The battle situation seems to have fallen into endless struggle from the very first second, fighting with bugs all the time, the players nearby have been fighting for seven or eight hours, even if it is a virtual game with seven or eight After the hour of adrenaline secretion, their spirits are already very exhausted.

Not to mention that the usual battles have clear goals, but today, the battle is protracted and there is never any support. They are just themselves, they are just a group of soldiers.

On the battlefield, everyone is doing their best, and everyone is trying their best to kill bugs. This is a consistent way of fighting.

In the end, even if it is death, they will not hesitate. At this point in their fighting, there is really nothing to say, just keep going.

It's just that people's nerves will be very tired after a series of battles that may take tens of minutes. Using this kind of virtual technology to trick them into playing games to reduce the load on their nerves is still limited, and it is now close to their limit. The limit is reached.

Challenging high difficulty in the game itself is to use the potential of the human body. If it explodes now, I don't know to what extent it can explode.

On the contrary, Si Fan looked at the time of the battle and silently watched everyone's state.

"Si Fan, the players' battle has lasted for eight hours. Do you want to start the next reward plan?" The Red Queen did not know when she would appear in front of Si Fan.

On the battlefield, the distance of a few kilometers has already been advanced. This range is already the limit. The limit of the range of the bugs, if you push it further, the density of the terminators will be dispersed, and the attack angle of the bugs will be wider. More bugs could be invested.

Si Fan absolutely does not allow it, so it is good to keep the front line within this range. During the battle, human beings are constantly testing this protection range, and let all the terminators enter a low-loss state, and then let these virtual worlds The players are actively participating in the battle, and they can fully fit the attack range. They can't be too loose. More importantly, they need to capture the spoils. After several hours of fighting, the entire front has become a floating front.

"Let's call him the tidal front." Si Fan gave this front a name, and this ever-fluctuating front deserves the name.

Constantly surging tides, constantly advancing, constantly retreating.

In the middle is a fast-moving logistics force, bringing back all the corpses of the bugs in the middle. In the constant charge, the front line continues to advance, and then all the corpses of the bugs are brought back, and when shrinking, the speed must be accelerated to complete the fast switch.

Here's what they're exercising,

When retreating, almost everyone chose to jump, and used a lot of gas jets carried.

This is their choice, retreat in the air, and cover from below. As long as the bug dares to jump up, the speed of his descent will never be faster than the Terminator. The reason is of course the famous principle of Galileo's two iron balls , their weight does not determine the speed of the fall, so the Terminator can choose to flee, or even use the air jet behind it to accelerate.

But worms don’t have this function. Under the condition of the same gravity of the moon, they also remove the air resistance and other influences, so they are very pure and can’t catch up at all.

Human jets are very useful.

Quickly get out of the way of the battlefield, and then fight again.

This is their strategy, and the jet is only useful when retreating. If it is attacking, it will not be fun to enter the swarm of bugs. The bugs will let you know why they became the overlords in the universe.

But Si Fan knows that these bugs are only at a very elementary stage, they are far from the complete bugs faced by other races in the universe, if there are levels, such bugs are at best at the first or second level.

"The order is issued." Si Fan issued the order.

Skynet World, a game world, the game with the same name as the game world, is the biggest game in this game world, and also the game played by the most people, with super high fidelity, the gathering of global masters, and recognition from all countries in the world Operational technology evaluation, let them enjoy the world more.

As long as you are a master here, you will be respected in the real world, awarded a military rank, and accepted by them into various teams.

This makes many people choose to enter the game. Their identities in the game can even be accepted by their parents and neighbors. The strong in the game also have identities in reality, and it also makes traditional people accept this choice.

Even in Huaxia's blind date, if you have a good status in the Skynet world and are officially recognized in reality, that is also a decisive condition for breaking through the woman's parents.

The game has become an accepted thing, it's that simple.

Therefore, there are many extra people in the game world, especially the Skynet world, where there are a large number of masters in the world, with billions of people, and they all live in the game.

Things at work have also become very simple. The concentration and utilization of a large number of educational resources has allowed more teachers to become a large platform and more people to receive a good education. The globalization of work has occupied a large number of jobs, and also Thanks to Skynet world diversion.

Splitting the world in two almost doubles the access to resources for human work.

It’s just that today’s game world is not peaceful. The interstellar battlefield with the largest number of people is gone. The invasion of insects has been forcibly stopped. People are watching the big screen in the sky in their respective cities. Everyone can also use it. Personal device viewing.

There is no usual battleship, take off the heavy armor, and put the mecha that dominates the universe in the deepest layer of its warehouse for maintenance.

And they only pay attention to one thing, the battle in the air, the top 10,000 Xeons in the World Global Mech Individual Challenge, participating in the final event.

They're all paying attention, and they're all waiting to see what the rewards are.

"Brother, when will the competition above end? Can we participate? The rewards this time must be extraordinary." Standing and looking at the sky was a man with a huge figure and strong eyes, his eyes were like tigers and wolves.

And beside him, there is also a similar man, but his age can be much older.

"Yan Meng, don't mess up your seniority, kid. We used to call each other brother and brother when you were here, but now you call me brother." This guy glared at Yan Meng.

But Yan Meng didn't care at all.

"Brother Old Gun, calling you uncle will call you old, just call you brother, just wait, it's today, we can officially join the army." There was a killing intent in his eyes.

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