Squatting at the door, Si Fan chatted with Alex in a very ordinary way. He listened to Alex's very straightforward talk about his thoughts without any reservations. Everything was spoken freely, and there were no such conspiracies in his world. Ruse, everything is very straightforward.

His world only has his own ideas, only those things that he wants to appear.

It's the ones I dreamed of, robots, that kind of super robots.

He will even design dozens of different models to prove that he only has a set of Lego toys at the door. This toy largely simulates the standard room of modern machinery and can be regarded as a set of modern mechanical modules. , such modules allow him to assemble his favorite mechs.

But he was obviously dissatisfied. The robot in front of him couldn't keep his balance, and he couldn't really walk like a human.

Si Fan just watched this young man playing Lego in a way that ordinary people can't understand, and another model was running on the laptop next to him, which was a model that imitated a human being, but not exactly a human being.

There are many places on his body that are not equivalent to humans, for example, his chest is thicker than humans, and there is a half tail behind his buttocks. The whole body is a little bent.

This model looks a little weird, but if you look closely, you will find that every detail here is crucial. Humans also have a tailbone. That position should have been a degenerated tail, and the tail of an animal is made of to balance.

He uses this bionic approach to design robots.

In other aspects, Si Fan also saw a lot of ingenuity. Human beings are a wonderful work in the animal world. Almost all animal skeletons look like works of art, but human skeletons look very weird, because evolution makes human beings Go to another fork in the road.

So in the design of this Terminator, he bionics human beings, but not a complete human shape.

Looking at these designs, Si Fan can be sure that this is his unique ingenuity, and the T800 Terminator around him now, this kind of Terminator that is almost completely bionic human beings, must have a reason for it. The balancing element must have cost more brains.

Put in more effort to get the corresponding return.

Si Fan was fascinated by watching, and the time was slowly passing by, the sun was gradually setting to the west, and the day was slowly coming to an end.

At this time, there was the sound of roaring cars outside the residence, and two cars could be seen whizzing over from a distance.

Sitting Alex looked into the distance.

"It's time to eat, I'm going to eat." He said without much emotion, and his eyes had never met Si Fan, but he still whispered: "You also stay for dinner .”

It is relatively cowardly to say this, but Si Fan can feel his greatest kindness.

"Okay." Si Fan said with a smile.

In the distance, the pickup truck was approaching quickly, arrived at the garage next to it, parked the car, and then came down from above two cowboys and a white woman who appeared to be in her forties.

The woman looked at Si Fan with a bit of guard in her eyes, and then looked at the Terminator beside Si Fan, but the guard was gone.

"Alex, is this your guest?" she said.

This woman has very good eyesight. If Si Fan was himself, she might be a bad person, and Si Fan was accompanied by a Terminator, and her huge figure showed that she was a qualified bodyguard.

The strength and power of a person with such a bodyguard must be extraordinary, and his own small ranch is very inconspicuous in the eyes of these people.

Alex nodded silently, then took the lead towards the room.

"Hi sir, I am Alex's mother and my name is Sarah. Welcome to our house. Today I have prepared fresh lamb chops. I will have lamb chops with herbs for dinner. I hope you like it." She said He welcomed Si Fan in with a smile. It seems that it is very customary for strangers to come to their ranch.

Si Fan also followed Alex into his home. His home was very tidy and everything looked in order, but Alex didn't stop here. He led Si Fan forward and turned around. In the corner, Si Fan was shocked. In front of him was a huge warehouse of about 200 square meters. This warehouse was connected to their home, but it was isolated by itself. It can be seen that it was built later. Countless metal products, all metal robot models, and some outdated machining equipment.

But it's a mess here, Si Fan didn't notice it at all, but just stacked it in such a random way, and the things on the ground are also very messy, but it can be seen that there is no rubbish in this warehouse, all of them are machines.

"Here, mine." He said so simply.

Si Fan glanced at this place, surrounded by a very simple environment, but still could not stop Si Fan from being shocked. The robot he made in front of him already looked like a robot. He was full of various parts, and there were enough parts on the robot. With all the wires and hydraulics, Alex walked over and started a robot casually.

I saw the robot's eyes light up suddenly, and then its body trembled slightly.

The hydraulic device on this body starts to activate.

And then...it stopped moving completely.

Si Fan can tell that this robot lacks enough energy. He uses a lithium battery to work. The current lithium battery can allow the car to travel more than 500 kilometers, but this kind of battery is not enough for Alex. It is an expensive luxury, so the battery he uses now is a very cheap ordinary lithium battery that is connected in parallel and then used.

Such a battery can maintain the simple movement of the robot, but when the power required is particularly large, it is already stretched.

"The robot can act when it is connected to the power supply, but it has no thinking ability and cannot guarantee stability." Alex explained.

After hearing this, Si Fan knew that this guy had solved certain problems, but there were still big problems that had not been solved. The power supply was a tricky thing, and he needed too much current.

But these alone were enough to shock Si Fan. How far does this guy want to go?

In his impression, Alex can make a simple robot, and then form a super team for research and development.

But now it is discovered that it is not that human beings cannot make it, but that the investment required for each difficulty is not proportional to the return, and those interest animals are unwilling to invest.

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