A child, a family, was torn apart in a disaster. The little child had lost all his relatives. He tried his best to stand in front of the only relative he had left, with tears in his eyes and despair. , standing there silently.

At this moment, Si Fan was very sad. He looked at the priest and asked in a low voice, "Excuse me, can I adopt him? What are the procedures for adoption?"

The voice was very low, and the priest looked at Si Fan in a little surprise.

It never occurred to anyone that a guy this young would want to adopt this kid.

However, looking at Si Fan's skin, there are still many problems in wanting to adopt Xiao Bosuo.

This place is in a state of sorrow, the coffins that were once alive, but here I can no longer open my eyes to see the sun of the next day.

When the cold comes, there are countless people whose lives are stagnant. I don’t know how many people in the world have been killed by the cold, and how many people’s lives have become sad.

It was a refreshing summer, eating a bite of watermelon under the scorching sun, especially the iced one, would feel refreshing, but now, everything is gone.

A few hours later, in the news of several countries close to Antarctica, global cooling has become an urgent topic. Reporters from all over the world find places that need attention and then go to find materials.

Among them, the most high-profile country is Si Fan, and here is New Zealand.

Compared with the North Pole, the Antarctic is far away from the mainland, and most of the land is far away from here, so the harm caused is relatively low.

In New Zealand, one of the most beautiful countries in the world, a country with enviable welfare benefits, and a country with heinously developed fishery resources, it is already covered with snow, and the cold never hits here.

Because this is a temperate climate, it can be said that it is very suitable for life, but when the Antarctic continent became powerful, the temperature here dropped suddenly, and they saw the heavy snow in summer and felt the cold.

The temperature dropped to about twenty degrees below zero.

Compared with Ushuaia, this temperature is completely different, but for this country, it is indeed devastating.

An interview car runs across a famous town here, Queenstown.

The beautiful Queenstown has always been a famous tourist town,

Countless tourists come here especially, and people have been coming here to experience the pure town style.

But it's not so good here.

When the interview car passed by, the surrounding leisure ranch was full of grief, and a pickup truck roared past the ranch. The driver was a bearded man who was not in the mood to talk to outsiders, just driving his own car.

And in the car, there were five or six dead ponies.

The pony is very small, about one meter in size, so cute and cute.

Usually they are children's favorite playmates. After coming here, renting ponies and riding them is the children's favorite entertainment.

But now, these ponies, worth several times more than those real quarter horses, are dead, lying in the bed of the pickup truck, already frozen to death.

This kind of ponies can adapt to relatively cold temperatures, but they can't accept the sudden drop in temperature. When the temperature suddenly drops to more than 30 degrees below zero, they will be frozen to death outside. There is no chance. The mourning in the pasture They were the corpses of these animals. Most of the ranch animals used to entertain tourists died, and it was a miracle that they were still alive.

Carloads of dead bodies were collected by ranchers in grief, and then they had to be destroyed in a centralized manner.

These corpses are not edible, so even if they are destroyed, there will be an extra cost.

The interview vehicle slowly drove past the ranch, and the reporters recorded the events here. Their cameras kept collecting information, and a beautiful blonde female reporter reported on the spot.

"The liquor ranch I just passed by was once one of the most famous tourist ranches in Queenstown. Now it is affected by the cold air flow, and more than 80% of the livestock have died. The rancher refused to be interviewed. They are doing the aftermath. Whether it will continue in the future The rancher was a little depressed at the time." When the beautiful reporter was speaking, he had already tightened his clothes several times to prevent the cold wind from blowing into his clothes.

They are all wrapped up tightly now. This place was originally relatively warm, even warm all year round, but it was such a disaster that completely turned this place into a purgatory.

The car was still moving forward. In a pasture beside the road, outside was covered with white snow, and a few withered grasses could be seen abruptly below. A young man in very heavy clothes was squatting in the snow. What he was holding was a horse. The red pony, that pony is very beautiful.

Unlike a pony, this is a real pony. He is just younger. It seems that this is a gift from the rancher. In this cold snap, this pony was supposed to be walking, but it turned out to be a pony. Died on the walk.

The child was hugging the pony, crying very sadly, and the tears kept flowing. The photographer on the side took this scene. When this photo appeared in the photography competition, I don’t know how many people were heartbroken.

But for the young man, he doesn't need those people's sadness, their heartbreak, or their pity. He just wants his little pony, the one that he will die before dawn in the morning. The pony that got up to take care of, the pony he named the star of hope, the pony that went to the field in his dream to overcome all obstacles and finally became the champion, is now lying in his arms, never I can't keep my eyes open.

The children cried very sadly, but some farms were even more sad, or people in this country fell into grief, not only them, but more people lost their lives, and the cold never experienced hit this country The country brings sorrow.

A cold air current hits, some go to Ushuaia, and then head straight inland.

Others headed for New Zealand and then swept past.

The cold has become a mainstream topic in the world. The cold current rushed to the position close to the equator and finally dissipated. They haven't really destroyed the world yet.

However, the changes brought about are obvious. After this cold air flow stopped, the temperature of the countries passing by dropped sharply. Although the closer to the Antarctic continent, the greater the harm, but there are still many countries tested, and the average of their countries The temperature may drop a lot.

This is almost one of the most terrible natural disasters, much more terrifying than a one-time tsunami and other natural disasters.

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