in other civilizations. The delivery address is here." Si Fan said, all these things are handed over Red to operate later.

After Si Fan finished speaking, the entire base has already started preliminary construction. The most important thing is the giant ore decomposition center in the middle, which is the earth's garbage treatment plant. It's just that the garbage processing plant on the moon only processes ore.

"Now everything depends on waiting, and then, get ready to fight the bugs." Si Fan's heart was already very urgent.

At this time, the images being detected on the satellite made Si Fan tremble with fear, and there were countless astronomical telescopes on the earth observing the moon.

All telescopes are used to detect the movement of the moon.

"Si Fan, according to the information received, a large number of bugs are already approaching our temporary base, but they seem to be abnormal, you'd better take a look." The Red Queen reminded Si Fan.

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