When Si Fan entered the parking lot, the small trucks opened the door one by one. There were more than a dozen different small trucks here, belonging to different types, and Si Fan saw one of them at a glance. The car is responsible for household cleaning, and by the way, I also do some work on rodent control.

So there is a huge mouse pattern on it, and the larger frame is a large scope. The meaning of this huge logo is obvious.

Si Fan rushed in directly, and behind him was a group of members of the Tesla team.

Just after he came in, Si Fan quickly took off his clothes. The clothes on his body smelled so bad. There was a large bucket prepared here. Si Fan took off his clothes and threw them into an empty bucket next to him. These equipments were considered to have completed the mission. and the bucket was filled with clean water, Si Fan hurriedly wiped his body a few times with the towel next to it soaked in water, then cleaned it with a dry towel, and changed into a set of clothes.

The clothes this time are similar to those of divers. Unlike the chemical protective suits just now, this suit has flippers and can swim in the water, allowing them to leave easily.

Si Fan quickly put on the equipment, and at this time, other vehicles were quickly started, and some vehicles had already left.

This is not something eye-catching, but a real job. At this time, it is not responsible for escorting Si Fan's vehicle to continue to perform the scheduled tasks and complete their work. However, Si Fan's car and his friends came quickly and sent their own Throw all your clothes in.

After finishing everything with ease, speed and efficiency, they pushed the bucket outside with one kick. The smell of the sewer was too strong.

After finishing all this, Si Fan and the others put on new equipment and continued to wait. After Si Fan and the others closed the rear door, the vehicle left quickly. There was a small air conditioner in the back where the things were supposed to be stored, which could temporarily adjust the temperature of the compartment. After changing the equipment, everyone looks like a diver now, and the temperature is naturally adjusted to 15 degrees, which is relatively hot because their clothes are absolutely waterproof.

Another not-so-good effect of such clothes is that the moisture on the body cannot evaporate, and sweat easily sticks to the body, which will be uncomfortable.

In the car, Si Fan turned on the computer and could see the outside environment, while the others waited silently. The Terminator's huge figure stood out from the crowd here, and the cripple was sitting next to him. He is now tied to the awesome Together, there are equipment on the body, but there is an extra safety rope.

The whole team is ready to go, and the equipment on their bodies is very sophisticated, and no one speaks when everyone sits here.

Si Fan switched the contact microphone to voice.

"Test the communication system can be used? This is the underwater communication equipment,

You can communicate within 300 meters. No one can leave this range. We need to use special props to leave. Everyone checks whether their equipment is safe. Waiting until the next escape is almost certain to be the last escape, as long as you leave, you will be successful. . "

Repeatedly exhorting, Si Fan was afraid that these guys would take him in with a convulsion.

Simply, these guys are not really stupid to that extent, a few guys around nodded, and then used the communicator to communicate.

"No problem, the communication is normal. We will secretly recruit the scheduled plan, and we will see if we can successfully reach the destination." Alex said coldly.

The guy can talk a little more now, but still has no emotion.

Si Fan has gradually gotten used to it. They sit relaxed in the car and are ready to leave at any time. In the distance, it is different. There are more than a dozen helicopters in the sky that are being closely checked, and there are professionals on the road to arrest them. Stop all vehicles leaving the city. And batches of satellites in the vicinity also started searching. They wanted to catch Si Fan and the others and find these guys.

Si Fan absolutely cannot die, and other people don't care, but there is no necessary possibility, and he still has to live.

They all know how much value these people represent. As for Si Fan, it is a series that must not be life-threatening. If Si Fan dies in the United States, they will be in trouble. Although Si Fan's company can fulfill the contract, future cooperation They don't know how many there are, and more importantly, they know that Si Fan's subordinates have a lot of violent guys.

If there is a problem, their troubles are not just what they can see.

"Humming!" The powerful helicopter's rotors began to spin rapidly and slowly landed.

"Fly One is performing a patrol mission, no target has been found for the time being, no target has been found for the time being, all exits are being monitored."

This is the pilot of the helicopter constantly reporting the results, and at this time, below him, there is a vehicle of a cleaning company advancing, and their goal is to be at the seaside.

The plane targets in the sky are mainly exits one by one, but they never know that Si Fan chose this place because there was no such passage in the drawings when it was under construction. He did not have such a passage, and the building itself should not have it Can pass through human sewage outlets.

But none of these can support the demand after the construction of the building itself is completed. So the staff asked someone to widen the sewage outlet. It is used for flood discharge during heavy rain. I don’t feel it at all. It’s okay during heavy rain, but when the storm lasts for a long time, it will be covered by rainwater. The entire parking lot, the sewage system is useless at all.

And after they re-enlarged the sewage outlet, there is no such problem.

This was done privately, and they didn't report it, so during the official search, they didn't know that it could come up here.

Si Fan's channels are very secretive. He has set in his design escape plan that everyone in this city has disappeared, only a few of them, and then how to escape.

It's relatively easy now. The car quickly approached the beach.

And those other people are constantly monitoring every underground exit, and a large number of people rushed in to search.

This efficiency... To be honest, I don't expect any results. Si Fan's arrangement is not just that simple.

When the last one of them came up, they had already plugged the camouflage plug, as if there was no such passage, unless there was a heavy rain one day, let the camouflage be washed away.

At that time, Si Fan had already run away.

So after nearly an hour, Si Fan's car finally stopped. In Si Fan's surveillance video, they saw the beach in front of them, and a road on the other side, and they were on the edge of the coastal road. In the sea, more than a dozen red balloons are floating.

What the balloon is tethered to is their undersea vehicle, the undersea jet propulsion.

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