The battlefield in the universe is still going on, and the life on the earth is still so ordinary. People's life is like a reincarnation, even if they experience war, they must continue in the reincarnation.

However, on Earth, things are a little bit different.

At this time, Jixia Xuegong Super Laboratory No. 2.

The cosmic battle fortress laboratory exclusive to Jixia Academy is intensively conducting research on the next state.

"Terminator, the complete machine form is incomparable, but our earth has its own culture. On the moon, the Autobots seem to be able to do it." He got off the huge robot with a bit of teasing.

In his twenties, he is less youthful, more mature, and full of confidence. Looking at the robot in front of him, he is not to mention how happy he is.

"Zhang Xiaofan, have you tested it? We Autobots need to go to war. For this reason, I bought the copyright of the Bumblebee's appearance." It was another experimenter who spoke. Unlike Zhang Xiaofan, he was a standard blond American.

"Jim, you damn lunatic, get out of my laboratory quickly, your robot is completely made according to the animation, please use your brain, why the war machine must be like a human being." Zhang Xiaofan was already a little helpless.

Not sullen, because to Jim, a fan of Super Transformers, it is somewhat inexplicable, the form of the robot should not be limited, only the mecha controlled by humans needs to be like this.

Because humans have their own operating habits, they need to make the mecha look like a human for easy manipulation.

Robots that fight automatically are supposed to be non-human.

As for soldiers in human form, they really need to be mechas, but they need to be redesignated.

Like some cheating "I'll assemble the head." This kind of cheating setting is simply very cheating.

What is the purpose of assembling the head? Do you have to play iron head skills?

In Zhang Xiaofan's mind, the head is more like a collection of all human sensory facilities, computing processors and sensory equipment, most of the organs for observation are here.

And for soldiers, it's actually the same. Such a mecha should be, because the head is the best place to see after all. He has a point.

Like Transformers, this thing can be made,

But not the most favorable facility for fighting.

One of his most basic conditions was not met.

He cannot fight in a cosmic environment. All equipment is still limited to gunpowder attacks, their lethality is too poor.

Just based on the collision with human flesh and blood.

So, in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, forget about such a Transformer.

"Zhang Xiaofan, your robot is even weirder. What is this, a big iron ball?" Jim stood here, looking at the huge robot made by Zhang Xiaofan.

"No, this is a real Autobot. His function will disrupt the formation after a simple transformation, and the metal body and powerful disruptive properties can ensure that the bug's attack will be disrupted."

He pointed at the giant robot.

Looking at it, it looks like a large push cart, except that there is a huge meteor hammer on it, which is just sandwiched in the center of the cart.

It looks like a huge monster, but in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, this is the most suitable for fighting.

"Strange." In Jim's eyes, looking at Zhang Xiaofan's design is unacceptable, it is simply too unaesthetic. In the undistorted state, this is a huge truck with a big iron ball, and the design drawing next to it From above, he can see that the iron ball will be thrown up in the design, and the body will become a fulcrum.

The iron ball is flying on the battlefield and cannot be controlled. When it falls, the car itself will become a fulcrum nailed to the ground, helping the iron ball to turn and accelerate, and then thrown out.

This is completely an uncontrollable device, once it is put into the battlefield, it cannot be recovered again.

All the power is the power provided when the iron ball is carried forward for the first time.

In the end, if the power is completely consumed, the iron ball will become the center instead, and the car will be retracted, and then the whole body will turn over and carry the iron ball to attack again.

This strange attack method is unacceptable, but after looking at it, I know that this is the way of fighting in the universe.

Jim looked at it for a long time, and then looked at the formula that Zhang Xiaofan was calculating.

"The difficulty for you now is to calculate the length of the swinging arm. This is simply impossible. You have been wrong since the beginning of your calculation. Your car cannot swing due to its own weight."

He kept looking at Zhang Xiaofan's experiment, and finally found the last problem, which is the paradox.

This data is completely untenable. If the weight of the iron ball is too small to produce strong lethality, then the swing design of the vehicle is meaningless.

And if you want to make this swing meaningful, you can't achieve perfect acceleration when accelerating.

Power does not work as expected.

Standing here, Jim was also a little distressed, and finally shook his head.

"I can't help it. If you really want to find a breakthrough, then go to the boss. He can always buy equipment and technology from alien planets that the earth does not have. Maybe he can solve your distress."

"However, I think that if you really can't fix it, you should find a way to put the impact on others and let the bug fix it for you." Jim proposed an idea.

It was all he could think of.

Zhang Xiaofan thought carefully

At this moment, suddenly the indicator light in the laboratory turned red.

"Warning, a new type of Zerg sample has been found, please check it as soon as possible. This Zerg has a strong combat effectiveness and proposes a new type of combat weapon design goal." All laboratories received the warning.

And the scientific researchers who received the warning were the first to check the news they got.

At this moment, in front of them, what appeared?

In front of them, a huge monster that looked like a cockroach or a beetle appeared in front of them.

All are holographic scans, with each reference point marked out, but there is no dissection picture.

Apparently, no samples have been obtained on the battlefield.

And on the battlefield.

The situation is indeed like this, to be exact, this bug is even more terrifying.

"Emergency alarm, emergency alarm, all combat groups gather immediately, and high-level Zerg appears."

For a moment, the siren echoed in everyone's ears, but there was no sound in the base.

Without the transmission of air, there is no way for sound to propagate. The laws of survival in the universe are always different from those on the earth.

However, this battle to let humans understand the universe has obviously just begun.

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