The rocket in the air is very unrestrained with flames. When it slowly rises, it loses the supplement of oxygen and cannot burn in an instant.

But it doesn't matter, just rush out.

This burst of rocket ejection caused the spacecraft to leave the surface of the planet, and then went straight to the earth, and the subsequent acceleration did not stop.

After leaving the moon, it will go straight to the earth at the fastest speed.

As for the time of landing on the earth, it still needs to be calculated.

On the battlefield of the moon, everything began to slowly continue into a tug of war.

It seems that the damage of the huge armored bug this time has a great deterrent effect on them, and they will not attack for a while.

Earth, the home of Sivan in the Caribbean. It is still a quiet and peaceful family. Someone has already cleaned the room clean. This is the best time of the day. The sun is shining brightly, the wind blows into the room, and the wind chimes are rippling. Under the sunlight, it forms a magnificent pattern.

The spring water is ding-dong, and a gurgling stream on the rockery winds down, and falls straight from a small waterfall at the corner.

The water splashed everywhere, making the room a little more humid.

The temperature is right, and the sunlight sends warmth, keeping the humidity in the room in a very comfortable environment.

"Wow." Si Fan pushed open the door of the room and walked in with a bit of fatigue.

His eyes are full of tiredness. Fighting on the moon is definitely not as easy as playing a game. Fighting for several hours is certainly mentally tense.

But this super battle royale is also very exhausting. I don't know how to survive at all. It's simply super performance

At this time, Si Fan was a little terrified when he recalled it.

It is acceptable if the Terminator hangs up, but if the equipment is taken away by bugs.

That would be a pain.

After all, it was purchased with a lot of money, and it was still used for testing. It will be used for absolute cutting-edge combat power in the future.

"Hey, you have to be careful in the future." Si Fan yawned and was a little tired, and a short battle would really drain his mind.

Walking into the room, she wobbled on the sofa, not wanting to move.

The rockets in the air are traveling a full distance of 300,000 kilometers in the universe. If the speed of the fastest spaceship on the earth is used, the distance will only take five hours.

But this is obviously not so easy to calculate. The spacecraft needs to leave the orbit of the moon, and this flight needs to advance along the orbit of the earth. The approximate time is more than 50 hours.

During this return process, the real spaceship itself provides very little propulsion, and more follows the gravity of the planet, slowly cutting into the earth and then rushing in at the last moment.

The process is very routine, the rocket just flies.

Si Fan also gradually relaxed.

But at this moment, suddenly, a reminder appeared in front of Si Fan's eyes.

"Host, after systematic investigation, the United States launched satellite N7625 in earth orbit in 2002 and detected an unidentified aircraft on the back of the moon, which is rapidly approaching the earth. According to system calculations, its target is a homing spacecraft, and the speed of the moon is 20,000 per hour. Kilometers, the flight speed is extremely fast, please prepare a plan."

This is the hint from the Red Queen, it is a simple hint, but it is very dangerous.

There are aircraft on the back of the moon to kill the rocket.

They are not afraid that the rocket will touch the moon, but they are afraid that the rocket will return with the things on the moon.

It makes one wonder why.

It will take two days for the rocket to approach the earth gradually, and the time to be intercepted will be very early.

Gradually, Si Fan frowned deeply.

"Queen Red, mobilize more satellites to keep an eye on this thing for me, and see if there is any plan to kill him."

The shape of the worm's aircraft in front of him gradually appeared in front of Si Fan's eyes. It was a giant jellyfish-like worm, not very huge, like dust in the universe,

According to the distance measurement of the Red Queen, it has a diameter of five meters, a body length of 12 meters, and a lot of tentacles. The flying speed is already amazing, and the flying speed in the universe is really very fast.

However, it is still much worse than the highest speed of human aircraft.

"Calculate for me when he will approach the earth." Si Fan was also very angry. Is it easy to bring back such a small thing by himself?

It would be nice if you could sell it and buy it back later.

But it’s completely impossible. If you sell something, you won’t be able to find it. All Zerg-related resources are very popular. They belong to the series that will be bought as soon as they are displayed, but if you want to set a sky-high price and increase the price, that’s nonexistent.

Because whoever made the rules doesn't seem to let the price of bugs go up.

From Si Fan's point of view, this is very easy to understand. They are afraid that someone will raise Zerg, and they are afraid that people will raise tigers.

In this way, referring to some actions of Great Britain on the earth, we can know that their solution to Procambarus clarkii is to kill them, but prohibiting the common people from eating these things is because they are afraid that people will breed them on a large scale when they generate profit value.

The danger is really too great. Although one link of the biological chain has been supplemented by humans, the ecological environment they invaded cannot be guaranteed, and the local fish have no living space at all.

That's the hazard, they can all see these things.

So it has already been eliminated.

And now the creators of the universe may be looking at this law to prevent such a situation from happening.

The set benchmark value should be a very stable data, which can balance the demand and give you the idea of ​​selling without feeling cheated.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, cannon fodder like praying mantis can't be sold in the universe, but meat balls can be sold for some money.

Talk is better than nothing, the tools to make money are not cheap.

Si Fan also had no choice.

Everything seems so disgusting.

Putting all these things aside for the time being, Si Fan focused all his attention on the direction of the big jellyfish that intercepted the opponent.

According to Si Fan's understanding of bugs, they are absolutely confident in intercepting this thing. This jellyfish-like bug must also be very valuable.

Knowing it well, he was ready to continue intercepting.

At this time, Xiao Hei is needed to help. They have the most advanced technology and the most advanced rockets in the world.

Who knows what backhand they are hiding. After hundreds of years of development, several famous scientists in history are their guests. Their technological development has reached the point where it is difficult to pursue.

What's more, they also played a big universe plan, it is impossible for Si Fan not to ask them for help.

At this time, we have to see if they can recruit, if not, we have to sell blood to buy equipment or technology in the universe.

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